The Bite

Blue Eyes

The night time always interested me. The air seems more clearer, I don't know. It seems more things happen at night. Especially walking down an empty street with most of the shops closed. its late, I know that much but usually on this particular street is always busy. My legs want to fall off but my mind is still pumped with andrenalin. The air is chilly but I'm still working up a sweat from my job. I hear horns going off in the distance from the backed up traffic from the highway.

Avi. Was whispered.

The sound of an engine came up close behind me and turned around. There was no one.

I continued to walk and heard nothing this time. It started to rain as I turn the corner around into an alley. Light talking was happening in the background. I paid no mind to it. I continued to walk thinking how late it is, how I might not make it for closing time at the "Snooze and Booze" Hotel---I know, strange name for a hotel, its a bed n' bar kinda place, although the bar is across the street. Figure that out. I wonder why the authorities never said anything---I know a friend that allows me to sleep there, as long as keep quiet, pay, and be on time.

Watch out. Another whisper.

Not realizing voices were getting louder behind me. I turned to see three dark figures walking behind me. They were about ten feet away. One saw me stare and I quickly turned away. Which may have been a mistake.

I could hear snickering and some sexual comments about my backside, I ignored it no matter how much I wanted to bash their noses into their brains. The rain which came down harder, which didn't help.

I kept up my pase and tried to go a much faster stride to get away from these drunks, I wasn't postive that they were. I've just been around them so long, these guys are acting very similar.

I turn to see if I had lost them yet. They are now a good five feet away from me. How could they catch up with me so fast. I started to cross through an empty parking lot behind a dead-rotten building. A short-cut to the hotel I always take.

"Hey, where are you heading to?" Someone said from behind me, I kept on ignoring whoever it was. I tried to sneak a peak at how far I was now away from them. Until I ran into a wall-like object. I looked up.

It was one of them.

He had a smirk on his face, looking down on me as if I'm his next meal.

Maybe I am.

"Hey, where you goin'? Why don't you come hang with us?" he tried to reach out to me but I moved back quickly enough to get away from his clutches but ended backing into his buddies as well, both grabbing my arms into their meaty hands. I struggled to get out of their grasp. Both start to tighten their grips.

"So, what are we gonna do now, Joe?" Take her back to the boss?" The one on my left said. I tried to look at each face, but, each one was covered by a black hoody that they were wearing . But, the light was glaring on the one they called "Joe", his mouth and chin was showing with his glowing dark brown skin. "Yes, that was the order, but, I think we should at least get to know our guest," he smiled. "Why don't we leave our friend a little message with her for a bit, eh?"

He started to approach me, and I started to panic, I knew this was the end of me. I am about to get raped and then kidnapped---well, actually you need someone who cares about you to be kidnapped, but---what else could I do? But as me being me, I was not going down with out a fight.

I kicked both of my captors in the back of the knee and as they both went down, I grabbed a hold of them and bashed there heads together. They were both out for now. Joe came after me faster and tried to swing at me, I blocked and continued to fight. Blocking each hit, getting a few for myself. My confedence got the best of me and he back-hand me. The impact knocked me down hard to the ground. He lift me back up in his large hands, my feet were dangling off the ground, my arms were trapped around my chest. I looked down to look at him, I blinked out the large rain drops coming from above, and saw his hood down. He had long black hair that was pulled back into a pony-tail. He had dark tan skin, but most of all what noticed on this monster, he had the most brightest green eyes I had ever seen, they were practically glowing with anger. I frozed with fear.

An engine roared in the night. It happened fast but it went by as if in slow motion.

A black rider on a black motorcycle went by us.

Circling us like a shark when seeing his prey. Then quickly hit the side of Joe with his boot which made him loose balance and take me along too. Then the rider came back around and lifted himself from the bike and kick my captor to the ground and I got out of his grip as much as possible.

I looked at my captor struggling to find balance to get back up. I walked backwards, away from him and looked at my savior. He was parked little ways from me with the engine running. He was looking at me. I could tell it was male because of his stature and built. I started to slowly walk toward him, not sure what to do. He revved the engine, announcing his leave. I felt this pull that I needed to be with him a little longer.

