Ghost of You


The cemetery was empty that night. Cool winds blew through the headstones as the full moon gave her light to the almost romantic scene that was that graveyard. The grass barely twitched in the breeze that fluttered the branches of the few trees.

But down below, in the crypts under the grass, the scene was anything but romantic. Almost hellish in it's obscenity, half alive humans were drained of their souls to use as food for the master of the cemetery. Their twisted forms half broken and bleeding as they were drained for the gain of a monster. A beast of a demihuman, an immortal plague, the master drained the humans of their souls; the essence that was them. And fed on it to keep himself satiated for the time.

"Master, your stores are low. What is the occasion for such small meals? You usually gorge yourself." one of the thralls, the Master's current favorite, questioned his beloved. Though this thrall knew full well, in his mind, that his Master was thinking of sleeping; he wished that his thoughts would be wrong. He didn't wish to go without his master for so long.

"Don't question me, Gerard." The Master raised a hand as if to strike his thrall, who did naught but stand there. Sighing, his Master instead used his hand for an embrace of Gerard's face. The boy was attractive, dark hair with light eyes and an almost feminine face, he was also naive compared to the more worldly demihuman. "I am eating little so that I may sleep. This world has becomeā€¦ boring. There is little here for me now, as my kind have been disappearing or sleeping, I am alone."

"You will always have me, Master." Gerard said as he rubbed his cheek against his Master's open hand. "I will never leave your side." Moving to kneel at his Master's feet, as if to prove his point, Gerard placed his head onto his Master's lap.

His Master's face suddenly became sad in its profile, so much so that Gerard was afraid he had upset his beloved and was about to apologize. Seeing his thrall upset by his inability to hold in his emotions, the Master quieted Gerard with a kiss.

"Silence, young one. I am not upset with you." He said quietly, nuzzling the neck of his thrall. Gerard's spine erupted in tingles and goose spots. "In fact, I am happy with you. More so now than ever, for always being there with me. Sadly, though," here Master stopped for a breath, dragging one in and out, enjoying the flavor of the humans in the air. "You are mortal and I am not. While I sleep, you will surely die."

"Then allow me to stay with you forever, Master. Make me like you."

"I have already told you why I will not do that to you." Master gave his thrall another small kiss. "You are dear to me, and I would never force this life on you." Master saw Gerard wish to argue the point and continued quickly. "You may ask for it, but you know not what you ask for. Gerard, you are the dearest servant I have, and I will not taint your soul with the darkness that is my curse."

"Then how can I stay with you? Forever, Master, as I have always promised." Gerard was pleading, now. It wasn't often his Master used his name. And those moments were always the most loved by the thrall.

"I will give you an incantation. You must perform it yourself, without me, once I am asleep. It will bind your soul to mine; but it will not taint it's goodness. You will live, like I do, forever. And nothing but my death will end your life." the Master explained this to his thrall as he lifted a book out of his inner cloak. "Should you wish to be free once I am asleep, there is also an incantation in here which will grant you your freedom, my beloved Gerard."

"No, Master. I will stay by your side and protect you, forever."

Later that night Master went to his long sleep, not knowing if his thrall Gerard would keep his promises, and he would.

Neither of them knew, though, that somewhere in the future there was someone who would throw their worlds upside down.

** A/N: Yes, this story is named after an MCR song. BUT, the character Gerard is not Mr. Way as this was written long before it was named. I didn't want to change the name of the thrall so I kept it as it is. Hope you enjoy!