Status: This Is Completely Fictional.

I Just Want The Pain To End.


Darkness, pain, anger, betrayal. Those are the things I felt when my wife cheated on me. We were married for seven years. I recently found out that she had been cheating on me for three, of those years. I turned to drinking as my first drug of choice. Some may not realize the pain cheating actually causes. You trust your partner when you enter a relationship. When they cheat, that trust is thrown out the window. When I would drink, my mind would race. I would become angry yet again. I was in a completely different head space. At that time I just wanted the pain to end.

One night I reached my limits. I wanted it all to be over. I went into the bedroom that we once shared, and reached for a box that was under our bed. I opened it and took out the gun it held. I then loaded a single copper bullet into the chamber. Before I could pull the trigger, a song came on the radio. It was Michael Jackson's, Keep The Faith.

I sat on the floor for a moment and listened to the lyrics of the song. After the second verse, I pulled the trigger. Blew a whole straight through the wedding photo that held a place right beside our once shared bed.

That night it wasn't the death of me, but the death of our marriage.
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If You Are Thinking Of Committing Suicide, Please, Just Please, Listen To The Song Mentioned In The Story Above Before Doing So. Then, Rethink Your Choice.