Avi, I heard the whisper of my name, thinking maybe this is a sign for me that I should go with him.

Not realizing that I was still walking towards him I was now face to face, actually, face to helmet with my rescuer. In some way I was upset that he's still wearing that helmet, what could he be hiding under there?

His armor was a black leather jacket and black jeans that shaped out the muscle on his legs, and a pair of black boots. He watched me as I admire his wardrobe. Then hearing the grunts and yells of the man on the ground broke each of our trance and looked behind me. It seemed that kick that the rider made had broken one of Joe's legs. He was still struggling to get up.

I turned toward the dark knight and he looked at me then reached out for my arm and instantly got defensive and took a step back. I wasn't sure if I wanted to go with him or not. His motion described the look he gave me for moving away. He rolled the bike towards me and in a whisper, I believed it was a whisper: Get on. It seemed more like the voice in the wind again.

I swung my leg over onto the bike, sliding in the seat behind him. I gripped his jacket at the side and he took off.

I forgot it was still raining as the drops were hitting me, stinging my eyes. I had to rest my forehead on his back. I felt the muscles in his back tensed for a moment and then relaxed.

The darkness and the cool breeze calmed me down. It felt weird how I could feel the strength and energy flow into me from this stranger who saved my life. I personally felt that I could have taken care of those three boys, in which the other two ran off after hearing the loud engine of this rider's entrance.

I peeked up over his shoulder to look at him in the side-view mirror, I'm just very curious on what could he looked like under that helmet. Why wouldn't he want his presence unknown. He jirked his head over and looked towards me. I jumped and hid behind his back like a coward, I blushed.

Again, I rested my forehead against his back, and closed my eyes.

I'm back home.

I'm in the backyard, half is bright with the sunlight and the other, towards the woods, is darkness. Its quiet and still, something that's never happens. I turned my head quickly around, something caught my eye in the woods. Its not windy at all, but the bushes and the low branches were moving. I walk slowly towards the moving foliage. I lean more into the dark woods moving bushes out of my way. I stepped closer to where they were moving and separating the bush to see. In the dark.

Those eyes.

Warm hands were upon mine. Not realizing I had a tight grip on something firm. I opened my eyes to see I was still with this dark rider. He took my arms, that was wrapped around his waist. He still didn't say a word. I came back to reality and he let go of my hands. I slowly got off the bike in a daze. I turned and looked up, we were at the hotel. I never said where I lived, did I? Did I say it in my sleep? I couldn't have, but, how did he know?

I turned back towards him.

"Um, thanks for the ride. And...thanks...for what happened back there." I gestured with my thumb. He nods. Still not saying anything. "Do I at least get a name of my savior?" It sounded cheezy but its true. He looked away from me. "Okay. Well, I'm gonna go." I walked backwards slowly, just to see maybe he will say something, just so I won't leave. The engine kicks on the motorcycle and he drives off. Ugh! What an ass. Not even a goodbye, or a wave. He goes off and leaves. Well, fine, I hope I never see him again. I didn't need his help anyway.

I start to walk up the hill to get to the hotel. The lights are still on, maybe I made it on time. I get to the back door and there is Tigger. I call him "Tigger" because he's from Haiti and his name is pretty long and difficult to pronounce, so I adjusted it.

"Where have you been, child? You know these doors close at midnight!" he says in his thick accent. He came to the states six years ago. He caught me four years ago when I was searching for shelter, inside in the back room stealing food out of the small refridgerator, but, just not as sneaky as I am now, he caught me and felt some sympathy and told me if I come on time and pay half the price of what they charge for room and board I could stay. He treated me better than any of my foster fathers have.

After I found a job at teh local resturants I started to pay the regular charge and, of course, Tigger get upset because he thought I was disrespecting his hospitality, so, I went back down his first offer. That big lugg.

He was well over six feet tall. I can imagine he could play for the NBA. Too bad he works in a hotel and works fro a racist, selfish bastard of a manager who treats him like a slave. A few times I over heard the manager yell at Tigger doing something generous but it caused them (the hotel) to lose money.

