Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Twelve

Andy’s point of view

The day past very slowly to say the least. All I could think about was my date with Ashley tonight. We had been texting all day since the moment we both got up, but it wasn’t the same as actually seeing him. I missed him, as stupid as that sounds because we only admitted our feelings towards each other last night, but I did miss him. However, he had kept with his promise and acted normal.

At lunch, he avoided us and pretended we didn’t exist like he normally did, but every so often he would glance up from his lunch and give me a small smile. I was sat at my normal lunch table with CC when Sandra walked up, smiling.

"Hey, what’s with you?" I asked with a chuckle. She didn’t look at me when she spoke, but instead directed her words to CC.

"You’re right CC, Ashley’s a great guy. I was wrong to mistrust him." She said quietly as to not be overheard by anyone passing by.

"I told you he was!" CC exclaimed happily before digging into his burger and fries. He looked at me and smiled, his mouth full and ketchup smeared in the corner of his mouth.

"Ew," I said with a laugh, tossing him a napkin before turning my attention to Sandra. "What made you change your mind?"

She hesitated for a moment before turning to me, her smile seeming a bit forced. “We talked in maths for a bit. He’s a really great guy Andy. I was wrong to shout at you and say otherwise… Forgive me?”

I laughed and got up to hug her. “I could never stay mad at you Sandra, you’re one of my best friends.” I felt her tense up when I hugged her, but after a second, she relaxed and hugged me back.

Jinxx and Jake walked up, carrying their lunch trays and plopped down in their seats.

"Hey lover boy." Jake smirked. "Where’s Ash?"

I nodded my head in Ashy’s general direction as to not draw attention to him. Jinxx at least got my hint, and he pretended to stretch his neck to look at Ash. Jake however, full out turned to look. I sighed.

"Jake." I said when he had been staring for a full five seconds. Luckily, I managed to stop him before he tried to get Ashley’s attention. He turned back around with a questioning look.

"Why isn’t he over here with us?" He asked.

"I didn’t want him to. Justin will turn on him and he’ll probably get it worse than I do. I don’t want him to have to go through that." I replied, pushing my lunch around on my plate. I knew I wasn’t going to eat it; I never do, but each lunch, without fail, I buy food. I don’t know why.

"Understandable I guess." Jake said, sounding more than a little disappointed. "I like Ashley, I was looking forward to hanging out."

I didn’t reply. I knew how he felt, but I really didn’t want Ashley getting beaten up because of me. I looked over at him. He was talking to Justin, who kept looking at me every now and then with a smirk on his face. Ashley let out a forced laugh. I looked back down quickly; making sure my fringe was covering my face. A minute later I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out of my pocket, having a little bit of trouble because of my tight pants, and read the message. It was from Ashley.

Hey, please don’t go anywhere alone today. Walk to classes with your friends; don’t even go to the bathroom alone. Justin is after you today.

I let out a bitter laugh and quickly looked at Ashley, he held my gaze for a moment. His eyes were filled with worry.

Justin is always after me.

I sent off a message and watched him through my fringe as he read the message. He shook his head slightly and started typing. As soon as he sent off the message, he went back to talking with his ‘friends’. I checked my phone.

No, I mean it Andy. He had a run in with Sandra this morning so he’s more of an ass than normal. Just trust me, please? I don’t want to see you hurt.

I sighed and looked at Justin from under my fringe. He was sitting there glaring at me, and when he saw me looking, he gave me a smirk and a sarcastic wave. I had to almost physically force myself to not return the fucking wave with the middle finger and a bright, big smile. Instead, I gloated inside my head.

Well fuck you Justin. I have something that you don’t anymore. I have Ashley Purdy.

I smiled and went back to playing with my food, listening to my friends chat.

"So when is the next band practice Andy?" CC asked with his mouth full.

"Saturday." I replied, looking at him with a smile.

I guess I forgot to mention my band. I started the band a couple years ago, with Jake and Jinxx as guitarists, Sandra as base, CC on drums, and myself singer. We were called Black Veil Brides. Some people think it’s a silly name, but I actually think it’s quite beautiful. The term came from when a woman marries herself into the church, giving up everything for God. There’s a huge ceremony and everything. I’m not religious, but I just thought that the idea was beautiful, giving up the pleasures of life for God. It’s kind of the same idea when in a band; when you’re in a band, that band becomes your whole life.

We haven’t had any gigs yet, but I knew we would make it far. I have such faith that we will take over the world, someday.

"CC, how many times have I asked you not to talk with your mouth full?" Sandra asked with mock sternness. CC swallowed quickly.

