Leave Me Alone

Before Everything


Nina Howard was confused. She stared at the reflection of herself in the mirror, the make up plastered on her face like a mask. Usually, for these events, she never wore this much makeup. It felt awful on her face; unwanted. The event her family was invited to was a Wayne Foundation ball, taking place at Wayne Manor.

Looking away from the stranger in the mirror, Nina stood up, smoothing out her simple gown with her palms.

“Hold still Ni, you need some lip-gloss.” Bethany, Nina’s older sister implied, smearing on a thick coat of red lip-gloss. Nina simply made a distasteful face, and crossed her arms.

“Cut the attitude, this is for your future! You’re meeting the boy of your dreams.” Beth said enthusiastically, ruffling the curls in Nina’s dark brown hair. Nina simply sighed, and rolled her eyes: I’m only twelve!

“I’m too young for this...” Nina said with sadness in her voice. “I want real romance, but I also want to be patient.”

“Everyone wants real romance, but not everyone gets it.” Beth informed, applying even more mascara to her already dark lashes. She looked at Nina’s reflection in the vanity mirror and smirked.

“Look, you aren't the only one who’s being put in a situation like this. Mom wants to set me up with Bruce Wayne!”

Nina almost choked on her breath.


Bethany, being only two years older than Nina, acted mature for her age. She treated Nina like a child to top it off. It annoyed Nina at times, but she knew she acted that way to protect Nina. Both their parents were never really the most supportive parents.

Blushing at the thought of Bruce Wayne, Beth spun around and smiled sheepishly.

“I know right, I was pretty shocked myself. He’s a total hunk, but it’s also kind of scary...” Beth wasn’t exactly the most beautiful girl out there, but she was pretty. A simple pretty, with soft eyes, and a small pink pout. It was good enough to attract a bit of attention, but not as much attention as Nina.
Beth stared at her younger sister jealously. Nina was much more beautiful, inheriting full lips from her mother’s side, and she had the same soft green eyes. Her eyes were framed with longer lashes, and her eyebrows were shaped sharply above her eyes.

Beth sighed, biting the inside of her lip a bit timidly. Her fingers played nervously with her pinned up hair as she searched for her heels, somewhere around her room.

Nina strapped on her strappy heels, and wobbled cautiously out into the hallway of the upstairs, followed closely behind Beth, who was a little more confident in walking in her own pair.

“Are you both ready?” Marianne—their mother—came from the stairs and eyed their gowns up and down. “You both look so lovely.”

Beth giggled loudly, while Nina only smiled a little bit.


The Howard family arrived at Wayne Manor about half an hour into the start. An elderly gentleman greeted them and led them to the vast ballroom, handing both Mr. And Mrs. Howard a glass of expensive champagne. He smiled at both of the girls, who trailed cautiously behind their parents.

There were many people mingling together, a clap of laughter over there, and a loud mouthed business man over there. Nina swallowed thickly, peering around doubtfully as she tried to look for the boy of potential.

“Oh my god, you've gotta look... it’s him!” Bethany grabbed onto Nina’s arm excitedly, clenching at her arm. Nina spun around, stepping closer to Beth to get a better look.

“Him? Who? Bruce Wayne?”

“Shh! Shh...” Beth cried, guiding Nina’s chin to where she would have to look. “Over there.”

There he was. The Bruce Wayne. Nina watched him as he awkwardly shook hands with a larger woman in dazzling diamonds, and her husband in a pressed tuxedo, and a fancy bow-tie.

Beside Nina, Beth sighed deeply. “Isn't he perfect?”

Nina simply stared. He really was, but there was this strange aura that surrounded him. It was hard for Nina to explain what it was, but he seemed very closed off.

Marianne and her husband, Edwin, walked up to the girls. “Beth, we must introduce you to Bruce!”
Beth looked at Nina nervously; then turned towards her mother, eager to meet the potential young boy. Bruce was about sixteen, which was perfect for Beth. A two years difference was just about right.

Marianne quickly dabbed away a fly away hair from Beth’s up-do, and adjusted the halter of her deep blue gown, smoothing up the material that wrapped itself around Beth’s long neck.

“The Desmond family should arrive any moment, Nina. You’ll be meeting their youngest son, Benjamin.” Edwin told his daughter, smiling down at her proudly. He was happy about both of his daughter’s potentially dating, and even marrying men with plenty of wealth. It secured both of their future’s.

Nina barely broke a smile. She could care less of meeting this Benjamin. All she wanted was freedom, not to be condemned to some relationship with a boy she never even met!
Turning her head a bit, she noticed Bruce Wayne had his head tipped in her direction. He was eyeing her family carefully, looking a bit nervous. Did he know about having to meet with Beth? Nina bit her lip gently. Then his eyes flicked in Nina’s direction, locking eye contact before Nina quickly spun around. Her heart was beating a mile a minute. Looking up at her older sister, Beth had her eyes wide with anticipation. Nina felt a little bit of jealousy.

“I’m going to go introduce Beth to Bruce, Nina. Go and mingle with your father.” Marianne said, with her hand on Nina’s thin shoulder. Nina smiled, looking up at her father.

“I need some fresh air.” Nina excused herself, weaving through the crowd towards a set of french doors partially open. She peered over her shoulder before exiting, her eyes skimming the crowd of party-goers briefly, before she locked eyes with Bruce again. He was turned fully in her direction, his hands driven deep into the pockets of his suit pants. A gentle smile played on his lips, and the glimmer of the chandeliers reflecting in his eyes tantalizing Nina.

Bethany and Marianne stopped short by Bruce. That broke the eye contact between Nina and him, causing Nina to break out of her small trance. She felt her heart fluttering in her chest once again, and a small blush creeping on the apples of her cheeks.

Out of curiosity, Beth turned her head in the direction Bruce was looking, but she never saw her younger sister and the spark that partially ignited.
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There we go! First up.