The Diary of Mari Delrous: The Beginning of the Second



During afternoon tea.
There’s a shift in the air,
A bone trembling chill,
That tells you she’s there.
There are those who believe,
The whole town is cursed,
But the house in the marsh
Is by far worse
What she wants, is unknown
But she always comes back,
The specter of darkness…

Funny part is I whisper at the part when they say woman in black. ANYWAY theres my first horror movie! I saw It with Jaylynn and Kimberly! Funny part I wasn’t even really scared they were sooo much more terrified then me. I was only afraid when I didn’t know what would happen, but see I already had my own technique! And that technique is NOT to put myself in the main character’s (Daniel Radcliff) shoes. Instead I rooted for the lady in black! Which really helped actually!
I was like: GO LADY IN BLACK! You show em! YOU GO GIRL! Don’t let dan Radcliffe or that audience tell you otherwise!
I mean, when you think of it, I highly respect the lady!
Silly harry potter there was quite ignorant of her privacy! Plus I mean everybody was scarred when she popped up and yelled in his face but cmon, He WAS playing with HER music boxes! I mean what if she was taking a nap you know? If I were asleep and rudely interrupted by some STRANGER in MY house playing with MY music boxed I’d be pretty ticked, and I would probably do the same! Y U WAKE ME UP DANIEL?!
Either way I seemed to have soothed Kim and Jaylynn’s fear with my wise words about the movie.
“Hey, since that chick in white was his true (yet dead) love, does that mean the woman in black was his true (dead) Ex? “
That made them laugh pretty loud during the movie.
….And your playing with mah music boxes….DANIEL your my ex and your STILL playing with my music boxes GEES!

Oh how pathetic. I couldn’t quit thinking of mark today. Why I mean why?! Love is that innocent illusion. But id at least like it if he was my friendly valentine. When I messaged him happy valentines day though apparently nobody said that to him all day. WOAHZNESS!
Either way Devil, Happy Forever alone day  I hope whoever you are you have a great valentines day.

Happy precious day! 4 years old and the start of my love for comics! Yay!

Definition of true love: Your other half.
And in Mari’s words of her true love: A guy just as crazy as me.
….And we could share our insanity in our minds and in themes of all themes we will walk our gloomy path along with the ghosts and spirits, dance with scary monsters and nice sprites, be possessed by ourselves in our rituals, have a stroll in the flaming forests, kiss in the remaining ashes, look up at the falling stars if doomsday, both committing the fall of dark at the same time yet save one another with such love and compassion, Cry on each other’s shoulders, laugh at our pain, make lovely music, and never let go, even in death. We hold bond. We’d never lie apart again. And together we embrace who we are deeply and madly with love. In shadows.
Could that other half even exist?

23 FEBRUARY 2012 12:08 AM
Party countdown! 2 days left till my birthday party!
It’s going to be a sleepover party for all the girls (most of my class) going. Me and Morra are making a quiz game for the party it’s going to be fun!

So Morra accepted to babysit up to 9 tonight….kinda disappointed.

26th February 2012
The party was amazingly fun!
Rob and Alex were there, Jerred and Morra came late, the only ones that weren’t there were Brie, Connor and Donna. But the review from everyone who was there : THAT WAS THE BEST PARTY EVEEER! Did it again aw yea!
All the boys were jealous that the girls could stay longer for the sleepover. Haha.

FEBRUARY 27 2012
So today I turn fourteen. Time flies.

I caught a cold from snowshoeing in A.P.A today. Oioioioi….
You know I notice that Eversince Saturday I feel sort of matured inside, less feisty and angry and a little more calm with my emotions that move around so much. Just less hyper….a little bit….It kind of scares me.