I'll Bow for Your King When He Shows Himself

Prologue: I Wanna Know If It Was Worth It to Worry

Warning: This story features strong Atheist characters. I don't judge anyone by religion, and I don't mean to offend anyone with anything I say. It's just what I feel about religion in general. If Atheism isn't something you're up to reading about, then I highly recommend you don't read it. Thank you.

I remember when I was nine years old, my brother broke his leg from skateboarding off the back of a twenty foot high half pipe. I thought his white leg cast was the coolest thing I had ever seen; it was basically just plaster, I thought back then, but somehow it heals bones, and that seemed like a miracle to me.

Of course, now I know there is a process beforehand, doctors performing surgery , placing the bones back in the correct spaces, etc. But back then, I was wonderstruck by the white surface. My brother knew this, and he tried to make it feel special for me, too.

"Carrie, I want you to do something for me," he told me one day. Excitedly, I crawled up on the bed beside my brother and listened to his voice. "You see my cast? Well, it's quite plain and boring. White isn't a pretty color, is it?"

I shook my head and laughed.

"How about you bring in the paint kit I bought you for your birthday and add some color to it, eh?"

I gasped. "Really, Andy?" The excitement rose in my voice all of a sudden, and there was a glint in his eye.

"Of course, Carrion. You know I love it when you paint."

I ended up painting an entire star nebula, filling up his whole cast. I used to believe inside our bodies, all you could find was millions of stars, stretching on for miles. No bones. No blood. No organs. I didn't think blood and gore was very pretty to look at, so I made up what the human anatomy should look like, in my own mind.

My brother, Andrew, was always supportive of my drawings, even if they were just sketches. This is what made him my favorite person in the entire world. He saw something in me that our parents never did: potential.

Andrew was sixteen when he broke his leg.

On his seventeenth birthday, he was diagnosed with Stage IV thyroid cancer.
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A/N: It's about four in the morning and I said 'Fuck it. I'm crying while listening to Bring Me the Horizon and the only way you're going to stop crying is if you write a fan fiction.' So that's what I'm doing. And I really like the plot. I'll have the next chapter up either right after this, or tomorrow after I'm done with school. I would really appreciate the feedback, vote, comment. It means a lot to me. -Savannah <3