I'm Just a Painter

One of One

It was six o’clock in the morning when Zayn was awoken by the man fixing the roof and well she was furious. Not only is she experiencing horrible jet lag but she stayed up the night before drinking all by herself. So the knocking and pounding and drilling really needed to stop like right now. Not even caring that she was in a just a t-shirt and underwear Zayn stormed out of her room, down the stairs and out the back door. She walked far enough into the grass to see, well to see the Greek god that is fixing the roof. No matter how attractive he is (which to Zayn is extremely attractive) he still woke her up at six in the goddamn morning and that's not okay.

"Hey!" Zayn yelled once he stopped drilling. "Hey!!!" She yelled again finally getting his attention. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?!"

Zayn watched as the man wiped his brow and obviously tried to figure out who Zayn was. Finally he just gave up and put his tools down, going over to the ladder and climbing down. Zayn watched as the man gave her a once over and maybe if Zayn wasn't so crabby she would care but at this moment she just wanted to kill him (realistically he looked like a puppy and Zayn couldn't hurt this guy no matter what).

"I'm sorry, I thought everyone in this house was to be on vacation."

"Well not this girl."

"I'm very sorry, what's your name?"


"Right we'll I'm Liam, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Is this going to be a constant thing? You waking me up at six in the goddamn morning?" Zayn questioned crossing her arms over her chest.

Liam tried not to focus on the way Zayn's shirt tightened around her braless chest or that he had a clear view of her stripped boy shorts which were more attractive than he thought.

"To be honest yes."

"Do you honestly have to start that early?"

"Uhm," Liam started, scratching the back of his neck. "Not technically."

"What does that mean?"

"It means I'm an independent contractor so I can start whenever. It's just easier for me to start early and finish early in the day. So that way I'm not working in the hottest hours of the day."

As much as Zayn wanted to be a bitch and tell him to work later she could understand his logic.

"Okay well fine. I guess I'll see you tomorrow then."

"Indeed you will. I really am sorry for starting this early and not acknowledging you were here. I would have introduced myself earlier."

Zayn loosed up and shrugged, "It was last minute for me so no worries Liam. Just knock if you're bleeding to death or something."

Liam laughed and nodded, "Will do, ma'am."

Zayn smiled and blushed ever so slightly before going back inside. Since she knew Liam would continue to be working there was no point in trying to fall asleep. So instead she made herself some tea and laid on the couch, dozing in and out.

The next morning Zayn was a bit more prepared for the work and due to her exhaustion level she was able to sleep in a little longer than the day before. She didn't actually have anything to say to Liam so she stayed inside while he worked, hoping she wasn't come off too rude. This routine kept up for almost a week until Zayn was just flat out bored and she felt awkward knowing they both knew she was inside and not trying to make conversation. Zayn woke up at eight this time and made a full breakfast. Once everything was done and plates were set and full of food, she walked back outside still not caring that she was in a t-shirt and underwear again; Liam’s already seen her in that there’s no point in hiding.

Zayn walked back into the grass and yelled up for Liam who actually turned at the first yell, “Can you take a break? I made some breakfast for us.”

Even from her spot on the ground Zayn could see Liam’s smile, “I’ll be right there!” Liam called back.

Zayn gave him a wave to show that she heard him before walking back into her house leaving the door open for Liam. As she waited she nibbled on a piece of toast and swiveled on the bar chair, feeling like a little kid again. Finally she heard footsteps and turned to see Liam slipping off his shoes before he enters, an act so endearing Zayn felt like she was going to melt.

“So what’s the occasion?” Liam asked as he sat next to her.

“I was lonely.” Zayn shrugged. “I made tea but if you don’t want that I can make coffee or if you want something cold we have milk, water, lemonade.”

“Tea is fine, thanks Z.”

Zayn didn’t know where that nickname came from but she liked it, “Cream and sugar?” She asked as she got up.

“Yes to cream, no sugar please.”

