Status: Weekly updates

Akatsuki Princess

Lying Through my Teeth

That afternoon, when Kisame and I had returned home, I dashed to my father’s office to ask if Sasuke could tutor me. Unfortunately, he was buy with Hidan and Kakuzu and couldn’t talk. I made my way to Tobi’s room to tell him the good news.
“Tobi!” I ran into his room screaming and jumped on the bed. “Tobi, Tobi, Tobi!”
He giggled. “What?”
“I beat a girl in a fight today and then I sat with the boys at lunch. And when me and the boys were talking, guess what! Uchiha Sasuke, you know, Itachi’s little brother, he offered to tutor me at his house! Isn’t that awesome! I’m making friends and stuff.” I took a deep breath.
Tobi looked at me. “Kamiko,” he said seriously. “I don’t think that’s a very good idea.” I looked at him quizzically. “Itachi and Sasuke loathe each other. I mean, if you’re friends with him, I’m happy for you and stuff. Just don’t go around telling everyone about that. You might get into trouble and I don’t wanna see you get hurt.”
I stared at Tobi. “Since when are you mature and serious?” I asked incredulously.
Tobi regained his usual immature air. “Tobi is a good boy. Tobi doesn’t want to see his friend hurt.” Seeing my face, he dropped the act. “I really don’t want to see you get hurt, Kamiko. You will literally wish you’re dead if Itachi finds out.”
“As if I haven’t wished that before.” I smiled sadly. “Thank you for the warning. I promise I won’t say I’ll be with Sasuke. I’ll tell my dad I’m going to Hinata’s house. He should be ok with that.”
Tobi began tickling me, and soon we were rolling on the floor, laughing and tickling each other. We stopped when we heard a knock. “Leader-sama wants to see you,” Hidan told me from the doorway.
“Ok. Hidan! Guess what! I made friends, just like you said I would, and tomorrow if Daddy lets me, I’m gonna go over Hinata’s house!”
Hidan smiled as I bounced next to him excitedly, “That’s fucking awesome! Didn’t I damn well tell you so?” We reached the office. “Good luck, Bitch.”
I took a deep breath and headed into the office. “Hi, Daddy.” I used my cutest voice. “Tomorrow, could I go to a friend’s house after school?”
“What friend?” Pein asked me.
“Hyuuga Hinata. She’s really nice.”
“Ok. I’ll tell my men not to pick you up. Do you think her parents will let you sleep over? It would make things easier.” I nodded quickly. “Good, then it’s settled. Sasori will pick you up on Monday. Have fun tomorrow.”
“Thank you, Daddy.” I bowed and left the office. I went back to my room and filled a backpack with some clothes and pajamas. I also swiped some money from Kakuzu when he wasn’t looking, just in case Sasuke’s parents didn’t want me sleeping over. I was so excited for the next day.