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Akatsuki Princess

An Impossible Win

Iruka looked at me. “Rules are simple. There are no rules; you shouldn’t have weapons so I don’t have to worry about that. You can use any ninjutsu, genjutsu, or taijutsu you know. Kekkai genkai is allowed and encouraged. Ok fight.”
I looked at Ino, sizing her up. She was bigger than I by about 4 inches. Before I knew what happened, Ino was in my head.
What the…
“Hush go to sleep,” she was saying. “I’ll take good care of you.”
There is no way I’m letting some crazed girl into my head. Get outta me you telepathic psycho!
“Now, now. That’s no way to speak to someone who’s in complete control of you.” I felt my hand slap my face. “Awww now you’re scared.” Another slap. “And that’s for trying to be all ‘buddy buddy’ with MY Sasuke. But never mind that now. You seem confused by what’s happening right now. Let’s put your mind at ease: this is my Kekkai Genkai. I can enter people’s minds and control them.”
Not me bitch.
Then I screamed bloody murder. I felt her presence leave me and felt the scream in my throat rather than only hearing it in my head. I stopped. Ino’s body was crumpled on the ground. I went over to it and wrapped one arm around her neck, waiting for her conscience to return. Once I felt her move, I squeezed.
She stood gasping for air, and I squeezed harder. I was on her back now, being thrown back and forth as if she were a rodeo bull. Finally, she collapsed on the ground, unconscious.
I quickly let go of the girl and disentangled myself. Iruka stared at us; he had obviously expected an alternate outcome. I dragged Ino’s unconscious form over to where he stood. “I win,” I told him. The teacher only nodded.
After a few more fights, we took a break for lunch. Having been shunned by all the girls during sparring, I walked over to where the boys sat. “Mind if I sit with you guys?” I asked hopefully.
They stared at me for a few seconds before Naruto blurted out “Yeah, definitely! Here, sit next to me!” He patted the seat next to him and I smiled.
“I have two questions,” Shikamaru directed his words towards me. “The first is why aren’t you eating? The second is why aren’t you sitting with the girls?”
I blushed. “I forgot to pack lunch this morning. And the girls seem to hate me for some reason. I don’t know why.”
“Would you like some of my lunch?” Kiba offered.
“Oh! No thank you. I can hold till dinner tonight. Thanks anyway.”
“Hey Kamiko?” Choji asked. I looked at him. “How did you break Ino’s mind-transfer technique?”
“I don’t know,” I shrugged. “I just got mad and screamed really loud. She kinda let go of me. I guess I scared her.”
“Wow. Congrats! How’d you know it’d work?” The chubby boy inquired.
“Honestly? I didn’t. It was just instinct to scream as loud as I could.”
The boys laughed. Then Shino finally spoke. “So you didn’t use a Jutsu of any kind?”
I looked down sheepishly and shook my head. “I…I don’t know how. I don’t know how to use my chakra.”
The boys stared at me astonished. “Kamiko…” Sasuke said slowly. I looked up at him. “Would you like to come to my house? I could tutor you if you want.” He blushed slightly.
“That would be wonderful! I’ll tell my dad tonight, and we can do it tomorrow. Is that ok?” I answered excitedly
“That’s perfect.” He responded, smiling.