Leave Me Alone

That boy Jack


He was standing out in the warm wind, staring out into the darkness of what was the grounds of Wayne Manor. Both of his arms were stiff by his sides; a cigarette dangled from his chapped lips.
He collected half used cigarettes, and carried them in a small metal chamber he kept in his pocket. The thought of other people’s lips on the same nicotine stick thrilled him.

Blowing out a puff of smoke in front of his face, he didn’t notice the girl standing a few feet away from him, on the stone steps, leading out to the beautiful gardens of the Manor grounds. Although, the sound of her sighing caught his attention.

Nina was lost in deep thought. Her cheeks were still warm from when Bruce smiled at her.

“Hello.” He moved towards her, holding the cigarette between his two fingers gently. “Quite the night, hm?”

Nina jumped, looking up at him with a look of distaste. “You scared me.”

He simply grinned—in fact—a very large grin.

“Okay. Don’t apologize.” Nina spoke sarcastically, looking away, and folding her arms across her chest, quite annoyed.

“I’m sorry.” He was being serious about his apology, and Nina turned her head quickly towards him, nodding in appreciation.

“And I accept the apology...”

“I’m Jack.” His voice was soft, almost gone with the sudden gust of warm wind.

“It’s nice to meet you, Jack. I’m Nina.”

“Nina...” He liked the way her name rolled off his tongue. “Lovely name.” Another smile graced his face. He was actually good looking, despite the weirdness, Nina thought, smiling back at him gently.


The cigarette suddenly tumbled from his fingers, onto the stone veranda. He took it out with his slightly muddy shoes, and blew out a remaining breath of smoke.

“Well, Nina. It was nice to meet you, but I better get going, my parents aren’t exactly—hm...—lineant.” His mouth twisted into another smile, emphasizing the last word with a slight smack of his lips. Nina swallowed thickly, and forced herself to look anything but nervous.

Jack took a couple of steps back, the last step he spun around, disappearing through the large french doors.

Nina followed him a few minutes later, eyeing the large ballroom. Where’d he go?

Swallowing thickly, Nina went on that night looking for this strange boy who went by the name of Jack.

It was like he never existed.
♠ ♠ ♠
Quick chapter!