Status: And done!

The Wayfarer Way Station

The Mane and The Nox

After leaving her Clinical Nutrition class, Nokomis quickly changed into a blue sundress. She looked at the clock and groaned, her class had run late which would mean she would be late to work. She pushed the speed limit as she tried to make it on time but was still late. She opened the heavy oak doors to find The Wayfarer full of mystical creatures. "Excuse me." Nokomis muttered as she squeezed through the crowed to the Employee Only door. She slipped in and sighed in relief.
"Apron dear." Amaris walked by with an apron for Nokomis and a dozen alcoholic beverages. "We are busy today."
"I can tell!" Nokomis replied as she tied the apron around her waist. "Why is it? I understand we are the Way Station for the supernatural but still."
"You will have to ask Dmitri."
"Father's home?" Nokomis's face lit up.
"Yes, now out with you." Amaris followed after her daughter who grabbed a pen and paper and started making rounds. Although a human, Nokomis was learned enough to be able to juggle half a dozen beverages and food. Her patrons still looked at her in disgust, but remained closed lipped for fear of Amaris's wrath.
Nokomis was acting bartender when a slender woman walked up to the bar. "How may I help you?"
The black haired woman cocked her head as she replied, "I'm here to register my Leap."
"Okay, who is the leader and what is the Leap called?"
"I am Chezza Sleakback and we are the Long Tooth Leap."
"Do you claim anyone?"
Chezza gave a disgusted look, "No."
Nokomis nodded, "Welcome to The Wayfarer." Chezza nodded and sashayed over to a group of seven similarly build men and women. This was Nokomis's first time meeting a shifter such as her; a feline shapeshifter. She let her eyes watch them a little longer before walking the bar and asking for drink orders.
Halfway through her shift, her father finally approached her. "Hello my dearest Nokomis."
Nokomis broke out into a smile as she leaned over the bar to kiss her father's cheek. "Father! Welcome home."
"Thank you dear one. How have you been?"
"Busy with work and school."
"Amaris told me what happened yesterday."
Nokomis sighed, "Yes, it has been a while. I suppose I was due."
"All shall be fine." He touched her cheek and she leaned into it. "How was the New Moon gathering?"
"Beautiful as usual. How was whatever you went away for?"
"Fine." Dmitri ran his slender strong fingers through his maple wood hair.
"Father, why is The Wayfarer threatening to burst at the nails?"
Sand colored eyes looked at her a moment before replying, "The Mane and Nox of the area are coming to visit. I need you to be on your best behavior."
"I know. Should I be worried if they come to visit here?"
"Perhaps, but we shall cross that stream when we arrive at it." Dmitri smiled reassuringly at his daughter.
"Wonderful." Nokomis sighed, "I hope I do not pass out if they visit, I have already had one I am now due for another."
"Your mother and I will take care of you, young one, do not fret."
"I shall try."
"Human!" Dmitri and Nokomis looked over to see a forest sprite surrounded by three furies draping over him.
"I suggested you respect my daughter, Sticks." Dmitri warned the young man.
The forest sprite paled a little and replied, "Yes sir."
Nokomis walked over and asked, "How may I help you?" The four supernatural creatures ordered something to drink. They left her alone for the rest of the night, only talking to her when they wished for more alcohol.
As her shift continued, she felt eyes on her and always caught Chezza looking at her. Nokomis quickly looked away, uncomfortable staring into the woman's fiery amber eyes. Near the end of the night, Chezza flicker her long black hair over her shoulder and stalked over to the bar. "Hello human."
With some hesitation, Nokomis said, "Hello. My name is Nokomis if you please."
The shifter nodded, "Nokomis. Pretty name."
"Thank you, yours is unique."
"I chose myself when I was initiated." Nokomis nodded, it was common place for a shifter to have some sort of trial to overcome before being considered an adult.
"Do you need something?"
"How has a human such as yourself come to exist in this world? You do not seem to be... bound to anyone."
Nokomis flushed a little, she knew Chezza meant mated. "The owners of this way station took me in when I was still a babe."
"How kind of them. Most would pass over one such as yourself."
"Amaris and Dmitri are kind souls who see beyond human and supernatural classifications."
