My Friend's Friend


“Honey…what was that?” “Oh God, Daron, what are we gonna do? That was a little kid and his father’s coming over here!” Daron looked up concerned, he was nervous; you could see that in his blushed face. I still had his cock inside me, he stood up carrying me and my fear, and I was scared now. “Daron, what are you doing?” “Ok baby, listen…you see those stairs?” “Yes, I do” he was talking about a long length of stairs going up the tower of the castle “I’m coming up…no, we’re coming up so hug me as hard as you can, because we’re not going down!” my heart was beating, Daron started to climb trough the stairs, the cold steel in my back made my heart beat faster and I also had Daron’s cock inside me, I was immobile but Daron was enjoying it. We got to the middle of the stair and the guy got into the castle “Mmm, I wonder where the fuck is that ball” the ball was right next to the castle’s hole…next to my panties. oh my god! Y forgot to bring those up here “Huh! Crazy bastards who come here to have sex…disgusting, totally disgusting…but I’m gonna take these as a memory…they still smell like a woman” Oh God! That guy was even more messed up than us. Now I had no panties to go home with! Daron giggled the second after the guy left “omg! Did you see that?” “Hell yeah! Now, how am I supposed to go home?” “Don’t worry baby, that skirt is long enough, and plus, it was your fault…you were the one who left those panties there, not me” he was right, I had no right to complaint, and I should be thankful that the guy just took them, he could have looked up and well…
“Y’know, it’s quite nice up here…” “You’re not the one with cold steel in the back” Daron pushed me to the stair and smiled “are you sure you don’t wanna stay? I can fuck you up here if you want” “no, really I’d like to go down” Daron made a weird face and got down, I’m sure he really wanted to do it up there, but it could be dangerous. In the moment his feet touched the ground I felt his cock moving inside me faster and faster. He pushed me to the ‘wall’ (That wasn’t really a wall…was a thing made out of plastic that smelled funny), and started to fuck me slow and deep, he wasn’t doing it fast and hard like before, those walls were kinda fragile so…I’m sure everybody knows what could happen. “Oh baby, yes…come on, fuck me like only you know how to” he smiled pleased and kissed me, the intensity of the kiss and his way to fuck me made me come hard but in silence, my body has gotten used to the silent-orgasm. The spasm of my body made Daron come hard and noisy; by luck I shut him off with my tongue. He smiled and kissed me back, we kept that position for like 4 minutes. Until Daron took his cock out and hugged me with his strong and sexy arms. I sat on the floor for a second and took a deep breath, even tough I had some sex to relax me I was still a little nervous about that guy and about me and Daron getting busted, I’d have been awful.
“Mmm, aren’t you gonna put on your clothes?” Daron smiled at me, he knew I was thinking about that, he reads my mind. “What? Oh, yeah!” I smiled back, trying to look more calmed now. I put my clothes on, but there were way too much people on the field, we couldn’t get out or someone could see us. “Mmm, it seems like we’re gonna have to stay for the day” “don’t worry, they’ll close for lunch in 10 minutes” “and then what? How are we gonna get outta here?” Daron was right; when they closed for lunch they closed everything. We went out of the castle without anyone noticing it, but when I saw the guy and his son I couldn’t do anything but blush, especially when the little kid recognized Daron. “Daddy! Look, is the guy I told you coming inside the castle earlier this morning” Daron’s eyes opened in an alarming way “W-what? You saw me?” “Yes, and I also saw you” he looked at me. He recognized me!? The kid was probably 10 years old, had blond curly hair, kinda like Serj’s but blond, had nice ice blue eyes, penetrating eyes, you could tell by his look that he was gonna be a great lover. “So, these are your panties?” the guy introduced himself as Joe, not Joe Ferdinand, not Joe Arroyo, just Joe. “I’m afraid they are” I responded looking totally embarrassed. Daron interchanged a couple of looks with Joe, weird and unreadable looks. Then Joe kept staring at me like a dumbass for a long time, I was starting to feel really uncomfortable when Daron broke the ice and put one of his warm hands on my tight. We were on the club’s cafeteria, Mark (the little kid) was playing golf with his friends, that way he wouldn’t hear any of his father’s words. “Y’know, if I tell the administration you would get kicked out of the club” Joe gave a twisted smile “Yes, I know that. I can figure out by your look what you want on exchange” Daron responded “Come on; it’d be just a blow job, maybe some head. Your girlfriend over here has beautiful lips” “yes she does, and she’s great giving head” Daron smiled “but we’re not…” “Wait!” I interrupted. I knew how important was to my dad this membership, and if I tell him I lost mine just because I was feeling naughty it’d break his heart “It’s just a blow job right?” Daron seemed really surprised “yes, maybe some head” Joe was getting excited “I think I can do it” “you don’t have to if you don’t want to. I don’t give a fuck about this stupid membership and I know you don’t give a shit either” “but my dad does, and you know I’d never hurt his feelings” I whispered him. Daron gave me a “look”. “Ok, but I’m allowed to watch, just in case he tries something weird” I smiled at him and rubbed his cock under the table while I hugged him “don’t worry baby, you know I’d never do it unless it was completely necessary and I’ll be just practicing for you” Daron had an erection going on inside those pants. “Ok, let’s go now” Joe smiled at me. He wasn’t bad looking at all, he had probably Daron’s age, maybe 2 or 3 years older, had blond hair, but his hair was straight, had big strong arms; he wasn’t bad looking, he was gorgeous! “Am…can’t we just wait…a second?” Daron said looking embarrassed.

