My Chemical Romance

The New Kid


My alarm clock went off. I looked at the red numbers that said 7:45 am. "CRAP!! School starts in 15 minutes!!!!
Today was my first day at West High School in New Jersey. I climbed out of bed and sprinted to my closet, put on my blue jeans and pink polo shirt, ran into the bathroom to put my hair in a scrunchy, then scrambled out the door.
As I arrived at school, gasping for breath, the bell rang. Mobs of kids went inside so i figured I should just follow them. I searched my bag for my scheduale. I went to my new locker that was spray painted black and had some pretty awful words on it. "Eww" I said, discusted.
The bell rang, indicating who was late for 1st period. I found my classroom abd saw a sea of eyes staring at me. "Okay class," said Mrs. Grenger "We have a new student today, her name is Miranda. Miranda, why don't you go sit by Gerard over there." She was pointing to a handsom boy around 17 years old with black hair that went everywhere. 'Great here I am at a new school, sitting next to a hot boy, who most likely thinks I'm a nerd' I thought to myself. "Hey, I'm Gerard, everyone calls me Gee though. I smiled and replied "I'm Miranda."