Status: two-shot

It Has to Be Your Love, That I've Been Dreaming Of

Feel My Bones Ignite

Jack kept noticing his best friend's wandering eyes, they always landed on a ride that said it was closed down for maintenance but would be back by dusk. So far, the sun was still in the sky and beating harshly down on Jack's full black attire, Alex had said that wearing full black in over 90 degree weather was for sure the stupidest thing he has ever done and it was mostly true but it wasn't the stupidest, the stupidest was probably when he and Alex once tried to jump a fence and Jack ended up ripped his pants, falling from the fence, and landing on a large rock, knocking the wind out of him and making him want to go into fetal position and stay there forever. When he voiced this with Alex, all he got was a smack to the head and how That was all your idea, the golf course has police swarming around it and it was midnight.

Whatever, he can deal with this. He's done this before at Warped Tour, he can handle the fair for six hours.

But, Alex was just strutting around with his shirt off and black skinny jeans and with hips like that Jack really couldn't help but be very touchy with his best friend, he knew he wouldn't mind anyways. Alex doesn't flinch when Jack sneaks an arm around his waist and instead walks the tiniest bit closer.

As they walked into another line for a ride, a girl with bright blue hair and a random spot of red on the right side kept staring at the two boys, when she noticed that Jack was looking at her, she just spewed out a "Oh my gosh, I must have looked like a freak staring at you, but I just wanted to say that you and your boyfriend are cute together" and before the younger could tell her that they weren't dating she turned around and dragged her friend away.

Jack felt his best friend lean into him and ghost his lips over his ear and whisper boyfriend, before slightly biting it and turning away and acting like nothing happened. Totally not fueling the ever-growing fire in his gut.


It was 8:30 and the fair closed at 10:00 so they had more than enough time to get on more rides. Of course, Alex made Jack go on a roller coaster with him, and a good half hour was spent waiting in line for that. So finally it was Jack's turn to pick the ride. He would love to pick the ride his best friend has been eyeing, but the ride had been shut down for today and that left his best friend pouting furiously at him for five minutes. It really broke Jack's heart but he honestly couldn't do a thing about it.

All he could do is wrap his arm around the elder's waist and lead him to another ride.

And by other ride he meant the Ferris Wheel. Jack seriously terrified of heights, but it made Alex happy seeing how far they were up and how large the fair was, so he was going to brave through it. Plus the view was beautiful so it was more than worth it.

After a giant fucking line and a couple behind them loudly making out, they were in one of the carts, sometimes stopping to make people get out and new ones to come on. The sun was still setting and made the sky look a stunning shade of red, it seemed really peaceful and quiet on the ride, well quiet can only go so far at the fair especially since people on the 'Extreme Scream' were basically crying.

The Ferris Wheel was a ride filled with Jack and Alex laughing about something stupid, a ridiculous amount of pictures, selfies, and just pictures of them together. In one (that was totally not Jack's favorite) Alex was leaned over and kissing Jack's cheek, almost all the pictures they got together looked really coupley and it made the younger's heart swell with affection.

When he looked through Alex's photos he saw that he took some of Jack taking pictures of the fair grounds from the top of the ride, it was ridiculously corny and cliche but the younger loved it so much. The last one was when Alex basically completely crawled on top of Jack and took a picture of them with the sunset in the back.

It was all so beautiful and the younger couldn't help but lean over to bury his face in Alex's neck. God, Jack loved his best friend so much.


Alex was driving Jack back home after buying three packets of cotton candy from the fair, saying that I didn't spend all my money so might as well spend it on something that is important. But honestly Jack wasn't listening because all he could imagine was having his tongue tangled with his best friend and tasting the cotton candy on his tongue. It was probably the most innocent thought Jack has had since he found out about his giant crush on his best friend.

When they arrived at the skunk haired boys house, Alex, the gentlemen he is, walked Jack to his house. Without really realizing what was happening, they were at Jack's front door, hungrily making out against it. In all honesty, the younger didn't know how this happened or who initiated it but all he could really think about was Holy fuck, my tongue is in Alex's mouth, his tongue is in mine, we're kissing. And Jesus Christ this was well worth the wait, Alex just tasted amazing and he loved his mouth already.

When they pulled away, Alex's hands were still tangled in the younger's hair and Jack's hands were gripping his best friend's hips tightly. The elder once again, ghosted his lips over Jack's ear while whispering See you tomorrow, boyfriend dragging out the word 'boyfriend' and bit the lobe softly before untangled his fingers from the younger's hair and walking back to his car and leaving Jack staring at the spot where the car was once parked.

He finally got his senses back and went inside his house, collapsing on his bed while questions flowed through his mind.

Well, at least he finally tasted Alex, which has been his dream since seventh grade. And by a look at his phone and a text message from Alex saying "I've been needing to do that for awhile" he guessed that his best friend felt the exact same and a new chapter of their relationship was on the horizon.

Jack went to sleep with a stupid smile on his face and thoughts of Alex.


A block away, at the Gaskarth's house, Alex fell asleep the same exact way, his thoughts were filled with his best friend.

Hopefully his new boyfriend.
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lol this is terrible especially at the end oops
-Parrish xo