Status: *any relation to places/persons is not intentional*

Boy Of The Year

Entry 3

I'm at the coffee shop again. Like I have been for three days. I've been doing the same thing, ordering the same coffee, and sitting at the same table.

I'm not going to break routine. She's going to come back if I don't break routine.


Is bringing my journal breaking routine?

She's not here.

And I'm getting pissed off at the door chime because it's going to result in serious whiplash or some kind of concussion if I keep looking up so fast every time it dings.

Shit. I did it again.

And it wasn't her.

It was Marina.

She's coming in for her shift.

Marina is 23. She has a baby girl, Claire. Claire looks just like Marina. They both have bright blue eyes, the same little pixie fairy nose, and dark hair. They're beautiful. Marina's boyfriend was shipped off six months ago. And he's beautiful, too. But he might never come home. Marina knows that, but she loves him anyway. She told me, that she told him, that if he comes home, they'll leave this town.

Marina is working at the counter with Rosie. Rosie has short, choppy blonde hair. She's majoring in creative writing. She said she doesn't really care what happens to her career wise. Rosie is also dating a professor, Anna Reese. So, she knows she'll be taken care of. They're madly in love. They have a loft together outside of town. But Rosie is in love with Baxendale. She went to school here. She knows every soul, every crack in the sidewalk. Rosie is this town.

So Rosie had to know me. She and Marina get off shift at 3. The cafe closes at 8. I sit here from 8 in the morning, till 8 at night. And at 3:30, I have been joined by two girls. Who are the most pleasant people ever.

Rosie thinks I'm writing a story and wants to read it some time.

Rosie scares me like that. I feel like she knows I'm lying.

But I like Rosie.

Carla is working in the kitchen, along with Bryan.

Carla and Bryan are in love, but will never tell each other. They'll live every single day of their lives being in love and waiting for the other to say something, but they never will.

Rosie told me so.

She grew up with Carla. Bryan moved here four years ago. He's 26, Carla is 20.

Bryan has tattoos and a bachelors degree in journalism. Carla has a lot of hopes and dreams and wants to be a recording artist. And she has the talent and willpower to do it, just not the money.

The door just rang again.

Rosie threw a napkin at me.

The girl is here.

She's wearing a navy blue dress today, with little polka dot high heels.

She's adorable.

Her hair is in a bun. She has makeup on.

Her lips are a deep purple. Her eyes are lined in black.

She sounds like a mess but she looks stunning.

She smiled at me.

She fucking smiled. At me. Her teeth are perfect. She's perfect.

And she smiled at me.

We just talked. She just left but we talked. Her name is Celestine.



She gave me her phone number. I gave her mine.

She's 16. She lives two streets down from me.

She goes to my school.

And she wants to be friends.

I think I'm going to die. I'm so fucking happy.