My Chemical Romance


Gee asked me, "You seemed bored. Where you?" "Oh, no way, it was great the guy just wouldn't shut up!" They all laughed and Gee replied, "Yeah it was our first interview, it won't even air on tv so just forget it." I nodded understandingly.
When we reached my house I thanked them tons for bringing me and that we'll have to do it again sometime.
Three days later...
Gee and the boys invited me to come over and help write some songs and of course I agreed and when I got there Gee asked me to do some background singing. All I had to do was whisper and the boys loved me! We did our singing and I left.
When I got to school the following day some people came up to me and the guys. "WOW! Your really hanging out with these geeks?" The clique leader said rudely. Gee scoweled and replied, "Come on guys just ignore them." I refused and just fought back. "Shut up you don't know anything!!!" One of them said some pretty rude things and Frank said, "Buzz off insects!!" They had enough and just left. We all laughed because a scrawney little 16 year old faught off a bunch of 18 year olds. After that, we had no more problems with those losers.