Status: This post is my first, so please go easy on me, but I except all comments on my story. Please tell me what you think and what I can do to improve my writing. Thank you!

Somewhere Only We Know

The Truth

"What are you doing here?" I asked, shocked on how could he have found me.

"Are you always going to be asking me that question?" I glared at him; not in a humering mood. "I wanted to know where you live now, sense you don't live in the old house, and I know you don't live in that house I dropped you off at yesterday. Besides you and I don't talk much at school. I decided to do my own investigation. So, here I am." he said smiling. He started walking around the room, looking at the items that are not mine. "So...what's with the bag?" he asked.

I forgot I was grasping the bag very tightly, my knuckles pasty white. I didn't what to say to that, but, I had to think of something fast, "I-I was going to go back to the school for some extra help." I said with a fake smile.

He nodded. "Speaking of school, could you maybe help me with what I missed in our classes?"

"Um, sure. Where were you anyway?" I challenged him.

"I had to go help with some things with Joe," he said coolly. "Is Grams here? I want to say 'hi'." He looked around the room as if searching for her.

"Um, she's out at the moment, but she should be back later." I said quickly and casually as possible. He looked at me curiously. I was praying he wasn't catching on yet. He leaned up against the dresser and looked down. He scooped up a picture frame that was beside him and looked at it.

"Who are these two?" he asked, showing me two girls, one with blonde hair and the other brunette, both smiling brightly in the picture.

"Those are my, um, two other friends from before my move here." I said.

"Oh, that's nice. So, what are their names?" he asked.

"That's, uh, Ashley and...Amanda." I said with the first two girly names that popped into my head.

He looked back at the photo and replied with a, "huh". He flipped the frame over in his hands and fondled with the edges, tearing off the cardboard backing.

"What are you doing?" I asked, worried. He didn't answer me. He took the photo out of the frame and looked at the back.

"Funny, it says right here that this," he said pointing to the girls, "is Veronica and Bethany." He looks at me for an explaination.

"You know, you're right," I laughed lightly. "I have another pair of friends who looks just like them who are named Ashley and Amanda." I smirked. He looked at me raising a brow. He returned the picture back in the frame and placed it back on the burrow. He folded his arms to his broad chest, cocking his head to one side, staring at me.

"What?" I asked, not liking his staring.

"You don't live here, Cat, do you?" he asked.

"Yes, I do." Trying to make it convincing.

"No, you don't."

"Who are you to tell me that I don't live here." I was beginning to get pist thinking he can't just walk right back into my life and tell me where I do and don't live.

"Cat, tell me the truth. You don't live here." I looked away from him; staring at the wall, not wanting to answer him. He stood up and started walking towards me. I didn't know how to react to this. I started looking around trying find an escape route. He placed his hands softly on my shoulders. I looked up at him, he was staring directly into my eyes. I stared into his and admired how bright his blue eyes were.

"Cat, you know you can tell me anything. What happen?"

The memories flooded back into my mind. The anger built up inside me. I looked away from him then looked back and what I saw was recognition in his eyes of why he saw the anger on my face.

"You wanna know what really happen?" I asked with anger leaking through every word, you can hear the unsteadiness in my voice. "A year after you left, Grams past away in her sleep." I looked at him closely to see if anything changed in his expression. He still showed no emotion. So I continued, "The child services found me another home. The couple were newly weds. The wife, she couldn't have a baby so they decided to take me in. I didn't speak one word to them. They tried so hard to make me talk, but, no avail. Two months past without speaking to them and they decided to take me back to the service.

"They found me another family to live with, the Hydes. There was Mr. Mrs. Hydes and their son. I still didn't speak to them and as soon as we got to their home they left me to myself to upack. I was still quiet for about a week. Until the day I discovered that Mr. Hyde has a drinking problem.

"He scared me, walking behind me in the kitchen and I dropped the gallon of milk on the floor. 'You clumsy bitch!' he yelled at me and back hands me across the face." Unconciously, I touched my left cheek, feeling how it still stings thinking about it. I felt a warm large hand rest against mine. I looked up to him and saw hurt on his face. I looked away and continued.

"After that, I thought, I had to do what they said to be loved by them or for them to even like me. So, I did everything they wanted me to do. I cooked, I cleaned, I did everything, including..." I didn't know how to say this without crying, " relieveing their...tension." I was trying to make it less obvious as much as possible. I tried not to look at him, but in his eyes, I saw some confusion tossed with some anger. Maybe he does know.

"What do you mean?" he asked, looking deep into my eyes. I had to look away.

"They...they touched me. When Mr. Hyde comes home drunk, I would hide but he always ends up catching me and..." The memory was too painful, I could feel cold, wet drops running down my burning cheeks. I kept my face down, I was scared to look at Ian. Thinking maybe he would think I'm disgusting and now wouldn't want to see me ever again.

"He...raped you?" I looked up at him, but shook my head 'No' and he was slightly shaking. His eyes were bright and filled with anger and sadness. All I could do was to nod my head. "Did you call the police?" he asked.

"I couldn't." I said. "I was too young to think of the cops, all I could think of was to run and tell 'mommy' so I told Mrs. Hyde and...she didn't...believe me." I said a few more tears trickled down. "She slapped me across my face and called me a lying bitch. And Mr. Hyde denied it all.

"I didn't know what to do. So, I stayed for about a year after that and finally after I turned ten, I ran away." I cleared my throat and wiped away the tears. "Sense, then I've taken care of myself, did what I had to do to live. And that includes living in people's extra bedrooms without them knowing." I said to him. He looked at me deeply and this time, I couldn't look away. I was hypnotized. He came closer to me and placed both of his large tan hands on my cheeks, cupping my face. He was so close to me, his warmth that beamed off him was invigurating, his smell was inviting. He had gotten tall over the past ten years I had to look up above me.

"I'm so sorry, that happened to you." he said. "If I didn't have left, you would have lived with us and everything would have been different." I kept eye contact with him and pushed myself to step away.

"But you see, that's it. You did leave, without telling me. And everything I did tell you did happen." I couldn't stop myself. The anger built up in me just kept on trying to be released. "So, it's kind of too late for apologies." I said. The look on his face was soemthing I never wanted to see again. Their was hurt in his eyes and a shock look on his face. In a way I was kind of glad he was hurt, at least he knows how I'm feeling. He fixed himself quickly and walked towards the window and turns around to face me.

"Pack your things, alright." He said, climbing out the window.

"Wait, wait..." I said confused, "why? Where are going?" He stopped.

"I'm going to start the car, go get your stuff. I'll be outside waiting." he smirked. He jumped from the window sill onto the tree branch near by and climbed back down.

I looked at the open window in shock. I wasn't sure what just heppen, but I know I didn't like him coming back into my life telling me what to do. I didn't move still, and wasn't sure how to or even if I should. I heard a loud car horn honking and I jumped and started to move, grabbing my stuff, putting in my back and throwing it out the window. Then I climbed out the window by grabbing on one of the branches, swinging myself down to land.

I grabbed my bag and walked towards his car, keeping a watchful eye out for the neighbors I turned to face Ian and stopped suddenly.

He had a freakin' Dodge Charger? My mouth dropped.

"What?" he asked. I shook myself out of my trance with his car. I looked up at his face, he looked concerned with a slight mix of amusement.

"Um," I stuttered, "nice ride," is all I could say.
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