He let me into the warm-air fo the back room. I hadn't notice how cold it was outside. I'm in shorts, I've must of looked crazy to the public who seen. He poured me a cup of hot chocolate and both of us walked toward the lunch room for employee's only---I know this; 'cause it says so dearly on the door: EMPLOYEES ONLY.

We sat down and he stared at me, notice how oddly I'm not taking until...

"Tigger, I'm sorry I'm late, I really am. I just had a little trouble on the way here." he looked worried and confused. I explained about the two strangers and Joe, and how some guy on a motorcycle comes out of nowhere and ruins my moment of action. I had this anger bottled up for a long time and just when I can release on a few jerks, who I had feeling weren't going to be missed if they disappeared, and then some dude comes in and trys to act like Superman.

Although he did save me.

"So, you like this guy?" It was hard to tell by his accent but I think he said it as a statement.

"What? No! Why would I like someone I don't even know and don't even know what he looks like. Besides I'm never going to see him again, why would I bother." I can't believe this.

"So, you like him." This time it was a statement.

"No, I don't and I don't want to have this talk anymore. I'm going to bed." I scooted the chair back and stood up.

"Well, we can have 'dat talk if you like---"

"I'm leaving!" I walked out of the cafe and can hear his laughter. I head for the extra back room that I have been staying in for the past years. Its always locked and there is only two spare keys to the door and those two belong to me and Tigger.

Too tired from the excitment today, I didn't even change into some nightware. I just went straight to bed in my shorts, work shirt and leg warmers with sneakers. I know such a strange wardrobe.

The one thing I hate about my job is my boss. Today, Mack is in his yelling at everyone, especially me, because I am disagreeing with the clothing he wants me to wear for tonights show. Every night, I perform for the "Mack Shack" resturant, the place is a small grill and bar and used to have horrible entertainment here. Stand up comedians would be booed off the stage. It was pretty much every night was ameture night. So, now, it's all up to me to entertain this place.

When I first came here, I was thirteen and I was the "garbage girl", or normally but tables. Mack caught me on their stage after my first shift was over, where specifically been told not to be. I was singing and playing with the electric keyboard that was set up. I was just fooling around until he found me. He said if I wanted to keep working there I wanted to keep singing and work then I have to sing here and only entertain for their audience. So, of course, I agreed.

So, I'm still here and Mack is getting on my last nerve.

"I'm taking my lunch brake." I said, leaving not caring what he has to say.

The fresh air soothes me even though my life becomes more wasteful as each day passes by. I stop by the park that I used to play at. Children laughing and screaming fills the air in the background. Really I'm just pacing until something exciting hits me, yet, there's nothing. I continue to watch kids play, something I never did as a child.

"Hey, give it back!" A girl screamed behind me. I turned and saw two boys picking on a little girl. All three were maybe about seven or eight years old. One boy with fire red hair was taking away a blue stuffed animal and teasing the girl with his height and the other was playing with her hair. "Stop it! Give it back!" I started to walk towards them as the girl continued to fight for her doll.

"Give it back or I'll make you." the little girl said as I approached.

"Yeah right." One of the boys said.

"I'd listen to her if I were you." I said behind them. Both boys turned toward me, the girl looked up at me and had a suprising look on her face; it was between shock and confidence. "If you don't give it back, that would be a sin," I had no idea what I was talking about, "and God doesn't allow people to go to heaven if they sin." Both boys looked at me scared. The little girl was trying very hard not to laugh. They dropped the stuffed animal and ran.

I think they bought it.

I bent down to pick up the toy which I saw that it was a blue monkey. "Here you go, sweetheart." I hand it over to her.

"Thank you," she says in a sweet voice. "Those big doofs," she mumbles, "they sure can run fast." I smiled. She looks down at my wrist, "I like your braclet, its really pretty." she said.

"Thanks, my parents gave it to me." As soon as its been said, I think of them. "Speaking of which," I cleaned my throat and head. "Where are your parents, anyway, shouldn't you be with them?"

