Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Eleven

Sandra’s point of view

My 6:25am phone alarm would have woken me up if I was actually asleep. At around 5:30am I woke with a massive headache from crying and since then I hadn’t been able to go back to sleep. So I had lay awake staring at the ceiling listening to music on my iPod when the alarm went off. I sighed and pulled my headphones out. The silence would have been deafening if it wasn’t for that stupid alarm. I heaved myself out of bed and walked over to the corner where my phone lay. I bent down to pick it up, turned off the fucking alarm, and started to inspect my phone for damages from when I threw it last night. Only a slight crack on the screen, which was no big deal. I was actually expecting it to be worse from how hard I threw it, so the fact that it was barely cracked lifted my mood, until I remembered why I threw it.

Andy was mad at me. He had basically told me I was a shitty friend… Which maybe I was. I mean, I wasn’t happy for him and Ashley when I know I should be. They weren’t even together technically, but the way Andy’s face had lit up around Ashley was pretty cute. Beyond cute actually, but it was the fact that Ashley was the reason Andy was so happy that irked me. I have been in love with the kid for over a year now, so it’s kind of hard to be happy that another person was the reason Andy was so happy. Especially when that person was Ashley Purdy.

Another thing that pissed me right off was the fact that out of the blue, Ashley decided he wanted to change and that he liked Andy. Right out of the fucking blue. Up until then, he had been walking around like he owned the place, looking down at every single person. He had seemed to love nothing more than his own reputation as a man whore, but now suddenly he wanted to be friends with us? It wasn’t fair. I knew I was being selfish, but it really wasn’t fair. He had chosen the exact day that Andy had told us that Scout broke up with him that Ashley decided all this. I had been somewhat stupidly happy to hear that Scout had broken up with Andy because that meant I could have had a chance with him. I was going to be his support system, his best friend, his shoulder to cry on until he moved on from Scout… And realised that he loved me back. But Purdy boy had snatched that away.

I sighed again and reached towards the light switch, flicking on the light. The yellowish light flooded the room and made my head pound. This was going to be a fucking fantastic day.

I stood in front of the mirror, desperately trying to put on eyeliner, but whenever I put on a layer my tears would smudge it. Angrily, I wiped the stupid tears away and tried again. It was no use, the tears kept coming. At this point I didn’t even know why I was crying anymore, I just knew that I was and it was a bitch. I sighed and started working on my hair, figuring that maybe the tears would stop in that time so that I could finish my makeup. By concentrating on straightening my dark hair perfectly, my tears had finally stopped. I layered my brown eyes with a thin layer of liquid eyeliner and put on my sunglasses. To be honest, I don’t even know why I put on eyeliner at all if I was just going to cover my eyes with sunglasses, but I did every single morning.

Finally, I was finished with twenty minutes to get to school. I grabbed my backpack that was sitting on the floor at the end of my bed and started down the stairs.

"Morning hunny." My mum said from the kitchen table, slowly sipping on a cup of coffee.

"Morning." I replied, sounding more harsh than I intended. Mum decided to ignore my tone.

"Sleep well?" She asked as I poured myself a cup of coffee into a to-go mug. I sighed as I walked over to the fridge to grab some milk.

"No, not really." I replied a little more nicely this time. "I have such a bad headache and it wouldn’t let me sleep properly.

"Aweh sweetie," Mum replied, getting up from her seat and walking over to the cupboard above the fridge where we kept out first aid kit and medicine. I poured a little bit of milk into my coffee and added a teaspoon of sugar while she searched for whatever she was looking for. I was putting the lid on the cup when she handed me two pills and a glass of water.

"Here, these will help." She said with a smile.

"Thanks mum," I replied, giving her a grateful smile.

I swallowed the pills, and took a big gulp of water as my mum returned to her seat at the table.

"Have a good day at school," She said as I made my way to the front door to tug on my shoes.

"I will mum, I love you. Thanks for the pills." I called as I walked through the front door.

The walk to school was a nice one. It was warm, with only a slight breeze that ruffled my hair. I walked slowly, dreading actually going to school, with my ear buds shoved in my ears and the music turned way up. I was singing along to my favourite song when I felt someone shove me hard from behind. Luckily, I managed to keep my balance and turned around, yanking out my right ear bud in the process.

"What the actual fuck." I hissed. Oh, just my luck too. It just had to be Justin.

"Nice to see you too, you emo bitch." He replied coldly. His friends laughed in the background, like it was the funniest thing they had ever heard.

"After two years you think you would have come up with something better." I glared at him, trying to keep my temper.

"Yeah, but you’re really not worth my brain power." Justin smirked.

I just yawned. “What brain power?” I muttered.

"The fuck did you say?" He spat, getting up in my face. I wasn’t in the mood for his bull shit, I seriously wasn’t, because normally I would have kept my mouth shut, but not today. Today, I was ready to take my anger out on anyone who got in my way, even if that someone was Justin. Especially if that someone was Justin.

I rolled my eyes, an action I knew he couldn’t see behind my sunglasses, so I dramatically sighed instead. “Deaf as well as stupid?” I asked innocently.

"That is fucking it." Justin spat, raising his fist to punch me in the face. I didn’t even blink as his fist made direct contact with my nose. I heard a crunch and a sharp pain in my face.

"You’re lucky that’s all you’re getting, you little cunt." He whispered in my ear. "We’re saving the rest for your little faggot friend Andy." With that said, he shoved me as hard as he could, which actually had the force to knock me down this time, and continued on his way to school. As one of Justin’s friends past, he took the opportunity to grind my hand against the pavement with his shoe.