"Sorry mum." He said with a huge grin.

"So Saturday at two then? Like always?" Jinxx asked me.

I nodded in response. “Mum and dad will be away for the weekend because they’re visiting my Grandparents, so that means we wont have to worry about bugging them.”

Since we haven’t had band practice in while because of my whole depression thing with Scout, the guys all started to talk excitedly about it. Sandra was the only one who stayed quiet, slowly picking away at her food.

What is wrong with her? I wondered to myself as I got up to throw out my uneaten lunch.

Right before I sat back down, the bell rang out. Students started getting up to throw out the uneaten portions of their food or to go to their lockers to gather their books.

"I’ll see you in Chemistry Andy." CC called as he started to walk towards his locker. I suddenly remembered Ashley’s warning, as much as I hated cowering away from Justin, I trusted Ashley, and he was worried about me.

"Hey, CC! Wait!" I called before he got any further. He turned around, giving me a confused look, but started to walk towards me regardless.

"What’s up?" He asked when he got to me.

I filled him in quickly, his eyes slowly getting wider and wider as I told him.

"Wow. Well, at least Ashley told you." He said with a grin once I was finished. I nodded.

"Chemistry won’t be a problem," I said slowly. "Because you’re in the class with me, but what about English and History? No one else is in them with me."

CC didn’t even hesitate to respond. “I’ll walk you to your classes of course.”

I shook my head quickly. “No, if Justin doesn’t get a chance to hurt me, he’ll probably go after you when you’re alone. Like, after you drop me off at class and go to your own.”

He thought for a moment, realising that what I said was probably true. “I don’t know Andy, the only thing I can think of is skipping the rest of school,”

I cut him off. “No, I can’t. I missed enough school already.”

CC gave me a look before continuing. “Or, we could go to one of the teachers. Tell him what’s been going on.”

"They wont believe us," I sighed.

"Mr Norman will. He likes you."

I thought for a moment. It was worth a try, plus if what Ashley said is true, I really don’t want a run in with Justin.

CC walked me to English, because his class was right next door. Ashley and I didn’t speak in that class either because of the fear we, well I, had that one of Justin’s friends might have seen us. We did, however, exchange cute text messages and smiles.

After class, CC picked me up and we walked to Chemistry together in silence.

Chemistry was beyond boring, but I paid attention anyway, only catching myself zoning out five times. After class, CC and I packed up our stuff slowly, waiting for the rest of the class to rush out the door. Soon, we were the last ones left and we walked up to Mr Norman, who smiled at us as we approached.

"Andrew, Christian." He greeted us. CC cringed at the use of his real name, but didn’t say anything. "What can I do for you guys?"

I paused for a second, not sure where to begin. CC looked at me and then at Mr Norman.

"We’re having some issues with a couple of guys sir." CC said.

Mr Norman nodded slowly. CC looked at me, urging me to continue from where he left off. I sighed.

"Uhm, a friend of mine is a friend with these guys. He told me one of the guys is after me…" I trailed off frowning. This was a bad idea.

"He’s actually always picking on us, because we’re different." CC said slowly.

Mr Norman just nodded again; looking from me to CC, then back again.

He doesn’t believe us, he doesn’t believe us.

"I’m kind of scared to walk to class by myself sir, but… I can’t ask CC to walk me because he might get hurt walking alone to his own class."

Mr Norman paused for a moment. “Have you told anyone else about this bullying?” He finally asked.

CC and I shook our heads at the same time. “We’ve been too afraid,” I admitted quietly.

"Understandable. A lot of bullying victims never speak up." He paused, thinking. Then he flashed us a grin. "Well, I don’t have a class now, so how about I walk you guys to your classes today? I’ll walk with you now, then meet each of you outside your classes at the end to walk you to your next one."

CC and I grinned, looking at each other. He actually believes us!

"You only have to walk us to our next class. We both have spare for last period," I said happily.

Mr Norman smiled and nodded, but then continued on with his plan. “However, tomorrow after my class, I want you guys to come with me to the Main Office. You guys shouldn’t be living in fear of bullies. You need to tell someone who can do something about it.”

Meaning, he wanted us to speak to the principle. I looked back over at CC, worry clear in my eyes.

"O-okay," CC muttered, his voice shaky. He was just as scared as me.

After we agreed to tell someone, we walked out the classroom with myself in the lead. Sure enough, Ashley wasn’t lying. Justin was waiting outside of my classroom with his friends. When he saw me, he smirked and started making his way over towards me. I smirked back and waved, knowing by the way his face fell that CC and Mr Norman had just walked out. Justin walked past me, getting close enough to mutter, “You’re dead, faggot.” I paid no attention to him, and the three of us chatted lightly as we walked to my next class.

