Forbidden Love

New day

I woke up and immediately started to rub my eyes from tiredness.

I grabbed my clothes for my shower, and put them in the bathroom so I could go and get a towel for my shower.

I went to grab a towel, and heard my dad talking to what seemed to be a woman by the way he flirted and laughed.

"Oh no," I thought. "Could this be the woman my dad is dating, and will marry so I end up having a new step brother?"

I sighed and just walk past to him to get a towel for my shower.

I grabbed the towel, and walked upstairs to get my shower and think about this entire bloody day.

After getting out of the shower about 20 or 25 minutes later, I dried my hair with the towel, and started to get dressed.

"Why did my dear sweet mother have to die for?" I asked myself, almost bursting into tears.

"And why did I have to get in that car accident from when I was 5 that made me have psychic dreams?"

I slammed my hand into my mirror until I saw blood on my hands and bits of glass shard in my hands too.

I started to cry and quickly slam the bathroom door so no one could come in.

I bandaged my hands up quick before they bled onto the clean linoleum floor, and I jumped out the window, eventually getting to school to get asked why my hands were like this.

I ignored everyone for the rest of the day, and just listened to my music on my iPod Nano until lunch had finally come.