My Friend's Friend

Beautiful Changes

I asked Diane “why do you know Serj Tankian? I mean why do you never tell me when you know someone famous?” “Well, I had no idea you liked system” “Bitch! You know they’re my favorite band, in fact, I’m wearing a SOAD shirt right now!” “m’kay, you can come with me, I’m meeting Serj and the guys right now, I’m on my way out” the guys? You mean Daron, Shavo and John? Oh my, what I’m going to say when I see Serj? Is he going to act normal? I’m a little nervous, but just a little bit a little bit...liar.

We met’em at 4:00 pm, Serj wasn’t there thank God! “why Serj isn’t…” but then my mind wasn’t on Serj anymore when I saw him, the most beautiful and short creature in the world. Daron smiled at me and said “hey, What's up?” now another of my glorious moments “ammm, hi, my name is…” what is my name? “Laura!” Diane said trying to make things better. “Oh, well, as you’re wearing a SOAD shirt I guess you already know our names” Daron giggled I didn’t change!? What the hell? we sat there and Diane started to talk with them about business, I swear! Daron was looking at me! I could feel his warm eyes in my face while I was trying to pretend that I was distracted, I couldn’t take my eyes off him, I think Diane noticed it, because she kept giggling all the time.
Diane said that she had some “business” with Shavo and John so she left. Next thing I know I’m alone with Daron please! Not another fool moment he smiled “so, are all of our fans as cute as you?” “well, I don’t know if I’m cute, but I’ve seen really cute fans” he giggled and rolled his eyes “well, I think you’re really beautiful, your eyes are really cute” “thanks, so are yours” …awkward… “ahem, do you mind if I invite you a coffee?” “Oh, off course not, I feel flattered” then, for some weird reason I remembered about Serj’s note, it was on my pocket. I opened it, Daron was eating cookies and looking somewhere else, and Serj wasn’t there so what the hell…
“I really like you, I’m sure destiny will put us together again, trust me…Serj”

what in the world does that mean? Daron smiled “did you read the note?” “What note?” “Don’t worry, I already know” “oh, well yes, do you know what is says?” “Something about the destiny right?” “Yes, why do you know?” “Serj told me the whole thing” so he knows about our encounter? it was like he read my mind “I know you two had sex, it’s ok and I don’t care” I’m sorry? Why would you care? “That shouldn’t care you, you’re not like my boyfriend or something” “well…not yet” “what do you mean?” “No, nothing, I’m just saying” “hmm m’kay” the guys arrived and we had to leave, everybody said goodbye to me, but Daron kissed me softly in the lips and whispered “I like you, I really do…we’ll meet again” Diane smiled.
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Yeah, Laura is a slut, i know. :)