Nothing But Original

I Don't Do Gentle Part 2

Nothing But Original

I Don't Do Gentle Part 2; Chapter Nineteen

I shrugged off the feeling and walked down the hall and was stopped by Stefan.

"What's happening so far?"

"Bonnie's casting a spell. And Esther took Elena we don't know where though." I followed him when Niklaus looked at me I walked over to Damon while feeling Klaus' eyes on me but I paid my attention to Bonnie.

"Merabas hec libatal confremun signas. Omus quisa tentum, exalus. Merabas hec libatal confremun signas. Omus quisa tentum..."

"She does this all the time, right?" a man I think his name is Jamie

"What's taking so long? All boundary spells have a loophole." Bonnie looked at Klaus with an annoyed look

"Well not everything can be rushed Klaus." he looked at me and opened his mouth to say something when Matt busted through the doors

"People are walking right out of the dance, past the barrier."

"Well, if Matt and I can leave, we could stop Esther ourselves. We just gotta find out where she is."

"Suicide, Jeremy." Klaus ran to Jamie and held him up by the neck

"Suicide would be disappointing me. Now work your magic, witch, or I'll start killing people you fancy."

"Sometimes I wonder how we're related" I said

"Let him go!" Bonnie shouted at Klaus

"Not until you get us out of here."

"Aww… don't be stupid Klaus, Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. The only reason she's helping right now is to save Caroline and Tyler. You start killing people she cares about she'll tells us all to go to hell" Stefan said

"Not like he doesn't need to." I muttered and Damon elbowed me "Oww!" I smacked his shoulder and he groaned then I saw Klaus let go of Jamie who was gasping for air and Klaus, Stefan, and Damon just watched Bonnie.

I was beginning to get really bored I sat in one of the desks going through my phone when Damon and Klaus came in

"Here, Gilbert is willing to do a little donation to do the locator spell"

"I have to do this with you two lurking over me?"

"I'm not bothering you am I Bonnie?" I raised my hand and she turned to me and smiled

"Nope. You're actually the best person in this room" I shot my hand down in muttered "yes"

"You're still mad about what happened to Abby. Let me apologise. I'm sorry Elijah forced us to turn your mother into a vampire to save Elena's life. Didn't exactly have a choice."

"There's always a choice. Whenever you make one someone always suffers." Bonnie snapped at Damon I made a long whistle sound

"Let's cut the dramatics and begin shall we." Klaus said I put my feet on the desk I could smell Jeremy's blood it stung my throat I started coughing I stood and walked past them I could feel their eyes on me as I left until I came across a vending machine full of sodas getting me a and taking large amounts I could hear Bonnie's chants and slowly headed back and stopped in the doorway.

"Esther's fighting me."

"Esther couldn't possibly have this much power, unless she's channeling something."

"A hotspot."

"Get the humans ready. I know where she is." Klaus said they all started gathering their things I went to grab my phone

"From what I saw earlier…" I turned and saw Klaus in the doorway "You can't handle human blood." I took a deep breath and walked towards the door until he fully block my path

"Move!" he didn't "I said move KLAUS!" I shouted

"Hmm… grouchy, grouchy, grouchy see this wouldn't happen if you just drank some."

"So I could turn into a self-raging bastard like you who only relies on his creations rather than the people who care about him." he frowned "I'd rather drink a whole bucket of vervain." I pushed past him when he grabbed my arm

"You really think of me like that your own brother?"

"What brother? I see someone that looks like him, sounds, like him, but isn't him." I grabbed his hand and pushed him against the wall "You've changed your not you I don't want to be like you as I did before. As soon as Esther leaves then I hope you do 'cause I like it here, I like my friends Bonnie, Elena, Stefan, Damon, hell… even Caroline a true friend there is my family." Klaus' eyes got some tears "I'm not ashamed to say that." I walked away and met up with Damon

"You alright?"

"Freaking peachy."

"Is it almost time to go?" I asked

"Uhh… let me look at my watch." Damon looked to Stefan who stepped forward but was pressed against the wall "Nope." I groaned

"Brotherhood…" I heard Klaus finished Damon stepped forward

"He already has a brother, not to be territorial or anything"

"Oh… no of course. The Salvatores and their unshakeable bond." he said sarcastically "I wonder what will happen when Elena makes her choice. Will we see you shake just a little bit?" Klaus smiled

"The future is as bad as the past so I'd rather you shut your mouth Niklaus."

"Back to full names, are we?"

"I could think of a different name to call you." he smiled and shook his head I heard heels and turned to see Bonnie

"It's done." I turned and ran.

I stopped at the cemetery and saw Klaus carrying a body he stopped beside me

"Would you like to say a few words for our dead mommy." I didn't even look at him before I was running to the gate of the spot where Jeremy was

"Elena? Alaric?"

