The Heart Never Lies

Chapter 10.


As we entered the College, he slipped his hand into mine and intertwined our fingers together. He stopped by his locker and pushed his bag into it. I bit my lip, taking a peek inside. I glanced up at him. I don't understand how he could say that he's not good looking. He's beautiful. As he closed the door, he locked our fingers together and leaned down to kiss me as we walked towards the cafeteria. Jaymi and Jade were there, in our usual spot.

"Dan.. I don't wanna sit near them." I said, stopping. He turned to look at me and he smiled.

"Okay. Come on." He gently pulled me over to the table at the back of the room. As we sat down, Jaymi turned to look at us. Dan sat across from me.

"Are you not talking to Jaymi either, then?" I asked him, bringing his knuckles to my lips. I kissed them as I leaned my head against them. He smiled. He's so cute, oh my goodness.

"No. Why would I? He's being a bitch to my girlfriend." He walked over to sit next to me and he pulled me into a passionate kiss. It was that perfect, I never wanted it to end. When he pulled away, I pulled him back, kissing him hard. He snaked his arms around my waist as I ran mine up his chest. I heard someone clear their throat. I turned to face them. It was George and Micky, they were grinning at us.

"You guys are so cute!" shouted George, sitting across from Dan.

"Seriously! How come you didn't tell us? When did you two get together?" yelled Micky, sitting across from me. I smiled at them as I leaned my head against Dan's shoulder.

"This morning." Dan whispered. I could feel my cheeks burning. How I never fell for him, I'll never know...


When we were in our communications class, we were put into groups and I was stuck with Jade. George and Josh, who was also a part of our little friendship group, were in my group too. But one thing I knew for certain was that they both hated Jade. Dan was in a group with Jaymi and Josh's brother JJ but none of them were contributing to what they were meant to do. As I glanced over to look at Dan, I caught Jaymi's eyes instead. He bit his lip slightly and it made me fall for him more. I looked up at my lecturer who had allowed us to talk between ourselves whilst she left us for 10 minutes to go and do something. I turned to talk to George until my phone buzzed, revealing a message from Jaymi. It read:

"I don't see what Dan sees in you. You're absolutely pathetic and if anything, you should just leave us all alone. Look at George... Yeah, he's your brother but I'm pretty sure he hates you more than anyone else. You annoy him all the time and everyone talks about you behind your back. So, I think you should do us all a favour and kill yourself. You're not even beautiful, I'm fed up with Dan talking about how amazing he thinks you are. You're not even that nice. I've never actually liked you and to call you my best friend, that's just stupid. So, just leave us all alone. It would be better if you weren't here."
I didn't even know what to say to that... I could feel tears in my eyes and as I wiped them away, Dan ran over to me, sitting down in front of me.

"Hey, hey, hey. What's up, babe?" As I looked down at him, he intertwined our fingers together. George had his hands on my shoulders. I slid my phone over to him, as I turned around to face him.

He slammed his hand on the desk, causing me to jump.

"That's it." He groaned. He got up, grabbing Jaymi and pushing him against the wall.

"What the hell is your deal with my sister?! You're supposed to be her best friend!" He shouted in Jaymi's face. JJ rose up and pulled George away from Jaymi. I'd had enough. I grabbed my phone and my bag and walked out. If that's what Jaymi wants, then that's what he'll get. I went to see the Principal of my College - Paul - and showed him the text. He allowed me to sit in the room next to his office. As he called Jaymi in, I watched from behind the screen. I could see them but they couldn't see me.

I want the truth out of him... Now.