Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Ten

Andy's point of view

The movie was good... I think. I wasn't really paying attention to be completely honest; I was more focused on Ashley's hand in mine. Throughout the entire movie, he kept squeezing my hand gently and giving me soft, shy smiles. This wasn't the Ashley I knew at all, but I liked this Ashley. Maybe he was really ready to change and start a new life, and not just use me as Sandra had suggested.

Out of everyone, she was the only one that seemed angry at the fact that Ashley and I had confessed our feelings for each other. I really couldn't work out why, but I wouldn't let that spoil the intense happiness I was feeling.

After the movie, everyone went their separate ways except for Ashley and myself.

"Do you mind if I walk with you home?" He asked shyly, still holding tightly on my hand like at any moment I would slip away or tell him that I was lying and I actually didn't like him. It was funny really, because that's exactly what I was scared of.

"Of course." I responded with a smile. He flashed me a wide smile that made his whole face light up, almost as if he was expecting me to say no.

The walk home was silent, but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was comfortable and calming. I smiled to myself and gave Ashley's hand a squeeze, which he returned.

"Hey," Ashley suddenly said, breaking the silence between us. I waited for him to continue, but when he still didn't respond I giggled.

"Hey?" I said, urging him to continue.

"Uh, I-I was wondering... It's okay if you say no, please don't feel like you need to say yes-"

I cut him off with a smile. "Ashley, it's fine. I'll probably say yes."

He smiled at me. "I was wondering if you wanted to like, go out tomorrow night. Like, just you and me."

I stopped walking and looked at him. "You mean, like a date?" I asked excitedly.

"Well, yeah. If that's okay." He said quietly, looking down at his boots.

"I would love to." I said smiling, squeezing his hand.

Ashley let out an adorable squeak and pulled me into a hug. I was shocked, but laughed after a moment and hugged him back. After a moment he pulled away, wide-eyed.

"I'm so sorry... I've just been wanting to do that for a while now..." He whispered quietly, looking down at his boots again.

"No, hey, I liked it. And stop looking at the ground dammit. I like your eyes." I said, grabbing his chin gently between my forefinger and thumb. Normally I wasn't this confident, but there was just something about Ashley that made me feel happy and alive. I didn't want this feeling to end.

I reached over and kissed his cheek lightly; bending down a little bit since I was a little bit taller than him.

"Come on," I said with a smile. "Lets get home."

Ashley's point of view

He kissed me. He actually kissed me, was all I thought about while walking with Andy. I know he didn't technically kiss me, and it was just a kiss on the cheek, but it counted, didn't it? I thought back to how I felt when he kissed me; my heart started racing, butterflies exploded in my stomach, my head starting spinning, and I felt my palms start to get sweaty. Yes, it definitely counted.

"So, where are we going to go tomorrow?" Andy asked.

I smiled and stopped walking; tugging on his hand lightly so that he was turned to face me. I looked into his deep blue eyes, getting lost in them for a moment. I stood up on my tippy toes and kissed his nose lightly.

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise." I finally replied.

Andy groaned but smiled. "But I don't like surprises Assshhhy."

My smile grew larger. "Ashy?" I asked.

His smile faded slightly. "Yeah, is that okay?"

"I like it. No one has ever called me that before." I replied, kissing his cheek and started walking again.

All too soon we reached his house. He turned towards me and pouted.

"Hey, it's okay." I said. "We'll see each other at school and then we have our date."

Andy giggled. "Yeah." Then he frowned. "Uh, I don't know if we should be seen at school just yet." He said quietly.

This time it was my turn to frown. "Why?"

"Well, us being seen together doesn’t ruin my reputation at all. I mean, I don't even have a reputation to worry about. I'm just worried about you Ashy."

I smiled lightly. "Andy, I told you I wanted to start a new life, I don't give a damn about my reputation."

"I know you don't, but I do. Justin will treat you horrible. Probably worse than he treats me. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I wont Andy, I can handle myself." I replied.

"I know you can. Just... Please? Not yet." He pouted again. How the fuck can I say no to that?

"Fine. But soon." I said.