"Elena's fine I think Alaric…" I rushed past him Elena jumped "Sorry." I looked at Alaric "You look like crap." he chuckled and then groaned

"Please don't make me laugh." I raised my hands

"My bad." Jeremy came in

Damon's here. And Klaus took Esther's body."

"Does he know about the stake?" Alaric asked I gave him a questioning look

"No, only that she tried to turn you into a weapon but failed." Elena and Alaric looked at each other

"What's going on?" I asked

"Listen guys I'm not going to complete the transition. My dark side was dangerous enough as a human... I can't be a vampire."

"So what we're just going to lock you in here and let you die?" Jeremy was getting frustrated from what I could hear in his voice hurt and anger Elena held back tears as Jeremy basically said what Alaric wanted to say "No! No we can't-"

"Listen, Jeremy, it's the right thing to do, okay? After everything thats happened what I've been through. After all that I've done. Maybe I had it coming." Jeremy shook his head and was about to stomp his way out

"Hey wait, Jer." he turned to face her "Alaric this isn't your fault."

"Please you guys let's not make this any harder than it already is. You all should go. Damon's here, go make sure it goes down the right way."

"Alright." Jeremy said and turned away


"Don't. Just don't give me some crap speech about how I need to be the man of the house" Alaric whispered an "okay" to Jeremy "I won't" he said to Jeremy before wrapping his arms around Jeremy and Jeremy wrapped his arms around Alaric when he let go Jeremy quickly left the room and he turned to face us

"This is all my fault." Elena cried "You moved out, you gave me your ring back, you didn't want any part in this and I… I forced you to stay and take care of us."

"No, it's mine if I had gotten all my siblings then none of this would have happened." I said

"Don't do that. Okay? Taking care of you and Jeremy has been… has been the closest I've ever thing I've ever come to the life I've always wanted." Elena wrapped her arms around Alaric "You should go." she let go of Alaric and they looked at each other he moved to the side and she went forward he turned to me

"I may not have known you long enough, Alaric, but I could tell you were a good man. It was a privilege knowing you." I said I held my hand out when he smiled and grabbed my hand and yanked me to him and wrapped his arms around me

"Make sure they stay safe."

"I will."

"And Damon doesn't act like a dick." I chuckled

"I can't promise you that one." he chuckled again and we pulled away from each other

"You were a good student and friend even if you are a killer's sister you have a heart of gold." I shook my head I walked past him and he walked behind me coming out I saw everyone standing there looking at us I looked at Alaric before taking a couple steps away from Alaric and walked to the angel statue before turning back to Alaric he looked at everyone but stared the longest at Meredith before heading back inside the tomb and I heard the groaning from the door as I shut.

I stood there a for a few extra minutes before Caroline came up to me

"Hey." I looked at her and gave her a shy smile

"Hi. How was the dance besides my creepy brother dancing with you?"

"It was okay. I wish we could go a night without some drama though."

"We wish but they never come true." I said and she nodded "All this could have been avoided."

"We can never avoid the unexpected." I looked at her "We just wait for what comes ahead good or bad." she looked at Tyler then back at me "Come spend the night with me" I nodded and she wrapped her arm around me bringing me closer to her and Tyler wrapped his arm around Caroline and we walked to the car.

Caroline said her goodbyes to Tyler and came back climbing onto the bed next to me

"Have you thought of taking the easy way out like Alaric?" Caroline asked me I looked to her

"I never given it much thought. After I turned and saw Elliot die I just thought of revenge I let my anger get in the way that I didn't bother thinking about it. Why?"

"You always have that look on your face like you just don't even want to be here."

"Where else would I go besides what's out there that isn't here in Mystic Falls." she gave me a questioning look "I mean, we have werewolves, hybrids…" she started laughing "Vampires, witches, cheerleaders" she laughed harder at the last bit and punched me in the shoulder and I chuckled

"You're terrible."

"Valerie the Terrible. Has a cool ring." she gave me a dumbfounded look

"Really? You're serious?" I shook my head "Well, goodnight."


Whoa! Look at how long it's been and I will start apologizing and the ass kissing with the first commenter I had gone on vacation and when I came back to school we were given so much homework it sucked like really bad. Tests and quizzes like everyday I don't like my sophomore year as much as freshmen year we also had our homecoming week I was assigned to draw our door with another good artist and we got last place. SUCKS! I was also taken out of the art competition EVEN WORSE! Then my computer started spazzing out so i couldn't write and the netflix account I was using was cancelled so yeah. I've also been thinking of doing a spin off to the Originals during the fourth season when I get to it but I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will try to continue my writing for you amazing people like again I'm sorry.