"Apparently. Nice talking with you Nokomis." Chezza gracefully turned and headed back to her Leap. Nokomis stared at the young woman only a few years her senior in confusion. What was that about? She shook her head and went back to cleaning the bar.
Half a week later, The Wayfarer was once again packed to its nails with Fey. Nokomis could barely breathe behind the bar as more Fey crammed in to hear and see the Mane for the Light side and the Nox of the Shadow side. She was mostly ignored as everyone excitedly chatted to one another. Nokomis was cleaning a glass when she felt a tug on her purple peasant skirt she decided to wear that day. She turned and looked down to see a young boy of about six with fine white hair. Pale red eyes looked up at her shyly. She bend down so not to startle the child.
"Hello young one." She smiled calmly to the boy.
"Hi." His cheeks turned pink and he looked down.
"How may I help you?"
"I lost my parents."
Nokomis looked over the bar from her point near the ground. "Well, I don't think we can fair the crowd right now, but you may stay here until it thins out."
The boys face lit up. "Really?"
"Sure. If you are good you may sit on the bar so you can see."
"Really. Are your feet clean?"
"Washed this morning." He grinned.
"Okay." She laughed and lifted him onto the bar. "What is your name?"
"Oh! I'm Hopper. I'm a rabbit shifter." He grinned, his front teeth slightly bigger than the rest.
"Pleased to meet you Hopper. I am Nokomis, but you may call me Noko if you wish."
"Okay Noko!" He cocked his head causing his hair to fall a little over his eyes. "What are you?"
Nokomis smiled gently, "I am a human."
Hopper's pink eyes grew large, "I've never met a human before."
"And I a rabbit shifter, it is a pleasure to meet one such as yourself."
"You too."
"Would you like something to snack on?"
"Carrots please." Nokomis nodded and fetched some for her small friend. As she returned Hopper waved frantically to her. In a hushed voice, he informed, "The Mane and Nox are about to speak!"
"How exciting." She matched his volume and handed him his snack. She watched curiously as the Mane, a Muse, and Nox, a Dark Elf, walked to the podium and started speaking. She kept her gaze mostly on the Dark Elf for she had always been curious about them. If they lived underground, why were they so dark? Shouldn't they be an almost pure white color since they never saw the sun? Like a vampire? Maybe she shall never know.
She watched the Nox the most because he was the leader her parents aligned with. While the Light side believed in complete solidarity from the human race, the Shadow side didn't particularly care as long as they weren't exposed. Make yourself known to humans and there shall be some sort of punishment. Nokomis's parents didn't get into too much trouble because they would be raising the child therefore exposure was minimum. While the Nox allowed her parents to keep her, the Mane would have forbade it. Nokomis shuddered at the thought of not being with her parents.
"Hopper, what side are you aligned with?" Nokomis asked quietly.
Hopper tore his gaze from the leaders and replied, "The Light. Humans use to hunt us or that's what momma says." She nodded, understanding how cruel humans could be. "What of you?"
"My parents aligned with the Shadow. Because I am human I never got the chance to actually choose."
"If you could choose what side would you pick?" His face showed great curiousity.
"Probably the Shadow side because I wish to coexist with humans since I am one. I am going to a human school right now."
"Really? Cool."
Nokomis chuckled, "At times, yes. Other times, humans can be cruel and uncaring but I suppose you will find that everywhere." It took a moment, but Hopper nodded in agreement and a comfortable silence fell between the two. Every once in while, Nokomis had to make a drink but for the most part she was able to listen to the two leaders.
After the meeting, things got busy again and Nokomis ended running around while Hopper stayed behind the bar and out of the way. Word eventually spread that a small rabbit child was behind the bar and his parents squeezed their way through the crowd. "Hopper!" His father called.
"Here!" Hopper smiled as he jumped up and down to see over the bar. Nokomis fetched him a stool so he could see his parents more readily.
"Where have you been?" His father asked on the other side of the bar.
"Here. I got separated from everyone so I came to the bar." Hopper grinned at how smart he was, "I knew you'd want a drink at some point.
"Don't ever do that to us again. Your mother has been worried sick."