Zayn nodded and made both of them a cuppa, handing Liam his cup before sitting down again.

“So can I ask why you didn’t go on this family vacation extravaganza as your mom put it?”

Zayn shrugged again, “I’m having a midlife crisis.”

“Midlife crisis?” Liam questioned. “You look like you’re 18.”

“Close I’m twenty. So it’s a mid midlife crisis.”

“Huh. Well I’m sorry to hear that.”

“It’s alright.” Zayn sighed. “So you own your own business?”

Liam nodded “Yeah mostly, my dad is a constructor and I grew up around it and at 16 I had a job and it was pretty steady so I didn’t feel the need to go to college, didn’t really have the money either to be honest. When I turned 18 my dad gave me some of his business just for me. So I practically run it myself but my dad will help here and there if I get confused or take on too much work.”

“Does that happen often?”

“Not really anymore. I learned how to schedule things and what certain projects would be done in a time frame.”

“And you like doing all this work by yourself?”

Liam nodded, “Yeah, I’m only reliable for myself and I know I can do the work properly the first time. I don’t have to go back and make sure others are doing it correctly.”

“Huh That’s a fair point. I think I’d get a bit lonely working by myself.”

“It’s not so bad, I’m finished around four every day so that leaves plenty of time to hang out with my mates.”

“Do you?” Zayn questioned turning to face him.

“Uhm, yeah sometimes. Why?”

Zayn shrugged, “Just curious.” This was mostly the truth but in Zayn’s experience the people who like to work alone don’t really hang out with people often and she only knows that because she’s one of them.

“Have you been sleeping okay? Because if you’re not getting enough sleep I can start the work later.”

“No, don’t even worry about it. I usually just rest on the couch for a while and take a nap. The good thing about this mid midlife crisis is that I don’t have the energy to do anything which usually means taking naps every day.”

“This must be a really serious mid midlife crisis.”

“It might not be and I might be a little overdramatic, I haven’t figured it out yet and it depends on who you ask. For instance, if you ask my dad he’ll say overdramatic but if you ask my mom, she’ll say its legitimate.”

“Well what do you say?”

Zayn was quiet for a minute, “It’s about as serious as drawing since for practically my whole life, getting into the best art school in America and waking up one day and decided I hate it.” Liam’s mouth formed an ‘oh’ and Zayn couldn’t help but laugh. “Yeah, basically.”

“You need all the naps you can get. Maybe I should cook you breakfast one day, sounds like you deserve it. I’m a horrible cook so I’ll probably just stop at my friend’s bakery and get something but at least it’s free.”

Zayn laughed, “Thank you Liam, that’s sweet but it’ll be okay. I don’t mind cooking, I couldn’t do it much when I was in America and it was hard to find all the same products so it’s actually good to be home where I can cook everything properly."

“Well,” Liam started to say, “If you need someone to cook for, you know where to find me.”

“I’ll keep that in mind, Li.”

Zayn did in fact keep that in mind, she made them lunch that same day and for the next couple of days Zayn would wake up and make them breakfast then she would actually sit outside and keep Liam company. She would either read or try to draw which was actually working out really well for her. Around lunch time she would go back inside and make them some lunch and they would either talk in the kitchen or watch TV. They were becoming pretty close and Zayn was beginning to worry for the day that Liam didn’t have to be there anymore because she still doesn’t feel like doing anything, doesn’t feel like going out with friends so if she doesn’t have the excuse of him being there then she doesn’t know if she’ll ever talk to him again.

What she didn’t realize however was that Liam was beginning to take off a few days during the week and Zayn didn’t know why, she figured just because he deserved it or it was mandatory but in actuality he didn’t want to stop working at her house either. So by taking off a few days here and there and picking up some projects, it would guarantee more time with Zayn. He would only take off every other day or sometimes two or three in a row and at the end of those days Liam missed Zayn more than he would like to admit. It’s always such a relief to see her again and every time he’s gone for a few days and he comes back, he always gives her a giant hug no matter how sweaty he is or how much she protests. He knows she’s only kidding because the second she’s in his arms she melts right into them.

