The Diary of Mari Delrous: The Beginning of the Second


26 NOVEMBER 2012
For Christmas,
Id like a kiss under the mistletoe,
With somebody
Somebody who can read my mind like woah!
Not a peck, Not on the cheek
This one will sweep me off my feet,
Then we sing and dance and party till he rocks me back to sleep!
But lets think, JUST A BIT
Because guys like that don’t exist , im just being realistic
So instead of asking for love
And toes and much more nonsense of such
Ask for a million dollar synthesizer
-Mari The Maniarix

Wow I like writing everyday now, well it doesn’t feel like theres anything better to do is there? School is interesting these days. I speak to a lot of people. Im almost social at this school!
Either way its interesting, The other day there was a volleyball game between the teachers and the students, We were watching with the rest of the 7 to 9’s of the school. Then at somepoint Charly and Hubert were doing my hair…Never again….

My hair was tied in waaayy too many knots then Eron came over and told me this story…
Oh did I never mention his name before?

Well I do enjoy Eron haha, thing is hes EXACTLY like the maniarix character I have whos name is…ERON! Weird and ironic right? Only difference is this Eron is in 7th grade while my character Eron is like eighteen. But yeah he even kinda looks like a miniature version of my character so its crazy!!!
Anyway so Eron and I have this thing when, if id forget his name I get him a piece of gum, When I don’t have gum he appears like: “Whats my name?!?”
“Eron” I responded, LIKE DA BOSS.
When I do have gum though ill be like: “HMMM….Shmeron?” Hahaha
Its fun, anyway so at school once a week I go to the store near by on a “gum run” as we call it. When I get loads of gum and share it with my class…its cool hehe….and it drives the teachers crazy MUAHAHAHAHAHA

Anyway so Eron was telling me
“So I went to one of your friends thinking it was one of your friends and asked: hey! Do you know if Maris going on a gumrun today? And she turned around like WTF and I noticed it was just a random girl in your grade so I ran away awkwardly!!!”

I love this kid really that made my day!
He was freaking out soo much and its funny because the girl he ran away from was actually one of my friends haha.
This was all yesterday though, today….

M: “Huh? Oh Eron whats up?”
E: “Whats your lasnt name anyway?”
M:“Uh…Delrouse why?”
E:“Oh I found your book.”
E:“No paper!”
M:“What paper?”
E:“I don’t know its just a paper in math with your name on it its like half filled.”
E:“The paper its like half-“
M:“WAIT do you mean my math test or something?”
E:“Oh yeah I think it was your math test….”
E:“YEAH it said 9D or something so I guessed it was you!”
M:“Er…interesting…so you found it?”
E:“Yeah it was in the math class but don’t worry though its in my locker.”
M:“So…you took MY math test….Out of the MATH classroom….and into your locker???”
E:“Well yea!”

Oh my lord I found this hilarious. Why is my math test in his locker? Quite interesting. He still has it too.

Moving on what else is there to speak of….

Oh yeah I had another weird dream last night!
From what I remember I was being carried by a bunch of random guys pushing me over to the next guy, what the blazes is that supposed to mean? A bunch were pushing me around until the point I was being held by this one guy, with dark hair, blue eyes holding me, for some reason I felt really warm and safe and trusting in the arms of this dude. Next thing you know he kissed me, walks around with me in his arms, then he put me back on the ground, as I didn’t know what to do. He disappeared and I spent the rest of the dream wondering where he went and searching for him until the point I started dying alone on the floor in the middle of an empty library.

Does that mean anything? I mean everything happens for a reason definitely but I can’t figure this one out. So why do I get these dreams? God I’m burning right now. Suddenly I’m super-hot. I don’t know if its me the thought, or the free apple I ate today from a nice old creepy woman. Haha everyone was telling me it was poisonous. Feh! That’s too snow-white to be true! Fadoodle I say! It was a good apple!