I ate an ice cream and Joe a sandwich, Daron didn’t eat, he just sat there looking at the roof, I guess he was trying to think of something disgusting to kick his erection away. He finally stood up, his face was calmed, but eyes revealed concern. Joe paid the bill and we all four left the location in Joe’s car. In the back seat, Daron couldn’t stop playing with Mark, he seemed really happy with that kid; it was the first time that I saw Daron playing with a child. Joe already had a boner, I was nervous.
He left Mark at his mom’s house.

We got to an old-fashion middle ‘20s house; it looked like an old cabaret. Joe opened a white door and led us to an upstairs room. “Ok, I don’t wanna waist time, everybody take off their clothes!” Joe commanded “Even me?” Daron asked surprised “of course Mr. Malakian…there’s something I want you to do” Daron hugged me and French kissed me for a long time, which got me totally wet. I think he did that on propose, he knows that I can’t get wet when I’m scared, and I was terrified. We only had two moths of knowing each other and Daron could read me like a book. I took off my clothes, so did Daron and Joe. Oh My God!! What in the world is that??? Joe had a HUGE cock, his size scared me even more, that fuck was like 8’’ and I tough Daron’s was big, only 6.4’’. Compared to Joe’s, Daron has a tiny little thing. “Ok Laura…is that your name right? Anyway, get on your knees, or do the doggie position, whatever is more comfortable for you” I looked at Daron, he gave me another “look”: “you were the one who said yes, not me” I put on my knees and took a deep breath. “It’s better if you do the doggie position” Joe smiled and put himself behind me. “Mr. Malakian, why don’t you get comfortable?” Daron smiled and sat in a chair in front of me. I started to suck Daron’s already hard cock with relief, for a second, I tough Joe only wanted to see me giving some head. I couldn’t be more wrong. Suddenly, I felt his enormous cock getting inside my wet pussy. Daron tried to argue, but when he heard my first moan he just laid his head back and continued to enjoy himself. Those were moans of pain being shut off by Daron’s cock. Joe was fucking me hard and slow, the strength of his body made Daron’s chair move “what the fuck?” Daron asked surprised “Don’t worry Mr. Malakian, your girlfriend is having a great time” We kept that rhythm until Daron came in my mouth. I’ve never tasted Daron before, he was sweet, but not too much, I guess it was from all the beer. I collapsed in a violent orgasm; Joe took his cock out and spread his seed all over my back. Daron got on his knees and hugged me taking care of not touching Joe’s cum. Joe gave me a towel and showed us the bathroom “Get your clothes, go get a shower and get the hell out of my house. Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about your castle-fun, but make sure this never happens again, or I’m telling the police and you’re going to prison” he looked at Daron when he said that last thing. We went to the bathroom and took a shower. We left on a cab.

As soon as we got to the club we left on Daron’s car. In the way home we barely talked “how’s your pussy baby? That dude had a huge cock, did he hurt you?” “Yes, he did. But nothing important, anyway I enjoyed it” I smiled “you know, I’d never hurt you in such a rough way” Daron smiled and kissed my hand. He had no idea about how wrong he was.