Status: Warning: Content rating may change as story progresses. This is a free-style story.

Through It All

Was I Ever Truly Alive?

Almost nine years ago, I committed an act of horrid atrocity. I stepped off the ledge and past from the world of the living into the spirit realm. I see my family and friends every day. I've witnessed the horrors I have forced them to face.

However, let me start from the beginning. My mother, a hard working middle-aged woman, gave birth to me at such an early age. She was just sixteen years old and forced to raise me on her own. As she raised me, I raised Hell.

After ten years of life, I could call myself a brother of three beautiful younger sisters. Mommy-Dearest's attention wasn't focused on me as much. Even though it stung to realize I wasn't her one and only anymore, I helped take care of my sisters. My mother worked late nights and her husband was just another baby to take care of.

From here, things progressed quickly. In school, I had pulled every prank in the book. The consequences ranged from detention to expulsion. At one point, I threatened to bomb the school. Through all my erratic behavior, Mommy-Dearest had stuck by my side. She loved me unconditionally, though I didn't understand that at the time.

Truthfully, I was attention seeking. I wanted the love and acceptance of everyone around me. What I didn't know was I had it. I was pushing everyone away. I forced myself into an impenetrable bubble.
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This is a rough draft. It is something I have been thinking about writing, but I've never fully had the words to write.