Status: Completed

Where Did the Bands Go?

But It's Better If You Do (This Mission)

The interviewer watched another band fall to their knees. They would need to make sure the singers cables are up to scratch, the singer, Brendon, was also the last one to be drained. They also needed more energy if they ever wanted to be the best band. They strolled out of the room, they needed to book another appointment, then they will hide the body's. 'Fall Out Boy next. It won't be long before the police are after me, so I'll have to be quick to get all the energy I need for us soon as I can' They thought, reaching for their phone.

(Back to Patrick and Pete)

They walked down the gravel path in the spaced out park. It was busy. Patrick could hear the screams from the playing children as they played games about space men or complained that: 'they couldn't stand there because there's lava and they would die'

"Look, there they are!...I think" Pete pointed to two men, one with a bald head, the other with brown curly hair and a hat, by his feet sat a border collie, itching to get off it's red lead for a run around. The two men had clearly seen them, but they waited until Patrick and Pete got closer before the one in the hat said "What nice weather we're having" He had a higher voice than Patrick expected.

"Yes, it's good weather to be playing live in Phoenix" Patrick answered, just like the man on the phone had told him.

"Mr Stump?" The bald one asked, Patrick nodded. They both stood up, the one in the hat untying the collies lead from the bench. Patrick noticed the man sounded like the one on the phone.

"Lets walk and we will explain" The one with the hat said. They followed them down the graveled path.

"So, I've told you about Panic at the disco and my chemical romance, yes?" The bald one asked, Patrick and Pete nodded.

"Well, you see we want you both to try and find out whats going on" He explained.

"How?" Pete asked

"By going to an interview with that radio station, but don't do anything that you think could be dangerous. We will give you small disguised cameras to use too. Pete, heres some sunglasses with the camera hidden in the corner. Patrick, since you like to wear hats so much, we made a hat with one hidden in it. They should be immune to bug detectors" The man with the black hat took it off and gave it to Patrick, then handed the dark sunglasses in his pocket to Pete.
"We're counting on you to find out what's going on"

"Okay, sure" Patrick agreed to the mission. His cap fit perfectly and he couldn't see and camera, which is good if he didn't want anyone to know others where viewing what they where up to.

"Yeah, we can do that" Pete nodded, then smiled "So, we're spy's?"

"I guess you could say that" The bald one replied.
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Next Pete and Patrick should meet the interviewer, and maybe some action...I don't know yet.