Other Half

September 5, 2012

Trevor stays home from work on Tyler’s first day of school, because he cannot fathom standing around for hours on end in a dark, loud retail store. He wakes up at the same time as his brother, gets dressed and drives him to school. Tyler meets a girl at the doors, not sparing Trevor a glance back as he heads into the school with his girlfriend.

Behind him someone honks the horn of an old station wagon and Trevor turns up the radio before pulling out of the drop-off line.

He glares at every car he passes and doesn’t sing along to the pop songs on the radio as he normally would.

Back at home, his mom is leaving for work and she kisses his cheek as she heads to her car. Trevor watches from the driveway as she speeds down the street. He goes inside and collapses on the couch, not getting more than an eyebrow raised from his father.

“I feel like someone poured cement into my stomach,” he mutters.

Trevor’s father laughs, smiling like he knows exactly what Trevor’s talking about. Maybe he does, Trevor thinks, maybe this is how it feels to be so close to meeting your soul mate.

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another will come shortly