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口裂け女-slit-mouthed woman

口裂け女-slit-mouthed woman

I don’t know why I was reminded of Kuchisake-onna. I was walking home one night from a friend’s house. I had brought over my guitar because I wanted to show her how good I played. The night was silent and it was freezing. Snow idly descended from the sky. I raised my hands to allow the flakes to land in my mittens.
A loud bang made me jump and look around the park. My eyes were wide with shock and fear. I heard what sounded like footsteps and then a dark figure. I inhaled sharply but then the black shadow barked. I could help the hysterical laughing. I was scared of a dog! But, as I continued to walk I remembered the story Jun used to tell me.
“There is this legend about this woman called, “Kuchisake-onna” or “Slit-Mouthed Woman”. She is a woman who is mutilated by an envious husband and comes back as a malicious spirit. There were many-reported sighting of this woman around 1979 but also here in Nagasaki Prefecture. The rumors quickly spread throughout Japan sending many towns into panic. Children weren’t allowed to leave the schools unless in groups and escorted by teachers. The woman wears a surgical mask but that’s not an uncommon sight to see. The woman stops children and will ask, “Am I pretty?””
“If the child answers, “Yes” she’ll remove her mask. Revealing her mouth that is slit from ear to ear and will ask, “How about now?” If the child answers “No” he/she will be killed with the scissors she carries with her. If the child answers, “Yes” his/her mouth will be slit like hers. But they can escape if they reply with, “You’re average.” She’ll become confused giving the child time to run. Another few ways to escape say one has a previous engagement and she’ll pardon her manners and excuse herself, and if the child asks in turn, “Am I pretty?” the woman will become puzzled and leave.”
I’d always whine, “Stop or I’ll tell mama!”
Jun would simply laugh and make fun of me. I could help it I was a child and I was scared. I also remember the day that Jun went missing. It wasn’t long after he told me the story of Kuchisake-onna. My parents for a long time didn’t want me leaving the house, but I had to attend school. It has been ten years since Jun went missing. He just disappeared it was hard on all of us. I sighed but slowed my pace as a girl appeared in my path ahead of me. Her hair was very long and her bangs covered her eyes. She wore a white surgical mask but that wasn’t uncommon. I had one on but that was because I was beginning to feel ill.
She had on a brown coat. Her hands were behind her and stood perfectly still. Like a statue I knew she was waiting for me to approach her.
I greeted her, “Hello?”
Instead of replying back she stood still. Her hair blew in the soft breeze. I walked slowly to where she was standing. I tried to stay as far from her as I could. I thought I was going to pass her when she grabbed my arm. My head spun around so I could look at her.
“Am I pretty?”
I was to frighten to say anything at all. I tried to pull away from her iron grip. She removed her hand to reveal a pair of scissors. She aimed them as my face as I screamed. Then suddenly she started laughing.
“I’m just joking Ai-chan,” Yuuki laughed
I shouted, “That wasn’t funny!”
“You should have seen your reaction! Ahh!”
I shoved her shoulder and stormed off towards me house. I could hear Yuuki still laughing like a mad woman. Then suddenly it was silent again. I stopped dead in my tracks this wasn’t right. Was she trying to scare me to death? I turned back around to see Yuuki struggling in the arms of another woman dressed like her. Except her clothing was covered in blood.
Yuuki’s eyes conveyed true fear. The woman was held my gaze as she pressed the scissors to Yuuki’s cheek.
She asked, “Am I pretty?”
Her voice was not right and horrifying. Her eyes were dead and void of any emotion. I fell to my knees and stared at the scene before me.
“Yes,” I murmured
The woman threw Yuuki aside and headed to me. She stood a foot in front of me. She began to remove her mask.
“How about now?”
I saw the slit that was from ear to ear. Her mouth so badly mutilated. She looked like an alien. I scooted backwards trying to escape her.
“You’re average,” I managed
Kuchisake-onna looked confused by me saying this. I got up and started to run. I yelled for Yuuki to do the same. I didn’t stop running until I was in my house. I was breathing heavily. Was that the real Kuchisake-onna? Was she angry with Yuuki for joking about her? Did she kill my brother Jun? I sat in my room all night deciding what I should do. I heard Yuuki had to go to a hospital for an injury. I visited her house everyday but was told she was too sick to see anyone yet.
I waited for her to return to school. I was scared to walk through the park alone. So I asked papa and mama if we could get a dog. It took a lot of begging but they finally allowed it. We got a German shepherd and named him Daisuke. I made sure he was with me at all times. I was walking through the park with Daisuke when he started growling.
Ever since I saw Kuchisake-onna I was scared. I kept hearing her voice in my head asking, “Am I pretty?” I would cover my ears and hope for it to pass. I started speeding up scared to take a long time. I didn’t want to linger anywhere near the park. Kuchisake-onna was most likely to be spotted at the park. When Yuuki came back to school she wore a mask. I asked if she were still sick but she refused to answer.
She was scared just like me. She barely talked to me for a long time. I was eating Onigiri when Yuuki approached me.
“Ai…? Can I talk to you?”
I smiled at her happy she wanted to talk again. She suddenly dropped to her knees and bowed deeply.
“I’m sorry for ignoring you!”
I helped her up and we sat together for lunch. Except Yuuki said she didn’t want to eat. I tried to get her to remove her mask so she could eat. She shook her head and looked down.
I heard the soft whisper. I looked around to see who had said it. Everyone was engrossed in his or her own conversations. Yuuki didn’t appear to hear it but then again she could be pretending not to. I normally would walk part way home with Yuuki.
“Ai-chan…?” she started
I replied, “Yeah?”
“Could you take me back to the park?” she requested
“W-why?” I asked horrified
She only looked at me conveying the reason why. She wants help to over come her fear. We didn’t talk not even after we were at the park. We stayed there for a while the sun began to sink. I hopped of the swing and turned to Yuuki. She was staring back at me but with a strange mix of emotions.
“Am… I… Pretty?” she asked distortedly
“Am I pretty?” she asked again
“Yes,” I replied
Yuuki started coughing violently, she bent over. I ran over to her gripping her. She finally stopped coughing and looked into my eyes. I felt a sharp pain spread throughout my body and limbs. I tried breathing but I couldn’t get my breath. I looked down to see blood pouring from a wound in my stomach.
I plead, “Why Yuuki-chan?”
I was shoved back I fell on to my back. I could see only Kuchisake-onna and not Yuuki. Even through it was still Yuuki’s body it was Kuchisake-onna controlling her. She removed the mask to show her injury she’d been covering. Her mouth was cut severely.
Kuchisake-onna asks, “How about now?”
“Please stop!”
“R-run Ai-chan s-she’s going to k-kill you,” she gasped
I scooted backwards in pain Kuchisake-onna and Yuuki were fighting each other for control. I managed to get to my feet and run. Run and half limp I cried out for help. I vainly hoped that someone would hear me and come to help. I screamed as loud as I could. I looked behind me to see Yuuki catching up. She was running like she was on the track team. I knew I wouldn’t be able to out run her so I looked for a weapon. She caught me and hit me again.
I fell again this time everything started to blur. I couldn’t keep my eyes fully open and I was losing consciousness.
“Yuuki please fight her,” I begged
“I…I… Ai-chan… Sorry…” she whispered barely audible
Kuchisake-onna took control again. She tilted her head and stared at the blood on the blades of the scissors. She looked back at me I was staring at her. Her face became unfocused and her hand rose far above her head. She was about to strike the final blow. But seconds before everything went blank I heard my name.
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I am sorry for an grammar issues. Please enjoy and leave helpful feedback. Thank you very much!