The Diary of Mari Delrous: The Beginning of the Second

JUNE 2012 PART 1

YEAH DEVIL. Its been a while. After the day I wrote this I got depressed so I didn’t write for a while. For now ill tell you what happened.

I never got a reply from Mark and he never talked to me till this day. No hes not dead.
See , on my last day I called him with Reya and Cecile. His dad responded and got me to Mark but the thing is Mark was on the phone and he was mumbling so I had no idea what he was saying. So I passed it to Reiya like: “Do you get this?” So she was talking to him like: “Yea…YEA….YEA….what do you mean HOMEWORK?.....Maris leaving tomorrow I don’t care….MARK just get your SKINNY ASS OVER HERE….”
And he hung up on us.
So then we called back and got his dad then she somehow lost connection on her phone so we called AGAIN but my cheek was leaning on the TOUCH PHONE so it hung up on his dad AGAIN and possibly again….cause at somepoint I gave her the phone and her dad answered like WHAT THE FU-and then Reiya actually hung up on him and passed me the phone as it rang again cause Marks dad was calling back. SO I being polite answered….”Hello?....Oh sorry I didn’t mean to……no………”
Lets just say his dad wasn’t impressed. I think he thought we purposely hung up on him and we were playing some sort of prank game or something either way he wasn’t very happy….BUT IT ISNT MY FAULT! If Mark didn’t hang up-NONONO IF HE DIDN’T MUMBLE this would not happen!
I mean,….I just don’t know! But I think he may have cut me off for life. Im just like whatever but really. If something was bothering you Mark why don’t you just tell me?! Either way I ended up kinda hurt that day I just wanted to see him. And just that hurt. That’s the second time Mark. .. Hes fun when he talks to ya but it always ends up by getting cutoff as he totally stops talking to me. “NOW YOUR JUST SOMEBODY THAT I USED TO KNOOW!”
Anyway so I don’t know, I should just listen to Elizabeth when she warned me about him. Shes like an oracle that can tell the future! Anyway whatever im over it. I have true friends….And ill date a hot musician one day….YEAH!

Anyway so after that visit for househunting I came back to school for a few weeks and my face wet back to normal but something happened…
The 22nd Sunday right after my dad flew back from faxton my grandfather was in the hospital. We were supposed to see the avengers that day now mom was worried so she wasn’t in on going to see the movie until she knew what was going on. Eventually her sister called and said everything was okay and hes going to spend the night there that’s all. So we went to the movies. When it was done mom went out to see she had a missed call from my aunt. We went in the car and she began to talk to her like “Whats wrong how is he?”
Then she broke down in tears right before my eyes. I immediately understood and tears fell from my face quietly. He was gone. My dad stopped the car and watched them react. It was terrifying. I knew my grandfather had to die one day and all but seeing his daughter react right before my eyes made me cry le hell….i wish I wasn’t there to see it.
Im very sad about this though. For the fact that day I actually wished every hour for him…now I feel like I hexed it. My father calls me a jinx at times and to be honest I think I somehow am. It makes me feel like its my fault. Yet a day after my crying I stopped thinking about it. It wasn’t like I knew him much thanks to how I’m far away from him. And it’s not like he thinks of me often I thought. I honestly thought he didn’t think of me once he was at that hospital.
A day after we went to Royalmount for the funeral. When we came to grandma’s house she seemed calm. My grandmother is a strong person. And yet she’s thankful for everything. It wasn’t so grim and gloomy. I guess they didn’t think about it too much. It was fine too until I walked in my grandparents’ bedroom and saw…..

There was a photo of me when I first went to school on the wall….no other photos.
After I thought he never thought of me I never noticed that he saw my five year old face everyday….I started crying there all alone, watching the inflated ball I used to play with him when I used to know him as a child…I wish I had more time to spend with my family. Eventually they’ll all be dead if I’m not the first. When we went to the funeral home I started crying at the entrance when people went in the room I noticed the coffin people were kneeling at….I didn’t want to look….My heart felt too cold…the more closer I’d walk to his dead body the more I’d cry. Eventually I calmed down and stared at it from a distance eventually I calmed down and my grandmother came to me and said “la tu vu de proche?” meaning “have you seen him closer?” and she brought me closer to the coffin I got to it the more id tear up and get cold. I think it was actually cold everyone who touched my skin was like YOUR COLD!

Anyway it was horrible. Seeing his dead body….Alot of people came to the funeral. My grandfather was well known here. Some of his friends when they figured who I was told me he talked so much about me. Just writing this makes me cry. I never thought he cared about me, so I never thought about caring about him. I thought I was replaced by hailey, my niece. This broke my heart. The night before the church funeral when everyone was gone I gave my own farewells. I starred at him closely for the last time…I teared up and touched the forehead feeling the cold stone skin of a dead man. And while crying I said “Aurevoir grand papa. I hope you live happily in the next world. Je taime…” And kissed his forehead Then I left.
The next day was the hardest. Going to the church, hearing that cold grim bell. I kept crying. This whole thing, I got killed again. I wonder where he is….wherever whenever I will never forget him….well he lucky at least he won’t be at my funeral…