Status: In progress

Take One

Take 2

Take 2

I, Gabriella Alice Martens, was sitting next to my 2 best friends Callie and Emma, watching the latest One Direction music video. We were watching intently, shoving our faces with junk and fantasizing about the day, we knew it would happen, when we would meet them.

"When I meet Nial, I'm going to impress him with my cooking skills." I giggled and looked over at Emma, her blue-grey eyes shining, as she watched Nial on the TV.

Emma was the sweetest, most fun loving girl I had ever met. She was so bubbly and full of life, never really down a day in her life. She always wore a smile, even if it was a small one, and that was what drew people to her. Her bubbly personality and charm made boys swarm to her like flies.

"Nial's cute but he's not tall, dark and mysterious like Zayn. Zayn is the bad boy. He just makes you want to..." I looked over at Callie, her hazel eyes glowing as she watched Zayn, and I saw a brief flash of lust.

Callie was me and Emma like to call the 'full time flirt'. She had such a certain kind of confidence, not arrogance, but confidence. She had long, blonde hair that shone in the sun, making it almost look golden. She was a strong, independent person who took the world around her by storm. And that was entrancing to the boys around her, they seemed to flock to her confident, independent personality. And in return, she would flirt away. There really was no off switch with her.

"I don't know. I think Harry is cutest. I have a thing for dimples and curls." I blushed and put my hands on my cheeks, feeling them heat up.

I, Gabriella Alice Martens, was not like my best friends. I was not as confident as Callie or as alluring as her. I was not as bubbly as Emma, not as happy-go-lucky or as smiley. I was...nice. That's how I would describe myself. I liked pretty much everybody, always bouncing back from arguments and not really holding grudges. Emma said that I had a big heart.

"Harry is nice and all, but he doesn't have the sexy look that Zayn has." I felt my eyes roll and tried not let her see.

"It's all about the sexiness with you isn't it?" I looked at Callie and saw her eyes harden slightly, and when she turned to me, I just wanted to take a step back.

Callie was one of my best friends, and I absolutely loved her, she was one of the only people I could really talk to. She would sit there and listen to every problem I had, every issue I had gone through, and she would hug me and tell me everything was going to be okay. She promised me that everything would work out.

"It's all about the sexiness with me, and it's all about the personality with you and it's all about the food with Emma. That's how our little group works." I smiled at Callie and Emma, and briefly turned back to the TV seeing Harry's face pop up in song.

"One Direction is coming to the area for a concert. We should see if we can tickets." I smiled at Emma and Callie, and all three of us shared a nod, having the same idea.

It was a dream of ours, all of ours, to meet 1D and one day, we had hoped anyway, and any chance we got, we would take. Even if we had to sit way up in the stands where we wouldn't be able to make eye contact, at least we would be able to go.

"The tickets are already sold out. There's no way we would get any." I looked at Emma and saw her smile drop, but not too long after, she had bounced back. She could never really be brought down for long before she bounced back and smiled wide.

"I have a solution to that." Emma bounced up and ran over to her laptop, sitting on the my bed, and I looked over at Callie for an answer to what she possibly could've been doing.

"Em...what are you doing?" I listened to Callie ask her, and when she had returned, and sat back down, she was grinning from ear to ear.

Callie and I both leaned over to see what Emma was giggling at, and once we had looked over, I saw a website with a blown up picture of One Direction, and right under I saw the greatest contest there could ever be.

"The tickets may be sold out, but there's a contest for 3 tickets and backstage passes. I figure we might as well enter and see if we can win." I blinked at Emma, taking in every little word she had said, before I let out a small squeal and hugged her, pushing her to the ground.

I felt Callie hugging me through Emma, and we all let out a loud set of giggles, before we untangled ourselves, stretching out our asleep and sore legs.

"I'll enter now. Hopefully we will be chosen. Can you believe it? We could meet One Direction! I could meet Niall Horan!" Emma giggled and covered her mouth, silencing a scream, I knew she wanted to let out.

"And I could meet sexy Zayn." I looked over at Callie and saw her wiggle her eyebrows, sending me and Emma into a fit of giggles and laughs.

Callie may have a temper and she may come off as a bitch, but she was also one of the funniest people I have ever met. Between her and Emma, I was never left without a laugh or even a giggle, and it had gotten me into trouble at times.

"Or you could get a life." All three of us turned around, rolling our eyes when we met the stare of my older cousin, Delilah.

Delilah was a lovely girl, when she was 10, but as soon as she hit high school, and then college, it all went down hill, She started acting like she was the queen of Norway, and she took it out on all three of us, although I got it worse.

"Go the hell away Delilah." Callie snapped at her, her eyes flashing and her temper flaring. I didn't want to mess with her when her temper exploded, and so when it started flaring, Emma and I both, scooted away, leaving space between her and Delilah.

"You guys are a joke. Listening to a boy band and wishing you could meet them? Pathetic. You do know that even if you did meet them, it wouldn't change anything. You would still be losers and they would just smile, node, take pictures and move on to the next fans." I looked over at Delilah and saw her smirk at me, Callie and then Emma.

"If we meet them, we wouldn't be losers. And they are really nice guys. They wouldn't do that to their fans." Callie snapped back at Delilah and me and Emma looked on, moving our heads back and forth.

It was like watching the clash of the Titans. Delilah the destroyer VS Callie of Chaos. It was a bit intimidating, knowing that both of them could snap, and go at each other with no chance of stopping either one.

"Whatever losers. I'm going out. Gabriella don't make a mess or you'll regret it." I looked away from Delilah and nodded, not wanting to feel her wrath.

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So this is the edited second chapter. Hope you like it!