I'll Bow for Your King When He Shows Himself

Chapter 4: Defying Gravity

"I just got Aquamarine on DVD. It's about a girl who's, like, half sushi. She must've had sex with a blowhole or something." Andy took it upon himself to quote the entire movie alongside Jennifer Check and Needy Lesnicky. I was about to shove my entire thermos down his throat.

"Hey, Andy?"


"Can you shut up? I can't hear myself think."

Andy stopped talking and looked towards me, mouth hanging wide open. "That's like telling me to kill a cat and keep it as a pet," he said, shocked.

"Well, right now, I'd take the cat," I joked.

Andrew threw the blanket off of us and began tickling the shit out of me. A loud laugh escaped my mouth, and I had to force myself to not kick him in the face.



I had to clap a hand over my mouth from giggling again. Giggling at what you ask? Maybe it's the fact that drive-ins are the epitome of cliche dating. Or maybe it's because Andrew has no idea who the guy behind us is, and just called him Paul because it was the first name that popped in his head. Probably the latter.

I took a sip out of my thermos, but it didn't help at all. I was freezing and the tea was about -10 degrees. I rolled my body off of the car. "I'm going to get some hot cocoa. Do you want any?" I asked Andy. He waved his hand at me, telling me to leave him alone. I rolled my eyes and walked through every car until I stood in the short line to the concessions. In about two minutes, I was up at the front. "Uh. Can I get two large hot cocoas? But one with water, and not milk." I paid the man, fumbling with loose silver so I could give him exact change.


"Okay, here's this." I poured the change into his hand and gave him a small smile, as if to say 'Sorry that I'm poor.' He raised an eyebrow at me, throwing the coins into the register without even counting.

"Hey, you!"

I rubbed my eyes and walked to the other side of the bar, waiting for my drinks. Without my knowing, a body pressed into me, and I stepped back, caught off guard. "Oh. Hi." None other than Oliver Sykes was standing in front of me, in a heavy black coat and a girl hanging off his arm.

"I was trying to get your attention. I don't think you heard me though...uh, Carrie right?" he asked, squinting his eyes at me.

"Carrion," I corrected him. Only Andy was allowed to call me Carrie.

"Right. Amanda, this is Carrion. She did my neck today," Oli said, introducing us.

"Oh. You're a really amazing artist," Amanda said, smiling.

I bowed my head and waved her off. "Oh, it was nothing."

Oli cut me off. "Are you here with your boyfriend or..?" He pointed over to my car, where Andy was standing on the roof, dancing to the soundtrack.

I looked away from him, trying not to laugh. "Oh God, no. That's my brother, Andrew."

Oli's eyes glistened. "You mean."

I realized he remembered my story from today. "Ya. I mean." I cracked a smile.

"He doesn't look like he has cancer."

I nodded my head. "That's why he's my hero," I told him truthfully. At that moment, my order rang up and two steaming cups were pushed towards me. "It was nice seeing you again." I grabbed the cups and walked back to my brother who finally calmed down. I handed him his mug and sipped mine, careful not to burn myself. All the while, I was thinking about Oliver.

Of course someone that attractive already has a girlfriend. I guess I just needed confirmation on the subject, so I'd know not to do something stupid.


Andy and I spent our Sunday playing Donkey Kong on our crappy old Nintendo and Dance Dance Revolution on dirty floor mats. The weekend ended too soon, Monday morning coming around before I knew it.

I was sitting at the desk, taking calls and appointments from rude customers. Architects was playing from the speakers, and I was humming along with Sam Carter's glorious voice. Derek was leaned up against the counter, picking at the dead skin from his new tattoo. "So what's your new piece, Carrion?"

I grew excited. "I was up all night with it. You wanna see?" Derek cracked a smile and came around to the other side of the counter. He pulled up a chair, sitting close to me. I pulled out a big piece of thin paper and unfolded it.

The dream catcher sat before me, black and white with seven feathers and a string. "That's fucking sick!" Derek yelled right in my ear, but I just beamed at it.

