Status: And done!

The Wayfarer Way Station

Time is Its Own Entity

"Welcome." An old gypsy greeted with a few teeth missing and hunched over with gnarled fingers. The party had been travelling three days to find this women that would help them with their task.
"Are you sure this is who we are looking for?" Dakota asked, disgust morphing on his face.
"Yes, now shut up." Sage whispered harshly.
"You're not the boss of me." The younger man glared.
"I may not, but if we can't get her help we are screwed."
"You think we need this crones help when you have two wizards?"
"Can you read time, young man?" The old woman asked beside him.
"AAAH!" He jumped and nearly flew into Sage's arms. "Where the hell did you come from?"
"Not there, now come along before i grow tired of your insolence." She turned and marched into her tent. When no one followed she called, "Hurry up, I'm not getting any younger!" The group snapped out of their confused state and entered the tent, all crammed together. "Excellent. Oh, what a beautiful Hellhound." Orthrus trotted over to the Gypsy and placed both heads into her lap. "So you come to ask about the souls walking the earth, am I right?"
"How did you know?" Corbin asked thoroughly creeped out by the woman.
"Please sonny, it is kind of hard not to notice souls wandering the earth more than usual. I'm surprised it took you this long to contact me."
"We would have been here sooner but we had to travel to Billings, Montana first. That was a chore." Dakota rolled his eyes.
"Didn't help that we had to go slower since one of us couldn't handle a little cold." Corbin added. Nokomis scowled at the young man, but didn't reply.
"You should not disrespect humans boys, you are asking the help of one." The old woman scolded.
"What? Why the hell are we asking a human for help?" Dakota spazzed.
The gypsy narrowed her eyes, "Fey, they still discriminating after all these years." she spat on the round annoyed. "Now listen up here Fey, if you want my help you must respect me and any other humans or may God or any high beings you believe in have mercy on you because I won't." She pointed at Dakota, "You may be a wizard, but it will take more than your fancy words to dispel a curse I put on you. You will have to find an old world witch or wizard because I am old school. Now what have you come here to know?"
It took a moment but Sage spoke up, "We need to know why the souls aren't goin' to the Underworld."
"Ah yes, why indeed. If we don't figure it out, the balance will no longer exist." The gypsy stood up and collected her crystal ball. She muttered a few words and tapped the object four times and stared into it. "Too many options. There is not one door, but many. They are souls and randomly pick. There is one dark one, the one that leads to the Underworld, while the others are light; silvery. They are strange..." The woman's eyes widened and looked up. "We are dealing with more than we thought. There are rifts in time. These souls are coming from many times and eras. If you do not find the cause of it, the world and perhaps the universe will be swallowed up by them."
"Fuck!" Dakota muttered as the others muttered like words. "How we are expected to close these fucking things?"
"Language boy!" The woman glared and then looked down and muttered a few more words. "You will find the answer in Qaanaaq, Greenland." Aron froze at the mention of his homeland. "But be prepared for many trialing times a head. That is merely the beginning of your journey."
"Wonderful, this task gets better and better." Corbin smiled sarcastically.
"That is all I can see. Now, you child." She motioned to Nokomis who was concerned about Aron.
"Me?" She asked.
"Yes, come." Nokomis stepped forward and sat before the woman. "Hello child, what is your name?"
"Ah, Nokomis Ash." She replied with a bit of a stutter.
The woman grinned, "The daughter of the great Controller?"
"You know-"
"Your mother? Never met her, but everyone magical knows of her. The Great Amaris Le Fay, decedent of Morgan Le Fay the greatest sorceress ever to have lived. And your father, the greatest healer of his time and perhaps even now. If you were their biological daughter-"
"The world would not be able to handle it. Too much power in one family?" She shuttered.
"I hear you take after him and not your mother."
Nokomis shrugged, "I prefer healing people and he is more learned in that area than she is."
"And yet." The woman leaned in, "You have read both books. I see it, the knowledge in your eyes that comes with having seen those spells." Nokomis neither denied or confirmed. "Perhaps it is a good thing that you are not biologically theirs. Now," She took Nokomis's hand and placed it so just touching the bottom of the crystal ball. "Shall we see your future."
"I think you will find you cannot see it."
"Because you are Ungifted? Don't fret child, I have met another like you. Time is different than magic, it is its own entity. I may use magic to see it, but time has nothing to due with magic. That is why you can travel through a portal, because it bends time and space. Let’s see.” She looked into the clear ball and slowly furrowed her brows. “You Nokomis, are an anomaly. You are in many time streams even though you sit before me. Your future is your past and your present your future. You wake as you pass out. You are running yet seizing.” She looked up suddenly. “Have you ever seen Dr. Who?”
“Yes?” Nokomis was utterly confused and a little frightened.
“You are like Clara; impossible. For someone with no magical powers at all, you sure are important.”
Nokomis looked down, “I am human, I am not that important.”
“Dear, I am human and unimportant. You are like Donna, the most important girl in the world.”
“I doubt that. I am not even wanted by half the people I travel with.”
The gypsy watched as some of the Fey behind the young woman shifted uncomfortably. “We shall see about that. Now,” She clapped her hands. “You have heard what you needed, now off before the world implodes or something.” She started shooing the party out.
“Miss?” Nokomis half turned as she was pushed out the tent entry way. “What is your name? We never were told.”
The gypsy smiled, “Madam Clear. You may trade with the other gypsies for necessities, but no more bothering me. Except you young man.” She pointed to Aron who was still tense. “Come inside again.” She hobbled into her tent where Aron reluctantly followed. Nokomis hesitated a moment, before turning and bartering with the other gypsies for things that would be important in Greenland. When Aron did return, Nokomis handed him her water skin and said nothing, knowing the man would not talk about what transpired. He seemed a little at ease, but not by much. The party stayed the night at the gypsy camp and headed out right at dawn.
♠ ♠ ♠
To Greenland! Where it is freezing!