Status: Weekly updates

Akatsuki Princess

Let The Games Begin

The next two days passed by in a blur. I semi-mastered clones and the transformation technique, spoke to Hinata about my chakra, and started learning how to really spar (though I didn’t do so well as my flight instinct would kick in and I woujld curl into a ball. Shikamaru was constantly trying to rid my of that reaction). Sasuke and Shikamaru were very helpful, using Naruto to dumb things down for me when I didn’t understand a concept. Sasuke opened his home to me for the weekend, and by the time Monday came around, we were extremely close.
On Monday, before school started, Kiba pulled me aside. “You fascinate me.” He declared. I stared at him in surprised confusion. “You do! You’re really observant, really tough, maternal, you seem to have been through awful stuff, and yet before this weekend, you didn’t even know what chakra was!”
I burst out laughing. “Kiba! I didn’t even have chakra before last week. Hinata gave it to me. She said she only released a little bit, because I couldn’t handle more than a quarter of it or something.”
“A quarter!” Kiba exclaimed. “There’s no way you’re only using a quarter of your chakra.”
“Hinata says she’s afraid to release all my chakra and that there’s still a lot trapped inside me.” I looked at the ground. “I’m sorry.” Kiba looked at me exasperated and kissed me on the forehead before leading me into the academy.
My seat was swamped by girls. I was about to sit next to Kiba when Sasuke waved me over. “Kamiko! I saved your seat!” The look on his face was clearly begging me to save him. I gave Kiba an apologetic look but he chuckled and told me to go rescue the poor guy. I made my way to the back and sat down.
My presence didn’t alleviate the situation. In fact, it seemed to make it worse. Finally, I had had enough. “Would you idiots please just shut up and leave him alone? For god’s sake, you’re so damn annoying it’s no wonder he hates you all.”
The girls looked livid and started screaming at me.
“Who do you think you are?”
“You’re nothing but a hypocrite!”
“You sit next to him every day and you’re trying to tell us to back off?”
I smirked as Iruka walked in. “Wow you are as dumb as you look. The only reason I’m always with him is because I’m his girlfriend.” I sat back and crossed my arms, satisfied that I had won the argument. Their collective gasp made me choke back a laugh.
“Prove it!” the girl’s shriek got everyone’s attention. Even Iruka looked interested.
I simply scoffed. “I don’t need to prove anything to you.”
“Fine, then that means he’s still free game.” She gestured to the other girls as Sasuke muttered, “I’m right here you know” and continued. “If you think you don’t have to prove it, we still get to clamor for his attention.”
“Fine,” I snarled. I winked at Sasuke before giving him a quick pack on the lips. Sasuke, however, kissed back, and we shared our second passionate kiss. A few of the girls began to cry, and I sensed them backing away from our desks. I was bright red as we broke apart, stunned at what just happened. Everyone was staring at Sasuke and I, and I couldn’t do anything but slump down in my seat.
I glanced around the classroom, and caught Kiba’s eye. He was staring like the rest, but the look in his eye was of hurt and confusion. After a few moments, Iruka called the class back to attention. Sasuke took this as a sign to start talking. “So…we’re dating now?”
I glared at the raven next to me. “Tch. I only said that cause they were bothering you. Again. I mean, they harass you every day. It’s got to annoy you. Hell, it annoys me!”
He chuckled softly. “Pretty passionate kiss for them to leave me alone.”
My eyes widened. “You kissed back!” I hissed.
“You let me,” was his retort. I reeled back in my seat; he was right.
Finally I shrugged nonchalantly, “I had to play along, Baka.” He rolled his eyes, disbelieving.
I was trying to pay attention to Iruka when I felt Sasuke’s hand on my thigh. I rolled my eyes and ignored it, but he began rubbing circles. I squirmed and batted his hand away causing him to smirk. I glared at him before turning back to Iruka’s lesson. I had no idea what the man was talking about. All of a sudden Sasuke’s fingers were under the hem of my shirt playing with the waistband of my pants. I gasped and smacked him upside the head.
“Kamiko, stay after school with me.” I stared at our sensei wide-eyed.
“B-but…I can’t! Why me? I…” Sasuke cut me off then
“Iruka sensei, please don’t get her in trouble. It’s my fault. Can you really blame me though? I mean that kiss…” he leaned back in his chair.
“Fine,” Iruka conceded. “Sasuke you can stay after school instead, and if you try to touch her again I’ll move you in between Ino and Sakura and let Hinata sit by your girlfriend. Do we understand each other?” Sasuke nodded somberly.
In the middle of that exchange, I noticed a spider crawling on my desk. Soon after, a beetle joined it. Within minutes, my desk was swarmed by bugs. I glanced around the room and noticed Shino staring at me. Next to him Kiba was glaring daggers. I whimpered realizing that somehow, Shino was controlling the bugs and Kiba was using him to try and scare me. I picked up the original spider and let it crawl up my arm. Immediately, the beetles disappeared. I sighed inwardly, knowing that this was only the beginning of my friends trying to find my weaknesses. Let the games begin.