My Chemical Romance


On sunday I decided to go to Starbucks for some coffee. As I was walking there I thought to myself, 'Boy, I should have invited the guys for coffee. Wonder what kind they like?' I was so into my thoughts that I guess I didn't see that boy carrying like 5 coffees.
We collided into eachother. The coffee was spilled all over my shirt!! "CRAP, WATCH WHERE YOUR GOING!!" I said, pretty pissed. When I looked up I realized the boy I just ran into was Gee! My jaw dropped wide open and my mouth seemed to say, "Oh my gosh! Gee I'm so sor..." I was cut off by many apologies. After a while I just said, kind of annoyed, "Look it's no big deal. I can always buy a new shirt." He smiled akwardly. "How about we get new coffees and go hang at my house. Just forget this ever happened." I agreed and we were off.