Liam took off a few days and then his dad ended up being sick and he had to work on his dad’s projects so he hasn’t seen Zayn in a week and he’s really looking forward to it. He knows Zayn’s routine and once it starts to get closer and closer to eight o’clock he’ll slow down on his work because Zayn should be waking up. Like clockwork at around 8:30 Zayn wandered into the grass in her signature t-shirt and underwear (Liam has been wondering if she actually owns clothes but he doesn’t want to ask because he doesn’t want her to stop).

“You’re here!” She yells holding up her hands making her t-shirt ride up. “Get down here Li!” She yells and of course Liam can’t so no to that.

Once he was safely on the ground Zayn ran into his arms and he caught her easily, hugging her close to him.

“Missed you.” she whispered into his ear.

Liam tightened his hold on her, “Missed you too Z.”

Zayn grinned and kissed his neck before loosening her grip around him, “Hungry?”


“Okay, come in and sit with me while I make it, I haven’t seen you in forever.”

Liam sat at the bar while Zayn cooked and they talked about their weeks which for Liam was just work work work and for Zayn it was absolutely nothing; she tried to draw but nothing really came of it so she gave up after a while. After they ate Liam got back to work and Zayn grabbed her sketch book and sat outside to keep Liam company which usually meant just ogling at him. They did their own thing for a few hours until Zayn could faintly hear her phone ringing from the kitchen so she tossed her sketch book on the chair and ran inside to get the call. Needing a break, Liam stopped working and made his way down the ladder and to the chair Zayn was sitting in. He picked up the sketchbook and sat down, knowing he shouldn’t open it but he was curious. She’s usually really carefully about where she leaves it and Liam has always been curious as to what she’s drawing since from the talk about her mid midlife crisis, isn’t much lately.

Liam could hear Zayn yelling at whoever was on the phone so he made sure to keep an eye on her in case he needed her and flipped open the sketch book. The first few pages were just of fruit or trees, minimal things but they were still the best drawings Liam has ever seen. The next few drawings were of some other girls, presumably her sisters since they all looked similar. After the girls the drawings were more dark and they were mostly crossed out and Liam could just see Zayn concentrating and attempting to get something to work but becoming frustrated and just giving up. There was obviously a time gap between the marked out drawings and what Liam saw because the next rest of the pages were all drawings of him. One page was dedicated to his hands, another his legs, another his biceps, his chest, his face, his whole body, his eyes. He was amazed. He was amazed that she had this much talent and that she saw him in this kind of light and of all the things she could draw, she chose him especially at a time like this where it seems apparent she is so completely lost.

Liam stood up unsure of what he was going to do or say, he just knew he had to see Zayn. So with the sketchbook in hand he walked into her house (taking off his shoes of course) and followed her voice which seemed to be in her room. She stopped talking though and she came running out of her room and down the stairs almost knocking into Liam who kept her steady. It was obvious she had been crying and if Liam wasn’t so turned on then maybe he would have taken proper care of her but nothing else mattered in that moment other than the drawings.

“Are you alright?” Zayn asked. Liam held up the sketchbook and all the color drained from Zayn’s face. “I’m so sorry Liam. Please don’t think I’m creepy, you’re just really fit and perfect to draw and-“

Liam cut her off by placing one hand on the back of her neck and pulling her into him so he could finally kiss her. She was rigid against him for only a moment before she finally seemed to register what was going on and melted into him. He wrapped his other arm, that was still holding the sketchbook, around her and pulled her in impossibly closer. She moved her hands around Liam’s neck and pushed herself against him, even if they were already as close as they can get. Liam is the first one to pull away but Zayn chases his lips and pulls him back into her, not ready to have this end. Somehow she moved her hand from around his neck and grabbed the sketchbook from him, closing it expertly and tossing it on the ground, really not caring about it in this moment. Zayn lifted her leg and tapped Liam’s hip, signifying she wanted up and in an instant he was lifting her off the ground so she could wrap her legs around his waist.

