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Akatsuki Princess

Room set for a Princess

My father smiled down at me. “Would you like to see your room?” I nodded. “I’ll have Tobi bring you. I hope you like it; it’s set up for a princess.” He pressed a button on his desk. “Tobi? Come bring Kamiko to her room.”
Seconds later, a person with a swirly orange mask with only one eyehole came into the office. I smiled at him, slightly unnerved by the mask. “Tobi will show you to your room now. Tobi’s a good boy!”
I was taken aback by the childishness of this guy. My dad bent down and whispered, “Go easy on him. He’s been in an accident and got…screwed up.” I nodded. That explained the mask. I followed Tobi out of the office and down a long hallway.
Doors lined the sides of the corridor with characters depicting names on each. All of a sudden Tobi turned to a door marked “Itachi”. “Itachi! Tobi has a question for you!” Tobi’s voice rang out from underneath his mask as he opened the door. I followed him into the dark room. Not even halfway into the room, I found myself being lifted off the floor and thrown bodily back into the hallway.
“Tobi, you know not to come into my room. Get out.” The man came into the hallway. I gasped as I realized it was the same man who shoved me in the sack in the forest. I scrambled to get up and backpedaled quickly, only to crash into the wall behind me.
The man grabbed my elbows and lifted me into the air. His menacing red eyes bore into mine. “You do not come into my room without permission. Ever,” he warned ominously. He dropped me to my feet and I slid down the wall, never taking my eyes off his face. Itachi turned swiftly and glided back into his room, slamming the door shut behind him.
I looked at Tobi as he helped me up. “Tobi is sorry he got distracted. Come to your room now?” My only response was to follow the strange boy.
We walked to the room at the end of the hall, the one marked “princess”. I rolled my eyes; that’s the first thing I’m changing. I opened the door and gasped. The room truly was set up for a princess. In the middle of the huge space was a queen size canopy bed. French provincial furniture filled up the room. A big bay window with a window seat overlooked the forest outside. Two doors in the room opened up to a full bath with a Jacuzzi style bathtub, and a walk in closet with a full-length mirror inside. There were no clothes yet, but that was fine. I could always go shopping.
I went back into the bathroom to take a bath. When I finished, I walked down the hall to Tobi’s room.
“Hi. Umm, can I have one of your shirts for bed? I figure it’ll be like a nightgown.” Tobi laughed and handed me a white t-shirt. I thanked him and walked back to my room. As I expected, his shirt reached just above my knees. I flopped onto the bed with a soft thump and curled up under the covers. It was warm and soft; it comforted me like a warm hug. Within minutes, I was asleep.