Collecting Hearts.


Another day, another dollar.
Sitting outside one of the apartment buildings, I waited for the next repossession to walk out. She was two months late on a breast implant payment, and we all know how Rotti likes his money.

She walked out of her apartment, her heels clicking on the stairs as she made her way down. The streetlight that usually kept this place illuminated had burned out, so she couldn’t see me.

It made what I was about to do all the better.

I waited until she was close enough to smell her perfume - some kind of flowery shit that made me want to sneeze. With a quickness, I grabbed her by the pack of her hair and pulled her to me. She was caught off guard and let out an ear piercing scream.

Why do they do this? Everyone knows it won’t help I thought to myself as I cut her throat. She tried to scream, but it’s very hard to do that when you’re choking on your own blood.
The woman gurgled a bit, blood running down the front of her clothes. It stained her white shirt and pooled as she went down. Her eyes were as wide as a doe’s. She had no idea that death had been right at her doorstep.
She fell to the ground, blood still seeping from the wound in her neck but she was still. Her chest did not rise and her eyes did not blink. She was dead.

“What a shame,” I muttered, pulling out a dagger from my boot, “you could have just made your payment and you wouldn’t be another body for the garbage disposal to pick up.”

Ripping off the woman’s shirt and cutting her bra in two, I cut a slit in her left breast. I pulled a bag out of my back pocket, which had her information on it. Within five minutes, I had both of the silicone implants in the bag.

Rotti would be happy tonight.


Walking into GeneCo, I was greeted by two of Rotti’s bodyguards. I held up my pass with my job title on it. They nodded and pressed a button, letting me in.

“Good evening Mr. Largo.” I said nonchalantly as I walked into his office. Rotti Largo was sitting at his desk, smoking a cigar.

“Evening Haner.”

I pulled the bag out of my pocket and placed it on his desk. He held it up and examined it.

“Good job Haner.” He mumbled, pulling his cigar out of his mouth to cough. He pulled a file out of his desk and slapped it down on the desk. It would be my next job for the night.
I walked up to his desk and grabbed the file, flipping it open.

Name:Daniella E. Danials.
DOB: 02/03/2001
Missing Payments: 06/02/2020

“Her parents went the original route,” I chuckled to myself, “but she’s only one month late on her payment.” I muttered. Usually Rotti gave them a little bit more time to make a payment.

“She is late on a heart transplant,” Rotti told me, taking a long draw of his cigar and puffing out smoke.

“Alright boss.” Was all I said.

Another night, another murder.
♠ ♠ ♠
so, the chapters will alternate between brian and daniella's point of view. if you're confused on why bian is collecting breast implants, please see the movie repo! the genetic opera.
hope you guys enjoy this chapter. a big thank you to everyone who has subscribed and recommended it so far. ♥