I know I deserved it; I should have just kept my mouth shut, but the intense pain in my hand and face made me forget all about Andy and Ashley. I have this kind of problem that started when I was really little. Whenever I got upset or extremely angry, I would try and start a fight with someone that got so bad that it would end up physical. I guess it was my way of self harming without actually taking a razor or a lighter to my skin. I sighed, feeling a lot better emotionally than I had all morning. I pulled myself up, grabbed my backpack that had ended up on the ground beside me, and started to dust off my black skinnies before starting to walk to school.

Because of the run in with Justin, I was five minutes late for class. I walked in, earning a death glare from my teacher, and made my way to my usual seat at the back.

"Hey," A voice whispered when I had unslung my backpack from my shoulder and sat down. I looked to my right.


I forgot that Ashley and I shared the same maths class. Well God fucking Damn it.

Ashley’s Point of View

I hated Maths, even though I loved the teacher. It was boring and I didn’t know anyone in the class except for Kina, who was sat at the front because she was still mad at me, and Sandra. Sandra wasn’t here yet though, and I was starting to think she wasn’t going to show up when she walked into class. By the looks of it, she had a run in with Justin on her way to school.

I know Sandra didn’t like me because she didn’t trust me yet, but taking in her obviously broken nose and bloody hand, I instantly felt rage boiling up in the pit of my stomach. What the fuck was Justin’s problem? The Outcasts have never done anything to deserve this. Yes, I will admit that they acted like cocky bastards whenever Justin picked on them, but they had a reason to. They had two options when it came from Justin; Beg and cry, but still get beat up, or keep your dignity by acting like an asshole and still get beat up. As I would, they picked the option of keeping their dignity.

Sandra walked to the back of the room and all but threw her backpack on the floor before sitting herself down in the desk beside me, slightly wincing as she did so, indicating Justin had kicked her in the stomach.

"Hey," I whispered to her, just loud enough for her to hear me.

Sandra looked at me, her eyes wide. Looks like she forgot I was in her class. She turned back towards the front, completely ignoring me. I sighed inwardly. Normally, I’d get the hint and give up, but I knew that I had to try and get on good terms with her because she was one of Andy’s best friends. I tried again.

"Are you okay? Looks like you saw Justin this morning," I whispered, trying to make a small joke.

She turned and glared at me. “Oh yeah,” She whispered harshly. “You probably know all about it. You probably met up with him before class and had a nice laugh.”

See? She doesn’t trust me. “No, I haven’t seen or talked to Justin since last night before we went to the movie.” I whispered back.

"Yeah, okay Ashley." She whispered sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Sandra," I whispered once she turned away from me again. She ignored me.

"Sandra," I whispered a bit louder. Still, she ignored me, playing with her lip ring. It made me think of Andy.

"Sandra." I said, slightly louder than a whisper.

"What." She hissed finally, turning her head towards me.

"What can I do to make you trust me?"

Her faced relaxed slightly. Instead of looking angry and about ready to bite my head off, she just looked sad. Very sad and very tired.

She turned to face back towards the front and I thought she went back to ignoring me until she said:

"Just don’t hurt Andy."

"I won’t," I replied.

Sandra turned towards me, looking about ready to cry. “No, I’m serious Ashley. He’s had so much shit happen to him. With the bullying and the heartbreak caused by his last girlfriend… He doesn’t deserve any of it. So please, I am actually begging you; please don’t hurt him.”

I was caught off guard by how valuable Sandra looked and sounded just then. This wasn’t the Sandra I knew at all. True, I didn’t know her that well, but from what I’ve seen over the past couple years that I’ve known of her, and how she’s been acting towards me, she seemed so guarded and a complete bitch to be honest. But, like my tough guy appearance, I realised it could all just be an act.

She really did seem to care about Andy. A lot. I had a thought just then.

"Sandra…" I asked slowly, still whispering as to not be called out by the teacher.

She turned around and looked at me, her facial expression still somewhat welcoming. That alone gave me the courage to ask her what I was about to.

"Please don’t get offended, I just really want to know, even though you don’t trust me."

"Shoot," she said, sounding a little bit defeated.

"Do you like Andy? Is that the real reason you don’t like or trust me?" I asked slowly.

Sandra was silent for a moment, I could see the war waging in her head. After a moment, she turned towards me, and said, without looking at me:

"No." She paused and looked into my eyes. "I love him, so I only want him to be happy. I see now that I’m not the one he wants or needs to make him happy though. From what I can tell, he’s happy with you. As much as that fucking kills me, I’m willing to look past my own sadness for his happiness. That’s why I didn’t like you Ashley, because I love him but he likes you."

I paused, kind of shocked that she opened up to me the way she did. Out of natural instinct, I reached over to grab her hand in order to try and comfort her. I took her not pulling away as a good sign, and began rubbing my thumb over the back of her hand. She was still staring intently at the floor. She let out a strange gulping sound every now and then, and I knew she was trying to hold back tears.

"Hey," I whispered softly. Sandra looked up at me, a little unsure.

"I wont hurt him Sandra. I’ll keep him happy as long as he wants it to be me keeping him happy. I can promise you that."

For the first time since I met her, she smiled at me.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Chapter eleven! Goodness. That was a hard one to write. I had no idea where I wanted to go with this… But I deprived myself of going out for a smoke before it was finished… So I finished! Haha. I kinda like this chapter, because the last chapter made Sandra seem kind of like a bitch who was trying to get in between Andy and Ashley’s blooming relationship… And that wasn’t my intention. I’m happy that Sandra and Ashley made up… :)
Anyway, as always, comment! Any negative or positive feedback makes me happy. :) See you next chapter! Cheers! xoxo