I (Kind Of ) Know What You're Going Through.


Month 1
I sighed as I looked on my calendar at my to-do list. I thought about the numerous things I had to get done. The first thing on the list, grocery shopping. Glad it's Saturday. I picked up my shopping list and scanned over it as I grabbed my car keys and my coat.

As I slipped on my coat and reached for the door, a pair of strong tan arms wrapped around me. I smiled as I turned around to see my husband, Jeffery Wright. "Hey baby. I'm just going to run to the store. I'll be right back." I said to him before giving him a kiss. I then left.

I reached the store and walked in, as I did I picked up a basket just so I could easily carry the few items needed from the store. I smiled lightly as I looked around the store. Something was different about that day. I walked down a lane that had feminine products. As my eyes scanned the shelves, they grew wide as they landed on a box of tampons. My mind then thought back to the date.
I paced back and forth as my husband sat on the bed in our shared room. We've never been parents before. The last time I became pregnant, I miscarried. This time was both exciting, yet nerve wracking all at once.

"What is it Jay? You're starting to scare me." He said as he looked at me.

I bit my finger nail as I looked back at him. His voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "I think I'm pregnant again." I then, finally said.

Jeffery then pulled me into his arms. I didn't cry, for I wasn't upset, or sad, I guess you could say I was overwhelmed. I need to relax.
Month 3
Three months into a pregnancy may not seem like much, but you sure can feel the added weight. I've learnt how to handle the morning sickness.

I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen to find my husband Jeffery eating sausage. I scrunched up my eyebrows, along with my nose at the sight.

"Love? What are you doing?" I asked. Sausages made Jeffery sick to his stomach. He was never well after eating them. Why he ate them was beyond what I gathered.

Jeffery wiped his mouth clean as he pushed the plate away. He then looked up at me and took my hands in his.

"Women, are incredible. They go through things that we men wouldn't dream of going through. I feel as if I should walk a mile in your shoes, or nine months, rather."

After he spoke, is when it made sense, Jeffery ate the sausages so he could experience the feeling of morning sickness. I smiled at him and brought his hand to my face. I then rested it, on my cheek. "I love you." I said to him before giving him a kiss.

"I love you, too."
Month 6
I smiled as I held Jeffery's hand in mind. It was the day when we could clearly see the face of our baby. We waited this long because our first child didn't make it past the first three months. I nodded as the doctor asked if we were ready. I lifted my shirt, and she, the doctor, squeezed some gel on my stomach before placing the remote on it.

Jeffery and I both gasped lightly as we looked at the screen. If my eyes were correct, there were two children. I then teared up as the doctor confirmed my question.

Later that day when we got home, Jeffery and I had to rethink the name. Seeing as we are now having twins. Once Jeffery and I had settled on names we saw best fit for our children, a thought came to my mind.
What if, us being blessed with two children is a reward for not giving up? We could only now wait and see.
Month 9
When I awoken that morning, I was surprised to see Jeffery standing before me holding three pieces of fruit. I smiled to myself and shook my head lightly.

"Honey, what are you doing?" I asked, as I tilted my head to the side.

Jeffery shrugged. "I told you, dear. I'm going through this with you." He replied.

I smiled once more before motioning for him to come near. When he placed the fruit on the ground, I failed as I tried to stifle my laugh at the scene before me. Jeffery had taken clothing clips, and attached them to his nipples.

I shook my head before removing them. "There is no need, for you to wear these." I said before kissing his cheek. When I pulled back, I couldn't help the feeling as if I had wetted myself. As I looked down, I saw that the bedding was soaked.

Later that evening, I gave birth to, two healthy twins. We named them Michael, and Michelle.

We we're finally parents...
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Inspired by the photo above.

Word Count: 833