Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter One

Andy's point of view

Justin looked at me with his dark gray eyes that were filled with pure loathing hate. I looked around quickly. None of my friends were around me. In fact, no one was around me, which was odd because it was still the middle of lunch. Usually the court yard was full of kids laughing and eating lunch. Not today though. Today, it was just me and Justin. I slowly made eye contact with him, the corners of his lips lifting into a sneer. I blinked, and suddenly Justin was in front of me. I was tall, usually towering over people at almost six feet... But Justin was taller. And he was stronger, much stronger. He grabbed the front of my shirt and lifted me up so that my toes just barely touched the ground. He looked into my fear-filled eyes and opened his mouth in what I presume was a laugh, but not a sound came out. Suddenly, he stopped and looked back into my eyes. I panicked and tried to scream for help, but my scream got stuck in my throat and instead I coughed. Again, however, not a sound was heard. Justin raised his fist and pulled it back as I closed my eyes and prepared for the painful beating that was sure to follow. Time seemed to suddenly stop. I could feel his fist moving the air as it sped towards my face and...

And I woke up. I opened my eyes quickly and looked around, relieved yet terrified that my encounter with Justin was just a dream. I only wished all of them were. Then I wouldn't have such a low self esteem and bruises covering my body from head to toe. I sighed, bringing my hand to my face to cover my eyes. I was relieved for quite obvious reasons, such as not actually having being beaten up, yet I was terrified that Justin was now haunting my dreams. Now not only did I have to deal with him at school, but in my sleep as well, where I was supposed to be safe.

My alarm clock starting beeping, pulling me out of my thoughts and telling me, very loudly, that it was now six thirty in the morning. I removed my hand from my face and began to search for the 'off' button on the clock. After a seemingly long and painful search, the clock was finally silent and I slowly sat up.

I really wished that today wasn't Monday, but wishing never got anyone anywhere. It was Monday, and I had to go to school, and that was that. I brought my knees up to my chest, hugging them with my left arm as my right hand searched under my pillow for my phone. When my long fingers grasped it, I pulled it out and flicked through my new messages.

"One message from Jake. One message from Jinxx. Two messages from CC. And, of course, seven messages from Sandra. Not including the three missed calls." I sighed to myself, not bothering to respond to any of the texts. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends almost as much as I love my parents, and I know they're just worried about me, but they can be such over-protective little fucks. I guess they had reason to be though; I haven't been at school for just over a week now, and I haven't talked to anyone in that time either. I just stopped showing up for school with no warning, no reason that anyone knew off, just... Nothing. Of course, I had my reasons for not going to school for a week, I was in an extremely bad place during that time. My depression was worse, my suicidal thoughts were worse, my cutting was worse, and my eating disorder was worse. I didn't need Justin or any of his friends pushing me over the edge, so I did the logical thing and stayed home. Now, you may be saying to yourself, "Andy! What was the thing that started this spiral of depression and self-hate?" Well, that thing was Scout.

Scout was my girlfriend of three years and she was my everything. I had given that girl all I had and in return I got nothing but heart break. Just under two weeks ago, she sent me a text message, breaking up with me. No explanation, and no farther contact. We were together for three fucking years and she breaks up with me in a seven word text message. Un-fucking-believable, right? That's why I didn't go to school for a week. And that's also why I didn't tell any of my friends the reason; I was too ashamed.

But I promised myself, and Sandra in a one word message, that I'd go back to school today, so here we are. Although I was starting to regret that promise. I would love nothing more than to pull the covers back over my head and sleep the day away. A light, soft knock pulled me back from my thoughts.

"Yeah?" I called.

"Are you going to school today hun?" My mum asked.

"Yeah," I replied shortly. "Just getting into the shower now."

"Okay. I wont be able to drive you today so you can take the car. Just be careful driving. Your father and I wont be home for dinner either, but we left some frozen pizza in the freezer." She said before walking away.

I sighed and swung my legs over the side of my bed before shuffling to the bathroom. Carefully as to not see my reflection in the mirror, I started the shower and stripped my clothes off, throwing them into the dirty clothes hamper. Stepping in, I instantly felt myself relax. The worries and regrets washed away from my body with the hot water and rinsed down the drain. After about ten minutes of letting the warm water engulf my body, I poured some of my shampoo in my hand and began to scrub my long, black hair.

Twenty-five minutes later, I was standing in front of my cupboard, black hair dripping onto my dark, hardwood floor. I had picked out my favourite black, ripped up jeans five minutes ago, but I still couldn't decide on the perfect shirt. The way I saw it is, if I was going to school today, I might as well look my best. After discarding multiple band T-Shirts, I picked out my favourite long-sleeved plaid buttoned-up shirt and a black vest. Slipping them on, I took a quick look in my full-length mirror, slowing buttoning the black vest. I shook my head and unbuttoned it again, deciding to leave it open.

Rolling up the sleeves of the shirt, I walked to the bathroom. While waiting for my straightener to heat up, I quickly dried my hair, brushed my teeth, and brushed a light layer of black eye shadow over the lids of my eyes. The finishing touch was a thick layer of eyeliner outlining my light blue eyes. The straightener beeped, indicating that it was now hot enough. It usually took me about five minutes to straighten and lightly tease the top of my hair, but since I had to look perfect today, it took me fifteen. Finally, I was dressed and somewhat confident that I could face this dreadful day.

I rushed downstairs, beaten up black and white backpack slung over my right shoulder. My parents had already gone to work, so I could easily skip breakfast without their annoying questions. I glanced at the clock before rushing out the door; 8:30. I had plenty of time to get to school, considering it was only a five minute drive, so I stopped rushing a little bit. I was in no hurry to get to school by any means.