"Yes poppa. Oh, this is my friend Noko, she looked after me." He grabbed her hand and presented her to his father.
"Thank you for looking after my son."
"It was no problem. He was well behaved." Hopper grinned again at the praise.
"I am Stump." He held out his hand for a shake.
"Nokomis Ash." Nokomis took his hand to which his face suddenly transformed into slight disgust.
"You are a human."
"I am."
"Well, um thank you again. Come Hopper, we must get back to everyone." He started itching to get away.
"Okay! Thanks Noko!" Hopper hugged the girl before jumping off the stool and making his way to his father. Stump looked back at her one last time before disappearing into the crowd. Nokomis sighed, knowing she would most likely never see Hopper again.
"You alright? You know what they say about sighing." Dakota snapped Nokomis out of her thoughts as he smirked at her.
"Just fine. The usual?" Nokomis crossed her arms over her chest.
"You know it."
She made the strong drink quickly and slid it to him. "How you do not get drunk or have liver problems is beyond me."
"Keep talking human science to me, I love the way you worry."
"Please. When you die, may I dissect your body so I can show everyone why they should not drink excessively?"
"I don't know. What do I get out of it?" He smirked at her suggestively.
"Nothing because you will be dead."
Dakota laughed, "I meant before hand, you know I do you a service, you do me a service."
Nokomis's face transformed into disgust, "I would rather make out with a Kappa than do anything with you."
"Oh how you hurt me so." He placed a hand over his heart.
"Go find companionship with one of your many followers." She swept her hand over the crowd.
"But why would I do that when I can seduce you?"
Nokomis was about to reply when she heard her mother's voice. "Here she is. Nox Nathanael Maebolgia, this is our daughter Nokomis Ash." Nokomis turned to see the Nox in front of her.
She bowed her head and stiffly replied, "Hello Nox Maebolgia."
"Hello Miss Ash." His piercing purple eyes took in everything. "It has been a long time. Last I saw you, you were but a babe." Nokomis could feel her heart hammering in her chest. "How have you been?"
"Well, sir. And you?"
"Stressed, but well. I hear you are going to a human..." He frowned, unsure of the word he was looking for.
"College, Nox Maebolgia." Dmitri assisted.
"Yes, college."
"Yes, sir. I am in my second year of graduate school, the highest form of learning." Nokomis replied.
"You must be very smart."
"I would say I am average."
"Average? You are almost the top student in most of your classes." Amaris shook her head. "You do not have to be modest dear."
Nokomis flushed, "Mostly because I grew-up with Herbolism as an everyday thing."
Amaris shrugged, "Use everything to your advantage."
"I think it is wonderful you are doing so well." Nokomis looked back up at the Nox. "What do you plan on doing with your knowledge that you are gaining from your schooling?"
"I have not really decided. What I am learning is more geared towards helping humans or animals, not so much the Fey."
"But even magic cannot fix everything." The Nox slightly challenged to see how the young woman would react.
"That is true and I would have no qualm helping a Fey if he or she should need it, but my abilities would be more lucritive for non-Fey or animals. I am leaning more towards animals at this point but have not solely committed to that yet."
"Why animals?"
"Because although some animals can help themselves such as a Phoenix or Unicorn, most cannot perform magic to heal themselves."
"They could go and see a Fey who can."
"Magic always comes with a price, Herbal medicine does not as long as you are not allergic to the ingredients."
The Nox nodded, "You are a smart young lady."
Nokomis blushed again, getting more uncomfortable as more people stared, "Thank you, sir."
"It was a pleasure to meet you Miss Ash, but I must continue my rounds."
"Pleasure to meet you, Nox Maebolgia." She bowed her head again. The Nox bowed his head slightly and walked off to talk to others.
"That went better than I thought." Amaris smiled. "You did well." She patted her daughter's cheek.
"Thank you. I thought I was going to pass out, the adrenaline coursing through my veins right now."
Dmitri chuckled, "Calm down child, everything is fine." Nokomis looked around to find eyes glaring at her. She wondered if things would always be 'fine.'
♠ ♠ ♠
Dmitri- lover of the Earth
Mane- Lt. Day
Nox- Lt Night -Nokomis's outfit