“We need to stop.”

“Why?” Zayn asked kissing his jaw line to his neck.

“Because I can’t guarantee that I will stop when things get taken further.”

Zayn let out the smallest moan and rocked her hips into his, “That won’t be a problem.”

“Zayn.” Liam moaned.

“Please? Liam? I’m having a mid midlife crisis and I’m so willing, practically begging for it. Are you really going to turn me down? Why do you think I’ve only been in my underwear for like a month!”

Liam knows it’s probably not the right time to laugh but he couldn’t help it and with the way Zayn smiled at him, he guessed she didn’t mind either. He carefully set Zayn down much to her protest and turned her around.

“Lead the way.”

With a slap to her ass and a squeal from Zayn she was darting up the stairs with Liam right behind her.

“Z, go to sleep.” Liam mumbled into the pillow.

Zayn giggled, “Hey you’re supposed to be working mister.”

“I retire.”

“You’re too young to retire. Come on, I’ll make lunch and then you’ll work and then we’ll have more sex.”

“How about we just sleep, wake up, have more sex?”

“Can we skip to more sex?”

“Too tired. Sorry Z.”

Zayn sighed, “That’s alright.”

“Come on, just sleep please baby?”

Zayn really couldn’t resist Liam’s puppy dog eyes so she agreed and curled into his body perfectly and let his even breathing lull her to sleep. When Zayn woke again it had only been around an hour and Liam was still asleep and there was no way she was going to wake him, he looked too peaceful to be woken up. So instead she quietly escaped the bed and her room and found her sketchbook on the floor and went back to her room. This time however she sat at her desk and sharpened a new pencil and faced Liam, so she could draw him again. After a few hours of drawing, Liam finally woke up, his hand spreading across the bed to find Zayn but he didn’t feel anything so he slowly opened his eyes and noticed her hunched over her sketchbook in her desk chair.

Liam smiled and rolled onto his back, “Morning.”

Zayn jumped and looked up at Liam with a smile; she set her things on her desk and jumped on the bed kissing Liam instantly.

“Were you admiring me again?” Liam questioned.


“How long have you been up?” he asked running a hand up and down her spine.

“A while.” She shrugged.

“You should’ve woken me up.” Liam said with a yawn.

“No it’s okay, you worked hard this morning then you worked hard on me so you needed rest.”

Liam didn’t say anything he just kept rubbing her spine up and down until she finally just laid down beside him and kissed him again and again.

“Tell me about your mid midlife crisis.” Liam finally whispered.

“I started drawing when I could pick up a pencil and make marks on a paper or walls really. I’ve always loved it and it got me through a lot of dark times. I was always entering into art competitions and actually winning and I just knew art is something I wanted to do for the rest of my life. When it was time to apply to colleges I took a leap of faith and applied for SCAD University in America and was actually accepted. I said goodbye to all of my friends and my family and headed off to school alone. It was pretty terrible from the get go to be honest.” Zayn admitted. “I was new and all the guys were thinking I would be easy and everyone was so stuck up and I wasn’t used to anything there. I was having such a hard time but no one would help me figure it out. My dorm mate was a total slag and there was always a different guy sleeping over even when I was there which was every night. I had to take the core classes my first year which I understand and some of them trickled into my sophomore year but I still wasn’t taking the classes I needed to take for my degree and I still didn’t have any friends, I was completely alone. I went to my guidance councler and expressed that I wanted to take classes for my degree she said some bullshit and pretty much told me I wouldn’t take them until senior year and I was floored. What had I been doing for the past two years, ya know? Like what is the point? So I called my mom and told her my frustrations but she convinced me to stick it out. By this point mind you, I stopped drawing for me and I was simply drawing to pass my classes. So in the middle of my junior year I woke up one day and thought ‘what am I even doing with my life?’ I didn’t go to any class that day and I just walked around the city and tried to draw for me but nothing happened. This wretched school ruined it for me and there was no point in staying so I called my mom again and said I had to leave. I sent all my shit home, withdrew, and the next day I was here.” Zayn said. “I arrived the day before we met. My mom begged me to go on vacation with everyone but everything was already set and I just wasn’t up for it. I haven’t been up for anything because my whole life has centered around drawing and I hadn’t felt like doing that. Until you showed up. I’m being completely serious when I say you’re the first thing I’ve drawn for fun in two years.”

