Other Half

September 24, 2012

If you told Trevor that he would be sitting on the bleachers by the tennis courts waiting for his brother’s friend to show up two months ago, he wouldn’t have believed you. But here he was, shivering at the sudden drop in temperature and the cold metal of the bleachers, watching as Tyler and the rest of the tennis team stood around stretching and talking.

Charlie Ray had agreed to meet him here or Tyler had convinced him to come; Charlie Ray didn’t have a phone so Trevor had no way of talking to him during the school day.

“Hey,” someone says behind him and Trevor turns and sees Charlie Ray, wearing a flannel shirt and jeans.

“Aren’t you cold?” Trevor asks, before he can think about saying hello. He’s overcome with the need to pull Charlie Ray to him and make sure he’s warm.

“Yeah,” he admits. He places his backpack next to Trevor and walks around to sit next to him. He unzips his bag and pulls out a black sweatshirt. He pulls it on and looks over at Trevor. “You know, I wouldn’t have thought you and Tyler were brothers.”

“Yeah, we get that a lot. Our mom’s got blonde hair and our dad’s got dark hair. I look like our mom, obviously,” Trevor explains. “Do you have any siblings?”

Charlie Ray shakes his head. “Just me and my mom. But she’s still in Alabama. I’m livin’ with my aunt and uncle now.”

“How come?”

Charlie Ray pulls his sleeves up and points at Trevor’s name. Trevor rubs his thumb over Charlie Ray’s skin and frowns.

“It’s okay though. Now, up here,” Charlie Ray tells him. “Right?”

Trevor nods. They’re silent for a few moments and Trevor watches as Tyler plays against a tall blonde girl. “Do you want to... do you want to hang out sometime?”

Charlie Ray glances over at him. “After school tomorrow? I got homework, but I’d like to spend time with you.”

Trevor smiles. “I’ll come pick you up tomorrow.”
♠ ♠ ♠
I got distracted by outlining my NaNoWriMo story, sorry.