"Okay," He said smiling. "Text me when you get home, okay?"

"I will. See ya tomorrow Andy."

"Bye Ashy."

I gave him one last hug and he kissed me on the cheek. I watched him walk up the path to his house and waved back when he waved to me before he disappeared through the door. I missed him already, but I started my way home with a huge grin spread across my face.

Sandra's Point of View

I didn't trust Ashley, at all. I still had a feeling that he was only playing around with Andy; attempting to make Andy trust him so that Justin could hurt Andy emotionally beyond repair. I sighed, frustrated, and threw myself on my bed. Part of me knew that I was overreacting, and that Ashley really did care about Andy and really was willing to change, but I ignored that part.

I felt my phone vibrate from my pocket. I rolled over on my back with a groan and checked the message. It was from Jinxx.

Why were you being such a bitch tonight?

I sighed. Jinxx calling me a bitch didn't offend or make me angry because I know it was true. But I couldn't tell him my reason. How could I tell him that I was deeply in love with Andy Biersack?

I thought about my response for a second, then quickly typed it out.

I just don't trust Ashley. He's been Justin's friend for years. Why would he suddenly change? I don't want to see Andy get hurt.

Not even a second later, I felt my phone vibrate, indicating Jinxx had respond, but when I went to go check it, the message wasn't from Jinxx. It was from Andy.

Hey Sandra. What was your problem today? You seemed really upset that Ashley was there.

I sighed. No matter what I told him, he'd get upset. He really seemed to care about Ashley.

I don't know Andy. He just... Something about him makes me not trust him. I don't want to see you get hurt.

I sent the text off. That seemed harmless enough. My phone vibrated again, this time with a message from Jinxx.

I know Sandra. But he seems to really like Andy. We should really give him a chance.

I sighed. How could I respond without reveling why I actually didn't want Andy and Ashley together? I decided to not even respond. I closed my eyes for a second, but my phone rang soon after.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey Sandra." Andy's deep voice came from the other end.

"Hey." I responded, not sure what else to say.

"So, listen. I really love the fact that you're worried about me, but I don't think Ashley is using me. He seems to really care about me... And Sandra I really like him too."

I paused for a second. "I know Andy, but... I've dated guys like him before. They just use you and hurt you."

Andy started to get angry then. "Sandra, you dated Justin in the fucking ninth grade. And that was only for a month. Ashley is nothing like Justin. Nothing."

Yeah, I dated Justin. It was the summer before high school started, before the stupid cliques of High School started. He was actually a really sweet guy, but High School changed him. High School changed everyone.

"Andy. Ashley's been friends with Justin for years. He's exactly like him!" I cried, exasperated.

"Ashy is nothing like Justin!"

I felt my heart break at Andy using a nickname for Ashley. "Why did he pretend like we didn't exist then Andy? Why did he suddenly decide he wanted to change? Why now?" I asked quietly.

"Because he wasn't happy! He realised he doesn't fit in with the Populars, he realised he's like us Sandra! He doesn't give a damn about his reputation!"

"That's all he fucking cares about Andrew! All that matters to fucking Ashley Purdy is his God for fucking saken reputation! He's not right for you Andy!" I hissed.

He's not right for you but I am. I added to myself.

"Fuck you. Just because you've been hurt in the past doesn't mean that guys are all the same! You're wrong Sandra, and it's just sad that you want to ruin my happiness like this. I thought you were my friend."

And with that he hung up. I threw my phone across the room, not caring if it broke as it hit the wall. I grabbed my pillow and slammed it to my face.

I half screamed, half cried into the pillow for God knows how long, but finally I just broke down and cried. Without even bothering to change out of my jeans and shirt, I crawled under the covers. I don't even know how long I cried for, but soon, I fell into an uneasy sleep with one thought in my head:

I'll be there when Ashley proves me right. I'll be there to build Andy back up. I'll be there for him.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: And that is chapter ten! I don't really like this one... Just because I don't want Sandra trying to ruin the relationship. D'=
But let me know what you guys think! Comments please... Positive or negative would be awesome. I'll see you next chapter! Cheers! xoxo