Sequel: Heathens
Status: jack sparrow!

Will You Still Love Me When I'm No Longer Young and Beautiful?

chapter 2

Barbossa...he had no leg now,He bowed to the Duke.He wore a hat and a white wig.He did NOT look like a pirate any more.He was now part of the enemy side"Afternoon sire"Barbossa said.Jack and I glared darkly at him"If I may be so bold,why are these two not in chains?They must be manacled at once"Barbossa said"At the center of my palace?Hardly"said the Duke"Hector...How nice to see a fellow pirate make good of him self"Jack said walking over.I was still infront of my chair so I was right across the table from Barbossa glaring"Pirate?Nay.Privateer.On a sanctioned mission under the authority and protection of the Crown"Barbossa said smiling"As may be,but first,what has become of my beloved Pearl?"Jack asked darkly.I was actually scarred...I've never really seen Jack act like this unless Im in danger"I lost the Pearl as I lost my leg"Barbossa said.I gasped"You bastard!How could you lose the Pearl!"I said angrily"Lost the Pearl?"Jack asked"Aye.I defended her mightily enough, but she sunk nontheless"Barbossa said but Jack shoved the food out of the way and went to attack Barbossa"Jack no!"I said pulling him back"We're already in deep.Please...please Jack"I said looking at him with pleading eyes.He stood there angrily glaring at Barbossa"If that ship sunk properly,you should be sunk with it"Jack said coldly "Captain Barbossa,each second we tarry,the Spanish outdistances us.I have confidence you will prevail and be rewarded with the high station you so desire"Duke said"To serve doth suffice sire"Barbossa said"You,sir, have stooped"Jack said coldly"Jack,our sands be all but run.Where's the harm in joining the winning side?And you do meet a nicer class of person"Barbossa said"I understand everything. Except that wig"Jack said and hit the two guys in their nads.I smile"Finally"I said as the two guys went to use thier guns on Jack but I kicked one of them in the face and punched the other, their guns went off and hit the schandelier(sp) as it swang Jack ran across the rable,while people were distracted with him,I threw a chair through the window.A soldier went and charged at us but Jack gave him a rope and pushed him out the window.He wrapped an arm around my waste and we went up.Jack and I stood ontop of the window sill"Now what?"I asked worriedly"Jump!"He said and jumped,hanging on the shandelier.I did the same and we made it to the balcony that was overlooking this room.Jack took the crumpet and we ran"Really Jack?"I asked as we ran"Im hungry!"He said as we kept running.So as we were running down stairs,there was a guard.He looked at us but I knocked off his hat"Guards!"He yelled as he chased after us.As they ran past us cuz we were hiding,the guard threw down his sword,and then so did another!"We have the best luck"I whispered as we both took the swords.We ran back up the stairs.Jack opened the window but we were three stories up.Then we heard footsteps.There were soldiers coming for sure.Jack grabbed my hand and soon enough we were hiding behind a flag hanging up from one building to another but then the rope broke and Jack hung on,swinging his legs I grabbed his hand but then we heard a whistle"There!"Said the soldier as the other window opened,another soldier began to cut the rope with his sword. After three slices,the rope went and Jack and I were swinging down.Him and I surprisingly fell in someones carridge.I saw an old woman.Jack starred at her and then he got close and personal to her neck.She groaned.I gasped and got on the top of the carridge and grumbled"Oh stop I only grabbed her earings"Jack said pulling them out of his mouth.I gasped as he gave em to me"This is beautiful and and disgusting at the same time"I said putting it in my pocket. We saw the soldiers coming.Jack stood up as the carridge kept going.People were starring at us as we went by.We were going for a steady 10 minutes until Jack jumped on a different one. He lost his balance though and now had a leg on each carrige.As 1 went one way he went back on the original carrige"Come on"he said,we both jumped on a thingy carrying a coffin.Jack then jumped on a coal carrige"Jack!"I said"Get in the coffin! Meet me at the Captain's Daughter tonight!"Jack said.I nodded"Be careful!"I said and got in the thankfully epmty coffin.The ride lasted about an hour to an hour and a half,when I got out,I saw I was at an Undertakers.Must be at the end of town.So I saw an available horse and got on it,riding back into town.I took off my hat to make myself looked civilized.It was almost sun down.I had to hurry(Jack's pov)I was about to get shot by a soldier cuz i luckily got away but just as he was