Found Missing

Make Me Real, Make Me Be, Make Me Somebody.

CC read to me until I fell asleep on his chest again, and I guess he stayed by my side because when I woke up the next morning I was once again laying on his chest. I yawned lightly and stretched noticing that he was still asleep, this time the Alice in Wonderland book was laying on the bedside table.

Trying not to wake him, I lightly got up off of the bed to head towards the bathroom. I didn't get very far before I felt a warm pair of arms wrap around my waist.

CC: I thought they told you to have someone go with you when you left the room?

Me: You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to wake you. Plus there isn't any chance I will try to cut again. I've found a reason not to anymore.

CC: Oh? What sort of reason?

Me: Maybe someday I'll tell you *giggles*

That made him happy as he laughed with me and I went into te bathroom. After I came out, CC was waiting there with a cup of coffee for me. We both headed back to the room, where we layed down and continued reading Alice in Wonderland together. A couple hours later, the nurse came in to let me know that they were finally releasing me. That seemed to make CC happy as he gave me a hug and helpe me pack what little things I had. I knew I would be staying with him, but I felt kind of nervous. I mean I just barely met him, ya know?

He drove me to his house, where both his dogs greeted me at the door jumping up on me. Their claws hurt my still healing wrists but I didn't want to say anything incase CC started worrying. Finally after a few minutes of doggie kisses and licks later, we got inside where CC took my bags and put them in a room. Then his phone rang again, which I assumed it was one of his band mates again.

After he got off the phone, he asked if I would like to meet his band mates, because he had to head to practice and he didnt want to leave me by myself. I nodded and asked if I could quickly change as he nodded back. I went upstairs to my bag and looked through my clothes, I really didnt have much but I finally picked out some ripped jeans and a band shirt. We left after that, and I felt nervous the whole way there. I mean who wouldn't be?, I had just met CC and now I was going to meet his friends. I didn't want to just be the "random girl" he showed up with.
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Title Credit - Moonflower by Yu Phoenix