Status: Weekly updates

Akatsuki Princess

McGang-Bang (Seriously, Try It)

Finally, Itachi broke the silence. “So now you know. You know everything worth knowing about me.”
I scoffed. “I highly doubt that.” Itachi looked at me, surprised. “I don’t know your favorite color. Or favorite food. I don’t know any of your pet peeves. I don’t know what you’re afraid of, or who your best friend in the Akatsuki is – although I’m guessing it’s Kisame. I don’t know what the inside of your room looks like, whether you like summer or winter better…there’s still a lot I don’t know about you. You’re quite secretive.” I grinned at him as he stared at me.
“Well, I guess one secret deserves another. I didn’t want to tell you cause, well, you scare me. But I’m dating your brother. But not really! It’s just to keep the girls away from him. And yes you did see him kiss me. He does that a lot. And technically I guess I was the one who started the whole kissing thing cause when he tutored me – by the way he tutored me last weekend and I slept over his house – I dared him to kiss me cause I thought he wouldn’t. And then in class on Monday I kissed him so the girls would leave him alone. But yeah, now I’m rambling. Please don’t be mad. I’m shutting up now.”
I stared at the water embarrassed before I heard him laugh. Not his usual cold chuckle, but a real, hearty laugh. I looked up in surprise to see him cracking up as if what I’d said was the most hilarious thing he’d ever heard. I stared at him until he started to calm down. He took a few deep breaths and looked at me. “You’ll be good for him,” he stated simply.
“No, I, You don’t understand!” I tried to get my words in order. “I’m not, we’re aren’t, it’s really not…real. Me and him…this is a thing of convenience. He can get away from his crazy fangirls and I…well I…don’t get much out of it, but hey! Free tutoring I guess? I—“
Itachi cut me off by putting his hand over my mouth. “You’re turning red. I really don’t mind that you’re with him. I like you better than the blonde and pinkette that constantly fight over him.” I raised my eyebrow at him. “What? I still keep tabs on my baby brother. I know what goes on there.”
He pulled his hand away and grabbed the toiletries we had set aside. I watched as he washed himself, contemplating the oddness of the situation. Everyone had told me him and Sasuke hated each other, but I now had to assume otherwise.
“Voyeur.” His voice pulled me out of my trance and I realized I was staring at him. I quickly looked away and heard him chuckle. I glanced to where he was almost in the middle of the large bath. “Aren’t you going to wash?” He called to me. I looked to the toiletries and let my toes brush over the drop around the perimeter of the pool.
I jumped when Itachi’s arm encircled my waist. “Don’t tell me I have to give you a bath?”
I glared at him. “I’m used to showers.” I told him. “And being alone. I’m a 12 year old girl; forgive me for being a little shy about my body.”
He grabbed the shampoo. “Whatever. If you haven’t started by the time I finish my hair I’m going to treat you like a 2 year old and bathe you.” I took the soap from him and washed up while he shampooed. I didn’t dare move from the side, and stared into the water.
Itachi smirked at me and gave me the shampoo. I put it on the side and started splashing water on my head to wet my hair. “Ok, what are you doing?” I looked up at Itachi.
“I—I don’t want to dunk my head.” I took a deep breath, waiting for his reaction. He grabbed me and pulled me out into the deeper part of the pond. As soon as he let go of me, I grabbed onto him, not wanting to fall under.
“I’ll be damned.” He murmured. “You are afraid of water aren’t you?” My answer was only to tighten my grip on his arm. He sighed and covered my mouth with his other hand. Before I knew what was happening, he dunked me quickly and pulled me back up, sputtering and whimpering.
He dragged me back to the side and lathered my hair with shampoo. After massaging it into my head for a few minutes he dragged me out and dunked me again, rubbing my head and trying to get all the soap out. I struggled against his hold to no avail, trying not to freak out and breath. After what seemed like ages he let me up and pulled me back to the side.
I streaked away from him and cowered, holding onto a rock near the side of the steaming lake. Itachi rolled his eyes and got out of the pool. After drying off, he realized I wasn’t going to move. He pulled me out of the water and wrapped me in my towel and held me close, quickly bringing me to our room.
“That wasn’t so bad was it?” He asked as he put me on the bed.
I glared at him in return. “You dunked me! I could’ve drowned! I never learned to swim and…” I stopped myself quickly.
“And what?” He prodded. I glared harder and walked into the bathroom to change. When I came out, Itachi looked at me curiously but didn’t press any further. I was grateful when he changed the subject.
“What do you want to eat?” he asked looking through the book of restaurants he found in one of the nightstands. I shrugged and sat next to him on the bed, resting my chin on his shoulder to look at the book with him. Nothing really struck me and I told him so.
“Well what are you in the mood for?” He pestered me; he obviously didn’t want to make the decision. I looked at the ground thinking. “Come on! It’s food; it’s nothing to be embarrassed about!”
I looked up and laughed. “I’m not embarrassed! Although I am a little homesick. Do you think we could find an American-ish restaurant? I know it’ll be Japaneseified, but that ok. It’ll still have the basic American foods.”
“Japa what?” was his only response.
“Japaneseified. I don’t know. In America we say that foreign food is Americanized but Japaneseized sounded weird.” He nodded slowly.
“Let me get dressed and we’ll ask the concierge.” I bounced happily. I was excited. As Itachi got dressed I fidgeted. I hadn’t realized I was hungry until he mentioned it, but now I was starving. He finally came out of the bathroom and I followed him out of our room down to the front desk.
I asked the man behind the counter about the closest American restaurants. He made a face. “The only American restaurant within 20 miles of here is a McDonald’s. I’m almost certain you don’t want to eat there. It’s basically all junk. Quick and easy, people say. It’s quite inexpensive, but that’s the only upside I see to it.”
I looked at the man for a moment before turning to Itachi. “Can we go? Please? I haven’t had Mickey D’s since—“ I stopped to think. “Well I haven’t had it in a long time. And yeah I know it’s crap but it’s still a bit of home…”
Itachi sighed. “I think your father would murder me. I’ve heard of that place. It’s worse than Ichiraku in Konoha.” I gave him my best puppy dog eyes. “But if it’ll keep you from crying let’s go!”
I squealed in utter joy and hugged the man. Itachi shrugged at the concierge and got directions to the McDonald’s. We headed out and I bounced along next to Itachi.
When we got there he ordered a simple hamburger and a soda. I on the other hand got a chocolate milkshake, a small order of fries, a double cheeseburger and a McChicken with buffalo sauce on the side.
When we sat down, I opened the cheese burger and put the McChicken inside. Then I slathered it with the buffalo sauce and squished it together. Itachi saw my odd actions. “What the hell are you doing?” He asked me, taking a sip of his soda.
“Making a McGang-Bang.” I answered simply, causing him to choke. “It’s an American thing. My best friend taught me about it.”
Itachi looked confused. “You didn’t seem to have friends.” He was quite blunt. I didn’t answer, and instead dug into my meal. I finished the sandwich in about 5 minutes flat (alarming Itachi quite a bit) and started on my fries, dipping them into the milkshake. “You’re weird.” Itachi stated. I merely shrugged.
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McGang-Bangs are seriously amazing! You should definitely try one if you haven't.