about to shoot,the soldier was shot himself.I looked and saw my father come from the bar door,smiling"Hello Jackie"My dad said tipping his hat.I smiled doing the same"Hello Dad"I said(time skip)we were in the bar with rum as him and i sat at a table"Wheres my daughter Jackie?"Dad asked,meaning Jessica"We had no choice but to split up when we were being chased.I told her to meet me here tonight.She should be here soon"I said taking a swig of my rum.It was just as crazed in this place as Tortuga"I heard ur putting together a crew"My dad said"If enough people keep saying it,it must be true"I said"I heard where ur headed.The fountain"Dad said with a sly smile"Have u been there?"I asked in all seriousness"Does this face look like it's been to the Fountain of Youth?"Dad asked.I shrugged"Depends on the light"I said like a smart ass"Son,the Fountain.There'll be items required for the profane ritual.Tow chalices"Dad said holding up two fingers.I was lost"On the map there was a chalice"i said in realization"Two, silver.From the Pnce de Leon ship.You'll need both"Dad said picking up his cup"For?"I asked confused"The ritual.Dont be a fool Jackie.Find out every detail before you set sail"Dad said.I smile in lust"Oh,set sail.Love to.But for that,I may ndded a ship"I said"Those folk,over there,they have a ship.They're signing up sailors right now"Dad said.I looked abck seeing a few men singing to the woman"And one last thing Jackie.The Fountain will test you.Mark my words"Dad then clanked his rum with me.I looked at the men singing again but when I turned my head to say something to my dad he was gone.I looked around confused but then got up and went to the one pirate singing and playing guitar.I pulled a knife to his neck"I hear you be recruiting a crew"I said coldly"Aye.That is,Jack Sparrow be putting together a modest venture"He said.I got up,taking the blade away from him to look at him"You got some nerve aint ya?Turning up here dressed like that?What are you some kind of imposter?"asked the man"Have you any idea who I am mate?"I asked coldly. I was tired of all this imposter crap.The man started to laugh"Oi!Muckers!Some bloke here whats forgotten his own name!"Said the man and everyone started laughing.I head a door open"Lads,Im sailing with Sparrow.Who'll buy a sailor a drink?"asked a man coming from a back room.Everyone cheered.I moved over and saw the outlined shadow of someone who dressed like me so I started for the door.As I went in,I saw the room was dark,accept for a rather large fire in the middle.Then,the imposter came out.They were covered by the shadow so I pulled out my sword.They did the same"You've stolen me,and Im here to take myself back"I said seriously.The person ran off behind the pole so I followed,standing on the opposite side of the pole.I looked to my right to see the person but I couldnt see them.I looked to my left and they looked at me and soon we started to fight.We both jumped on the fire pit.I was on the other side of the fire pit.We held out out swords waiting for someone to make the first move.As this person walked left,I began to walk right, neither of us breaking eye contact once.I went to run to the other side but he followed.I stopped ubruptly and so did he.Finally,we both began to walk in the same direction till wee were face to face.I traced my mustache with my fingers and he followed.This was getting so annoying"Stop doing that"I said and swung my sword ut they retaliated and a fight broke out again.I went to slice them but he made me hit the wood in the middle.He jumped off the fire pit and I followed.We were fighting all around the room until he kicked me and I fell.This gave him the oppertunity to run off.I got up quickly and followed but halfway up the ramp,he began to roll down barrels,I tried to jump over the first one but I ended up falling.He pushed another one down so I jumped off the ramp onto the ground again.I saw a lift(elevator very old styled tho)as he ran past it.I got in it and used it,catching up to him.Now we were on the boards high in the air.If I were to fall I'd break my neck but nontheless,I fought them,careful not to fall.He cut a rope,making a sand bag try and hit me but I dodged it and used it to swing over to him seeing as he ran off again.I made him lose his balance,and he fell but hung off the boardwith difficulty.He landed on the rum barrels so I jumped on there but the pyramid of barrels began to fall.He grabbed my arm to get the chance to swing at me but I stomped on his foot making him pull away.He kept swinging at me until I was backed up against a barrel.His sword was at my chest and I looked at it as my arms went up"Only two people know that Jessica....and"I pulled HER over and kissed her.I