Locking the front door and pocketing the key, I breathed in the sweet poison that was my cigarette. It was my first one in a few days because I was way too lazy to get out of bed this weekend, so the lack of oxygen made me feel a little light headed. Lots of people actually enjoy that feeling of light headedness, me though? I hated it. It reminded me too much of the feeling you get from not eating enough for a few days, or the feeling you get when you overdose on too many pills...

I shook my head of the morbid thoughts and stomped out the smoke. It was a relatively chilly march morning, so I shivered slightly as I unlocked my Dad's car door. I used to have my own shitty car, but I totaled it one night driving home from a friend's house and I didn't have enough money to buy a new one. Hell, I barely had enough money to buy the one I destroyed. My parents were mad, obviously, but they just recently calmed down enough to let me borrow Dad's car every so often now that my parents carpool to work. If they knew the real reason why I crashed however? Not a chance. Needless to say, that was the last time I ever got wasted.

I pulled up to school singing "All Hell Breaks Loose" by the Misfits at the top of my lungs and killed the engin.

"I don't want to go in. I don't want to be here. It was a mistake coming. You don't belong here. You don't belong anywhere. Go home Andy." I whispered to myself, feeling my breath coming quickly, my heart pounding in my throat. I was just about to start the car and get the fuck outta there when there was a bang at the passenger's door, making me jump through the roof.

I clutched my chest and looked over, seeing CC's smiling face pressed up against the window.

CC's real name was Christian Coma (or so he told us) but he really preferred to be called CC. He hated his real name.

"ANNNNNNNNNNDDDDDDDDDDDDDYYYY." He screamed, sticking out his tongue and pressing that to the window as well.

"Gross." I moaned with a smile, collecting my bag and getting out of the car. Quite suddenly, I was tackled by a very happy Jake.

"Andy!" He squeaked, "I thought you were dead!"

I laughed. "Nope, still alive and kicking."

"Where the fuck were you!"

I looked over, seeing Sandra making her way to my car with a scowl embedded on her face. I groaned and Jake let go.

"Someone is in trouble," He sang.

"Thanks buddy." I grumbled. "Hey Sandra."

"Hey Sandra? Hey Sandra?! You have been gone for a fucking week! No phone call, no texts , nothing! You just left and all you can say is 'Hey Sandra'?" She screamed, getting in my face. Which would had been intimidating if she wasn't only 5'2".

"Oi!" I said, backing up with my hands in the air. "I needed time alone!"

"For fucking what." She asked, crossing her arms against her chest.

I paused. Did I really want to tell them why I was feeling so down? I was still really embarrassed and hurt about not only Scout breaking up with me, but the WAY she broke up with me. I glanced at my friends, making a semi-circle around me and sighed.

"Scout broke up with me." I mumbled.

"What?" Sandra asked.

I sighed again. "Scout broke up with me." I said a little louder. "Through text message."

Immediately, Sandra relaxed. Pity and worry replacing the anger in her facial expressions.

"Oh, hunny. Fuck. I'm sorry..." She trailed off.

We stood there in awkward silence until Jinxx broke it.

Just like with CC, Jinxx's name wasn't actually Jinxx, it was Jeremy. But, again just like with CC, he hated that name so he just went by Jinxx. Everyone called him that, even the teachers.

"You were together for three years and she broke up with you through text message?"

"Yep." I muttered.

"That fucking cunt." CC said.

"Did she say why?" Jake asked, earning a punch from Sandra.

"How fucking inconsiderate could you get?" She whispered through clenched teeth. "You don't have to tell us Andy..."

I sighed. It would probably make me feel better if I told them, right? "No. It's okay." I turned to Jake. "She didn't give any reason. In fact, she hasn't contacted me since she dumped me. All I got was a seven word text message, 'I am sorry Andy, but it's over.'"

"That's it?" Sandra asked, her mouth open in pure shock.

"That's it." I grumbled.

Just then, the bell signalling class rang out. "Look, we can talk about this over lunch, kay?" I said, turning away. I didn't want their pity. I didn't want their worry. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Okay, see ya Andy." CC said.

The next three hours blurred together pretty quickly. Nothing extremely eventful happened in any of my classes, except that, of course, since I was away for a week, the teachers thought it would be fun to pick on me more than usual. In was extremely hard to pretend I wasn't there when they weren't up for playing along.

But finally, the bell for lunch rang and I stuffed my maths work into my backpack and all but ran out the door. I quickly walked to my locker, feeling pretty great about today. I hadn't missed all that much in any of my classes, so catching up should be no problem. Seeing my friends again made me realise how much I missed them and how lucky I was to have them. There were no mean notes posted to my locker door. And, best of all, I hadn't seen Justin or the twats he calls friends at all so far today. Today was starting to look like it could be a brilliant day.

I smiled to myself has a opened my locker to shove my backpack in when the locker door was slammed shut on my fingers.

"Hey fag!" A voice sneered behind me. "We missed you!"

I swallowed a groan as I felt fear built up inside of me. Of course I spoke too soon.

♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: After reading many many Andley fanfictions, I decided to go ahead and try writing one myself. I think it'll be fun. =)

As many know, Andley is the shipping name for Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy. Since they are both guys... This is a boyxboy fanfiction. Don't read if you don't like it. THANK YOU. <3

I know that the members of Black Veil Brides are all different ages, but for the purposes of this story, they're all going to be about sixteen and in high school. =)

Please comment! I can only improve my writing with positive OR negative feedback! Let me know what you guys think! <3 Cheers!