“Why is that?” Liam questioned quietly.

“I could give you a list of technical reasons as to why that is but that’s probably not what you’re asking.”

“If you want to stroke my ego then go ahead.”

Zayn giggled and shook her head, “There’s just something about you Li. You’re the first friend I’ve had since I left this country and you’re the first person I’ve actually wanted to talk to. Every person in my family has been hammering me about this mid midlife crisis but you just let me be. You let me be lost, you let me cook you breakfast and lunch, you let me sit outside with you, you let me sit around all day in my underwear.”

“As if I would actually protest that.”

Zayn rolled her eyes, “You let me be me, Liam and that’s important. And for the first time in two years, you allowed me the freedom and gave me the drive to draw and that’s the best thing I could have ever asked for.”

Liam was at a loss for words because he wasn’t expecting any of what Zayn said and he really doesn’t know if he could say anything that could live up to what Zayn said to him. He could tell he was worrying her however so he just leaned forward and kissed her.

“Please don’t ever stop drawing me.” Liam whispered.

“Don’t stop showing up. I know you can’t work on my roof forever but I need you to stay.”

Liam kissed Zayn again, “I’m not going anywhere.”

Zayn closed her eyes and nodded, accepting another kiss.

“I want to sing.” Liam spoke up. “I’ve always wanted to sing but I don’t want to be a popstar or famous or anything like that. I’d be happy with just singing in a coffee shop. It’s actually what I’ve always wanted; I’ve had this dream of opening a coffee shop and having local artists come in and sing every night and they would get all the tips that we received. We would have a showcase at the end of the month where the staff would be able to sing and perform and it would be a community thing, one free cup of coffee and scone for everyone who walks in the door.” Liam explained. “I know it sounds boring and it doesn’t completely allow me to sing but it’s what I’ve always wanted.”

“Oh Liam, it sounds so perfect. You’d be the best owner ever, honestly. I can just see your shop now. With cool slow rock or oldies playing during the day and old ladies completely fawning over you during the day and teenagers and groups of friends coming in at night to sing and just have fun. You’d be so good at this Li.”

“You think so?”

“I really really do.”

“I’ve been saving up for it, it’s why I take too much on sometimes.” Liam admitted. “I’ve still got to work for about another five years and then I can start to think about seriously opening the shop.”

“If I wasn’t having a mid midlife crisis I would help you pay for it.”

“Just draw me things to decorate the place with and give me a reason to sing.”


Five years later Liam was opening the doors to his very own coffee shop called Mid Midlife Crisis, with Zayn’s art all across the walls. Zayn as well as a few other of Liam’s friends agreed to help run it until he could hire people off the street. Every night starting at seven they held an open mic night and on the last night of the month they held a huge bash with free coffee and scones and the mic was up for grabs, even for the people who worked there. It wasn’t long into Liam and Zayn’s relationship that Liam discovered Zayn could sing so at the end of every month he was always making them sing a duet. On occasion, Liam’s other friends (Niall, Louis and Harry) would sing along with them and they were always a crowd pleaser. Zayn was drawing everyday now most things on commission but she allowed herself an hour or two of every day to draw for herself. It was mostly of Liam but neither one seemed to care that he was all she could draw for herself.