Status: Finished but I'll update chapters according to the response I get via tumblr (

The Unforgettable

Part 1

It had been four long, painful weeks since Amber Brailey’s death. But, despite what you might think, people were healing; Alyssa was healing. Amber had been Alyssa’s best friend and then she was killed- just like that. No warning or creepy stalker dudes with knives. Just gone- walked out the door and didn’t come back. It hurt, but despite the pain everyone was getting better.
Alyssa spotted Dean at the other side of the corridor and gave him a shy smile and a wave. He smiled back. God, he was beautiful. His light brown hair matched his light bronze skin and his eyes were a mesmerizing green and he just suited his slender form. And too add to this perfection, all the clothes he wore (which were usually picked out by Alyssa and Amber) fitted him so from one angle, you could see his sculpted abs. so, no wonder he had been Alyssa’s first crush.
They’d always been friends before the … incident. But they’d never been this close; now, they spent nearly every lunch together.
But, however scared and bereaved they were, it was nothing compared to how shaken up the new kids were. The new kids being Damien and Connie;
Connie was sweet, really sweet. The kind of person you could really just talk to. She looked a bit like Amber; same luxurious blonde curls that tumbled in a golden waterfall half-way down her back, same porcelain skin tone that made her look so pure and angelic, same long legs that seemed to go on for eternity. However, is you saw her when she thought no-one was looking you’d see that slight glint in her silver-blue eyes that would make your spine quiver. As, in those eyes- those mesmerizing, haunting eyes- you would see the terrifying hint of something else; something dark; something malicious.
Something hidden…
Then there was Damien. Damien was… well, he was something! Wavy black hair that hung loose to his shoulders; his face looked like it belonged on the cover of a magazine (as did Connie’s), probably due to the perfect fair complexion, high cheekbones and sculpted chi n. Then there were his eyes, those enticing, midnight blue bottomless eyes. However, in Alyssa’s opinion, he wasn't the hottest guy ever. It was just something about him, like his face was too perfect- his features too sculpted; and, if you looked closely, his eyes weren't bottomless. They were empty. Empty, except for that dark, malevolent spark, the very same thing you’d see in Connie’s eyes:

Alyssa turned away from Dean and stalked out of the cafeteria, but she couldn't shake the feeling that she was being watched. She looked over her shoulder to see Damien and Connie looking at her, sharing the exact facial expression.
She looked away quickly but for one moment, one hundredth of a second, she saw Damien’s eyes turn black.
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Sorry it's so short- I wrote this 2 years ago for an English task.