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Akatsuki Princess

Sparring Day

The next day after breakfast, Kakuzu took me to school. I got there on time this time and didn’t disturb the lecture. Surprisingly, when Sasuke saw me, he called me over. “Kamiko! Come sit over here again.”
As I walked to the back of the room every girl was eyeing me with anger and jealousy. “I thought you hated me cause I was only trying to date you.” I said sarcastically as I sat down.
Sasuke blushed. “I’m sorry. That was stupid of me to assume. Forgive me.” I smiled and nodded.
Iruka called us to attention. “Ok, kids. Today we’re going to spar.” My eyes widened as everyone got up and followed Iruka out of the room. I still didn’t know anything about this chakra stuff, and I was doomed. As I trailed behind the other students, I thought back to Asher’s first words of advice.
If you’re ever forced somewhere in a big group, and you don’t feel comfortable, sneak out. You gotta do it stealthily though, don’t just walk away. Make sure you can hide behind something as soon as you’ve snaked your way outta the group.” He grabbed my arm as all of the orphans were passing a dumpster.
In two steps, we were behind it. I was ready to run, but the older boy stopped me. “Not yet, he breathed. Okay…now! But don’t run, walk slowly.” He got up and started walking, not in the opposite direction, but to the side. I followed his lead.
“Running looks suspicious,” he had told me. “Never look suspicious. You won’t get nowhere.”

I snapped out of my flashback as we neared a tree. Quietly, I slipped out of the crowd and crouched down behind the huge trunk. Almost immediately, however, I heard Master Iruka’s voice. “Kamiko, what are you doing?”
I straightened up. “Nothing, Sensai. I thought I saw something.” OK, lamest excuse in the book. I sighed. Iruka just looked at me, and I followed the unspoken command to rejoin the group.
We got to the training area. “Since you’re new, Kamiko,” Iruka seemed annoyed, “I’m not going to have you go first for trying to sneak off. However, you are going second. So pay attention. Sasuke and Shikamaru! You’re up first.”
The two boys bowed to each other, then started to fight without anymore instructions. I didn’t want to fight. I was the worst fighter ever. I thought back to my days at the orphanage.
I was nursing a black eye and sipping apple juice when Asher walked in. He shook his head in disappointment. “It wasn’t my fault!” I protested. “The other girl started it.”
“That’s not why I’m disappointed.” His cool blue eyes bore into me. “I’m disappointed because you have a look of defeat. You lost, didn’t you?” It was more of an accusation then a question. He knew the answer.
“She was bigger than me…” I defended. Asher chuckled and pulled out a chair. He sat down and looked directly into my eyes.
“Fighting,” he began, “is not about size, weight, or strength. It’s about knowhow and cunningness, and not playing fair. You, my little darling, are always going to be smaller than your opponent. It’s a fact of life. If you’re up against a guy, go for his crotch.”
“And if he covers himself?” I interrupted.
Asher glared at me. “Seduce him. Make him let his guard down, and go further than that. Make him want to kiss you.
“If it’s a girl you’re up against, well I don’t have much for you. Go for the hair; rip it out if you can. Then, when you get the chance, jump on her back. Strangle her. Cut off her oxygen and knock her out.” His eyes were bright with anger and excitement. He took my juice and finished it.

I came back to reality and watched the rest of the first fight unfold. Sasuke and Shikamaru were using techniques I’ve never seen before. My eyes widened as Sasuke breathed fire, just barely missing Shikamaru. All of a sudden Sasuke froze. He started mimicking Shikamaru like a mirror. They backed away from each other until Sasuke reached a tree. He started bashing his head on it.
“All right, that’s enough. Very good boys. Shikamaru wins this time. Next up: Ino versus Kamiko.”