had to know....I pulled away and smirked"I always wanted to do that"I said"Hello Angelica"I said touching her cheek gently then I ripped off her fake beard.She winced and gasped"Hello Jack.Are you impressed?"She asked taking off the gotee as well"I think I almost killed you once or twice there"She said"Im touched at this most sincerest form of flattery"I said as I used my sword to take off her hat and throw it to the side"But why?"I asked confused"You were the only pirate I thought I would pass for"She said taking off her bandana and wig of my hair"That is not a compliment"I said offended then opened her shirt seeing her chest.I starred for a few seconds then looked back to her"Dont worry Jack.I forgave you a long time ago"She said ripping off her mustache"For what?For leaving you?"I asked"Recall that I left you"She said walking away"A gentleman allows a lady to maintain her fictions"I said as she sheathed her sword"Look Sparrow. As long as my sailors get their money,they're willing to put up with any number of peculiarities"She said as she went to walk away"Ah.there is one peculiarty with which I will not put up with"She stopped.I stood infront of her"I will be impersonated as 'Captain'.Nothing less"I said irritated"Well,for that, u need a ship,and as it turns out,I have one"She said"I could use a ship"I said interested"I hear tell you've been to the Fountain"She said smiling"There be a lot of hear-telling going on these days"I said annoyed"The Fountain of Youth"She said smiling"Dearest Angelica.Fret not.You still have a few usable years left"I said smiling"Always so charming.You didnt answer me"She said getting in my face"Eh?Aye.Regarding the Fountain.Waste of time really"I said but was cut off"Milady,I see unseamanlike fellows of an officious-looking nature"Said the man from before.She took her sword out and so did I.My eyes widened thinking about could I have kissed Angelica?Why am I even speaking to her anymore...Jessica is going to murder me.I saw soldiers coming.She locked the door"Friends of yours?"She asked"I may have unintentionally slighted some king or other"I said watching one of her sailors baracade the door"Yeah you havent changed!"she said"Oh yes I have I forgot to tell you,Im married"i said with a smile"What?!"She asked with rage"Why so angry?You didnt stick around"I said smirking"No!You betrayed me.You seduced me and you used me.I was innocent of the ways of men" she said.My jaw dropped"You demonstrated a lot of technique for someone I supposedly corrupted"I said.She glared at me"Imminent danger.Here,now, milady!"said the sailor.I rolled my eyes as I hid behind a post on the other side of her.We were at two different ones"I was ready to take my vows.And you-""Well my wife Jessica beat you too it"I said"I was obviously there before this little tramp you're married too!And what were you doing in a Spanish convent anyway?"I asked"She is not a tramp.You have no idea how hard I had to work to crack her open.I think u and her would get a long famously..and you mistook it for a brothel.Honest mistake"I said but then the sailor ran and in came the soldiers.As the soldiers ran in,her and I began to fight them.the back door bursted open and more came in!"We are at a disadvanage"She said but I kept fighting"Speak for yourself.Unlike someone who pretend to be-"I punched a soldier in the face"But cannot,in fact,hold a candle to,I am Captain Jack Sparrow"I said as i slashed a rum barrel and sprayed some soldiers.I began to slash them all knocking the soldiers down,Angelica began to do the same.I punctured one and it poured out calmly so I took a long swigg of it but she pulled me away so we could fight but we were surrounded.There was a lot.We looked at eachother.I nodded and ducked as she used her sword to hit a lever that would dump us in the ocean.With that we swam away as fast as we can.As we got away and came to the surface I breathed for air "How could you say I used you?"I asked"You know exactly how"She said"I know,but how can you say it?"I asked but she growled in annoyance.We got to a spot under the bridge to the London Tower"So what is it?"She asked"What is what?"I asked as we sat there"About the Fountain.What do you know?" She asked starring up at me as I dumped my boot out that was filled with water"You dont happen to be in possession of two silver chalices,circa Ponce de Leon?"I asked"No"She said shaking her head"Ha.thought not"I said"Why?"She asked"I hear stories...rumors.You are,of course,aware of the ritual"I said.She nodded"Yes I am"She said"Hmm.What is it?What is required?"I asked but then I got shot with something in the neck.I pulled it out seeing an arrow"Hmm?"I asked looking at you"A mermaid Jack"She said but I then passed out.....