Status: I'll try to update as much as I can.



We finished eating our bacon. "Guys, we need to practice for tomorrow night." Alex said. Jack nodded. "We need to get Vic over here then, right?" he said. Vic? I know that name from somewhere...

Everyone got up from the table, including myself. Alex grabbed his phone from off the couch and supposedly dialed "Vic's" number. I shuffled away while he was talking, giving most of my attention to the floor. Suddenly I felt a warm, hard thing hit my head. I looked up. My eyes widened, realizing I had just slammed right into Jack.

"Are you alright? I wasn't paying attention, I'm sorry. Did I hurt you?" I rambled on. He just smirked. "I'm fine, are you?" he asked. I blushed slightly and nodded my head. He smiled and walked around me. I just stood there for a bit, contemplating in my head.

"Okay, Vic will be here in a few minutes." Alex said suddenly. "Jack, get your guitar out and plug it in." Jack nodded and left the room. Alex turned to me. "Um, Casey... I guess you can sit with us while we're practicing. If you want, I mean." he said. I nodded. "Sure, why not?" I said.

Jack walked back in holding an awesome Gibson SG and an amp. He walked into the living room (it had couches, so that's what I called it) area and hooked the amp up to a plug in the wall. He plugged the guitar in and sat down, holding it on his lap. "Ready, Alex." he said. Alex grinned and sat down.

"Casey, you can sit there." Alex said, pointing to a couch across from the one he was sitting on. I sat down. Right after I sat, a guy walked in through the front door. He had tanned skin and long hair to match. "Right on time, Vic." Jack said. Vic smiled.

"Casey, meet Vic Fuentes." Alex said. "Vic, this is my sister." Just then, Vic and I locked eyes. Both of our eyes widened. "You?" he mouthed. "I didn't know you were working with him!" I mouthed back. He shrugged. To cover up our mouthing, he smiled and waved. "Hi, Casey." he said. I nodded and waved back.

Vic sat down in a chair in the middle of the two couches. "So, we're practicing A Love Like War, right?" he asked. Alex nodded. I smiled. That was my favorite of their new songs. Alex nodded to Jack, who started playing the opening riff. It sounded different without the background sounds. Alex started to sing the first verse.

I watched Jack's fingers speed along the neck of the guitar. I wondered how long it took him to learn all of that. When Alex finished singing, Vic came in to sing parts of the chorus. After they finished, Alex looked at me. "You wanna sing the next verse?" he asked, causing Jack to stop playing and look at me.

I blushed. "No, uhm, that's fine..." I said nervously. I was kind of self-conscious about my voice. "I'd like to hear you sing," Jack said, pouting slightly. God, that guy was so fucking adorable. "Okay..." I said. Jack smiled and started playing the intro to the second verse. I started off quietly.

Fail-safe trigger, lock-down call,
Wipe the drive, clean-slate, quick, sound the alarm!
No escape from the truth and the weight of it all,
I am caught in the web of a lie...

Jack smiled at me. He egged me on with his eyes, and I returned the smile.

And the bitch of it all is that I'm running from,
The desire of the people to whom I belong,
At the end of the day you can tell me I'm wrong,
'Cause you went to all of the trouble...

Alex and Vic took over singing the chorus, and Jack grinned. "You have a nice voice," he mouthed. "It's a Gaskarth thing," I mouthed back. He laughed quietly.


Vic walked out the door, waving. Jack put his guitar back in the case and leaned it on the couch. "Good practice." Alex said. "I think we're ready for tomorrow night. I held up both my hands in a thumbs-up. "Yay," I said. Jack smiled. "So, she's coming to the show, right?" Jack asked. Alex nodded. "Yeah, of course. She'll be on the side of the stage." he said.

I felt excitement bubbling up inside of me. Half of it was from the fact that I was going to the concert with Alex, Jack, Rian, and Zack, and the other half was from the fact the Jack cared whether or not I was coming. It felt good knowing someone that I had feelings for actually cared.

"I'm gonna get a shower... or something." I said. Alex nodded. I walked off and grabbed my pajamas out of my suitcase. "I'll be a few minutes, 'kay?" I yelled from the bathroom. "'Kay!" Alex yelled back. I closed the door, and smiled. Of course, I was thinking about Jack... what else?
♠ ♠ ♠
SOO sorry that it took me so long to update... I had literally no ideas until 12:00 last night... ugh. Tell me in you like the new chapter in the comments.

You will find out how Casey and Vic already know each other soon. ^_^

Song in story- A Love Like War ft. Vic Fuentes

Jack actually does use an SG i looked it up.