"Why?" she asked cocking her head to the side.

"Well, haven't your parents taught you not to talk to strangers?"

She sticks out her hand to me. "I'm Emma," she says.

"Avery." I replied and took her little hand and shook it.

"See, we're not strangers now," she says. She's very sly.

"Well, still, you should be with them."

"Um, well, my parents? I don't have parents, they died when I was a baby." She seemed worried for telling me, because she started to look around and avoided looking me like she was guilty of something.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." I know how she feels.

"Yeah, well, my big brother takes care of me, anyway." she says proudly.

"Well, then, where is your brother. Shouldn't he be watching you?" Isn't there anyone watching this kid. How irresponsible can you get. We started walking together towards one of the benches in the park.

"He's around. He said he'd be back and I told him I'd be in the park, but then I bumped into those knuckle heads." she says squeezing her doll tightly to her chest as we sat on the bench.

I thought about that. What idiot leaves his little sister, alone, in a park? "How old are you, Emma?" I asked.

"Eight. How old are you?" she asked so sweetly, but by the tone, I think she meantf to be sarcastic.

"Nineteen." I smiled. "Well, I think it would be responsible if I stay with you just until your brother comes and gets you."

"Oh, don't worry about me. I can take care of my self." She says standing up puting her little hands in a fist and placed them on her hips with the monkey clutched tightly at her side.

"Yes, but what about those boys you ran into, they might come back. And then what would you do if your brother nor I was here to save you?" She took the time to think about it.

I smiled. For an eight year old, she's very sociable.

Avi. It sighed.

I shot my head up quickly and searched the grounds to see where this voice is coming from.

"Luke! Lucas! Over here!" I looked over and see Emma standing on the bench waving her arms in the air, flagging someone walking this way.

Then I saw him. Emma's brother, I believe. The one she was calling for; Lucas. He was tall with short shaggy brown hair, a perfect bed-head style. He walked with a very strong stride. As he got closer, I noticed he was wearing a V-neck sweater that nicely shaped his broad, muscular chest. He works out. I thought. Instantly, I felt an unusual pull towards this stranger. I thought it was those natural feminine hormones catching up to me because every other good-looking male that takes a wink at me, I felt nothing. Here, this crashes on me. What's going on?

"Lucas," Emma runs to him. He spread out his arms to greet her with a hug. Both, continue walking towards me.

"Where have you been, I've been looking for you." he says to her. His voice was so hypnotizing clear, it was as if he was singing. He looked up at me. Me sitting here like a bump on a log.

"I was where you left me, but then these two boys started picking on me and started taking 'Herman'," I believe that was the blue monkey, "and they played with my hair but then Avery came and scared them away." She pointed at me smiling.

That was my signal, I stood up and walked the rest to them. I lifted my hand to him. "Hi, I'm Avery." We looked into eachothers eyes. I saw his, they were beautiful. They were the most unique irises I've ever seen. They were liquid blue, I would have melted if I'd stared too long. He took my hand. I felt an electric current that went right up my arm, causing pressure on my heart. I let go of his hand quickly. I stared at my hand and looked up at him slowly. He stared back, blankly. Did he not feel that?

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yep." I snapped out of it. "Sorry, static electricity, ya know." Okay, no matter how stupid I've must have looked, I probably sound even more rediculous. I kept on smiling to keep it natural.

"Yeah," he smirked. "I'm Lucas. Thank you for watching Emma." He rested his hand on her shoulder. She smiled up at the both of us. He kneeled down to her, "Are you ready to go kiddo?" he asked.

"Yeah, I guess. Can Avery join us for dinner?" she asked sweetly. I bet she gets away with that adorable tone with her brother all the time.

"Emma, I don't know, she might be busy?" he said. I was disappointed for reminding me.

"Yeah, actually," I interrupted, "I have to get back to work." I said. "It was nice meeting the both of you." I started to walk back to the resturant leaving both Emma and her brother behind. In the back of my mind, something told me I've seen those blue eyes before. I can't remember, but they seem so familiar.
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