Our Memories Blanket Us With Friends We Know

And If The World Needs Something Better

'You weren't there. '

A windy, grey day on the lake. Frank's at the mailbox, reading the words "YOU WEREN'T THERE." It wan't even signed or anything. No 'Gee' or 'Regards', just those three words.
He shakes his head.
" I'm so sorry. " He says out loud.


Gerard has just been feeling lazy since the night before. The night where Frank didn't show up. He didn't even feel like going to the silver mailbox this morning.
Even though everything happened. He did. He got a quick reply from Frank.
''I don't get it. Something must have happened. Look I've got two years. I'll try to fix it.''
He thought he might give Frank a taste of his own medicine. Not reply, and for a couple of days.
Gerard huffed and wrote back a reply.


''No, Frank. . . You don’t understand. It’s too late. It already happened. I’m not upset. Well, I was at first. But now I just feel stupid -- for forgetting how much a person's life can change in two years. And for expecting yours not to change. For expecting you to wait -- to run in place, to put your life on hold, for me.''

Frank threw stones into the lake frustrated.


It's Saturday when Gerard picks up Frank's reply.
''But I can do it. I can wait for you. I know I can. I wouldn't just forget. . .''
He throws it on his kitchen table, walks down the hallway, get's a towel from the cupboard and showers.


''Maybe you did. Maybe wherever you are 'now,' you're busy, and happy, and living so fully in the present that the dinner date you made two years ago just. . . slipped your mind. The way we forget impossible fantasies when we out grow them, when we get on with our real lives.''

Frank's torn. Him and Jamia are in his car. Frank just broods over this letter. Jamia is looking at him with longing. She looks away when he glances over.


Gerard's in the park with Rihanna. They have an occasional sync'd lunch.

" Are you saying I should get on with my real life? " Said Rihanna.
Gerard was nervous about his last letter he sent to Frank. He told Rihanna about Frank not coming to dinner. But he kept it on a need to know basis.
Rihanna looks at him. " What are you going to say? "

He bites his lip. " I think we both should. "


Frank reads this last line, alarmed
Frank dashes off an emotional reply: "PLEASE WRITE BACK"
He puts his letter in the mailbox and raises the flag.
He opens it back up; his letter still inside.
Weeks are passing as Frank writes and posts letter after
Eventually there is a stack of his letters in the box. They keep piling up, and they are never answered.


It's now winter, a snowy night in New York. Rihanna, Amber and fellow comics are at The Cove. They're all in a booth talking, laughing, winding down after work.
Gerard is with them.
It's been a long night and Gerard comes home Pepper and finds a message waiting on his answering machine.

" Hey, Gee. It's Matt. I'm in New York. I had to come down for a meeting. "
Gerard reaches for the delete button.
" A real one this time. I swear. "
He hesitates.
" Call me. Only if you feel like it. "
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