Other Half

August 2012

“Pop-star Alicia Corrie has recently revealed that her soul mate’s name is Ehren. Spelled E-H-R-E-N. The star has reportedly—”

Charlie Ray reaches out and shuts the radio off. He looks around the room his aunt had told him to put his things in. It was small, with plain white walls and dark wood floors. He takes a deep breath and wishes his mother was there to talk to him. She had told him at the beginning of summer that he might go to see his aunt up north. She had said that Aunt Kelly had offered Charlie Ray to come stay with her and her husband. Charlie Ray didn’t think he was really going, not until the week before when his mother told him to start packing what he wanted to bring.

Now, sitting in his aunt and uncle’s house, he felt strange. He didn’t feel unwelcome—his aunt and uncle had greeted him with hugs and handshakes—but he knew he didn’t feel at home here. He felt deep in his heart a type of longing for something, something that was close, but not quite here. Charlie Ray had no idea what was going on. But at fifteen, he normally didn’t know what was going on.

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