"I know. I feel like it needed to be done, with my Native American background and everything. I feel like it'll help me overcome my depression, letting in the good vibes and casting out the bad ones." I ran my finger over the indentions where the pen cut into the paper.

Derek laughed. "You are a warrior poet," he proclaimed, dropping his head and pretending to bow to my feet.

"Shut up." I joked around, punching him in the shoulder. Just then, the phone started ringing. I grabbed it, putting it up to my ear. "Thanks for calling Total INKstruction. This is Carrion."

"Hey. I'm coming down." Andy's voice broke through the receiver.

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What? Why? Is something wrong?"

He laughed melodiously in my ear. "I can't come see my little sister at work?"

I stayed silent.

"Carrie," he cooed.

"Whatever. If Paula crawls all over you though, don't come crying to me." I hung up the phone and sighed. Paula had THE biggest crush on my brother. He walked in, and BAM! I could walk out of the shop without her even realizing it. Andy used her to his advantage, and that's why she doesn't care if he just comes waltzing in.

I continued working on my dreamcatcher, coloring in the feathers with a black marker. I wanted to get this piece done as soon as possible.

The bell above the door dinged and my head shot up. Derek's eyes widened at the stud in front of him, but I just rolled my eyes.

"Are you following me?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

Oli held his hands up in his defense. "Carrion. That hurts. I thought we had fun on Saturday."

I smirked. "Well, I guess...But most customers don't start stalking me."

He shook his head and chuckled. "I'm not stalking you. I was just in the neighborhood, checking in at Drop Dead, and I thought I'd stop by."

I nodded my head. "Right." I bowed my head again, continuing to draw in a feather. I started working on the thread when Derek cut in.

"Are you in a band?" He pretended to catch himself. "I'm sorry. You're just way too perfect to not be famous."

Oli seemed unfazed. "Ya, I am actually. Bring Me the Horizon. They probably aren't your style though."

Derek bit his lip, trying to be seductive. "And what exactly is my style?"

I stared up at my best friend in horror. Why can't I have his personality? It would make it so much easier to talk to people.

Oli chuckled again and shuffled his feet, not answering Derek's question.

"So, Carrion, there's this thing tonight."

Oh dear God, here it goes.

"It's a party or something. I wanted to know if you would like to come. Be my guest?" Oli continued, rubbing his chin.

I feigned sad. "Oh. I'm sorry Oliver...my brother-"

"Your brother what?" Andy cut in, walking in through the back.

"Can't be alone." I concluded, standing up and wrapping an arm around his shoulders. "Last time he was alone, he took too many of his pills." I winced and shrugged my shoulders. Andy and Derek shook their heads at me.

Oli unfolded his arms and walked closer to us. "Oh, I'm sure Andy can come, too."

"That's not-" I started.

"That would be great," Andy finished, smiling at Oli. I glared up at my brother.

I took my brother's hand. "Hey, I'm working on this really cool thing. Come talk to me." I pulled him into the storage closet.

"Carrie, don't treat me like this because I'm allowing you out on a date," Andy said, wincing when punched his shoulder. "And don't hit the guy with cancer. Jesus."

"It's not a date, Andy. He has a girlfriend."

"So?" I mumbled. "I could just stay here with Paula and Derek."

I shook my head. "You can't stay here all night."

He shrugged. "So, I'll go stay with Derek and then you can pick me up tomorrow morning."

I rubbed my temples with my thumbs and sighed. "I have to work tomorrow."

Andy smiled menacingly. "I think I can take care of Paula." He bit his lip and flexed his nonexistent muscles.

I scoffed. "Gross." I pushed past him, out of the closet.

"Okay. I'll go. But just one question."

Oli held his hands out. "Anything."

"What about Amanda?" I asked, staring him in the eyes.

He glanced down, then back up at me. "What she doesn't know won't kill her."

I bit my lip and scratched my wrist.

"Pick me up at nine."
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A/N: I don't know if this sucks or what. But I like the idea of the story so far. I HOPE YOU GUYS DO TOO. - Savannah <3