I walked into my History class, waving goodbye to CC and Mr Norman. I was a few seconds late, but for the first time I didn’t mind. I just ignored the stares I got from the students and made my way to the back of the class.

My phone vibrated as I sat down and pulled out my books. The message was from Ashley, and I swear my heart jumped into my throat when I read his name. I unlocked my phone and read the message.

Hey, I hope you got to class okay. Meet me at the park at 5:00 for our date, kay? :) xx

I smiled at the message and typed a quick response.

Okay. :D I can’t wait, but just so you know, I still hate surprises.

Not even a minute later he responded.

You’ll like this one. Now pay attention in class! I’ll talk to you after school.

I let out a small chuckle and put my phone away. While I was taking notes about the oral project we had coming up, my phone vibrated again.

I talked to the rest of the guys about Justin. We’ll meet you outside of your class, kay? Then we can hang out at your place until your date. :)

I smiled at CC mentioning my date with Ashy and responded with a quick okay. It was pretty cool that my friends and I all had the same spare. That’s actually one of the reasons we all became so close.

After the lesson, we were left to plan our presentation. I had no idea what I wanted to do. Nothing in History interested me at all. I sighed and tapped my pen against my desk. Suddenly, I remembered the teacher mentioning something that happened a long time ago. I went up to the front to talk to her about it.

"Hey Mrs Cameron," I said shyly. I was never usually the one to go up and talk to the teacher about anything.

She looked up from her computer and smiled at me. “Yes Andrew?”

I cleared my throat. “Do you remember talking about that student led protest thing that happened in China?” She nodded, her smile growing wider. “What was it called again.”?

"I think you might be referring to Tiananmen Square." She said.

I nodded. “Would it be okay if I talked about that in my project?”

"Yes, of course." She replied happily. I smiled and went back to my seat.

I like the idea behind Tiananmen Square. In 1989, (I had to Google the date) a group of students went to Tiananmen Square to mourn the death of a guy that was pretty high up in the Communist Party of China. The peaceful demonstration was soon stopped when some stupid leaders commanded the army to enforce martial law. A lot of innocent people were killed during what is now known as the June 4th Massacre. It was pretty sick.

After writing some ideas down on a sheet of paper, the bell went. I looked happily at my notes, already pretty confident that I was going to do well on this assignment, and began to pack up my stuff. Sure enough, when I walked out my classroom, my friends were waiting for me. We exchanged a few hello’s and then walked to my car in a comfortable silence.

When we got to my house, the guys raided my fridge of all its contents and we sat down to play some games. Sandra was unusually quiet, but I didn’t really worry about it too much. I was too excited about my date.

Finally, around 4:15, they left, giving me only about forty-five minutes to get ready and walk to the park.

I headed up to my room and decided I didn’t have enough time to shower. Instead, I just fixed my hair and makeup, adding a little bit more eyeliner. I looked in the mirror once I finished and figured I looked decent enough. I grabbed my wallet, ran down the stairs and started pulling on my boots at the front door. I heard the garage open and my parents car pull in. Not two minutes later my mum walked in. When she saw me she smiled.

"Hey Andy," She said, struggling to pull off her high heel boots. I sighed and walked over to help her.

"Hey mummy." I said, pulling on her right boot when she lifted her leg up high enough. She had to lean on the wall to not topple over considering how tall I am.

"Where are you off to tonight? Hanging with the guys?" She asked.

"Nah, I’m going to go hang out with Ashley Purdy."

My mum looked surprised for a second, then smiled.

"That’s good to hear hun." She said, giving me a quick hug before walking into the kitchen to start dinner. "Do you know what time you’ll be home?"

I shook my head. “No, but I’ll text you as soon as I get home.” I said over my shoulder as I walked back towards the front door.

"Alright. Just remember tomorrow you have school, so I don’t want you out too late."

"I know. I love you."

"I love you too, have fun sweetie." My mum called as I walked out the door.

The ten-minute walk was a chilly one, and I pulled my jacket tighter to me as I breathed in my cigarette. I pulled out my phone and checked the time. Upon seeing that it was 4:56, I started to walk faster. I made it to the park two minutes past five. I noticed Ashley leaning against a tree, doing something with his phone. As I got closer, he looked up quickly and smiled. He looked back down at his phone and swore. I guess he was playing a game. I walked up to him and he put his phone away and pulled me into a hug.

"Hey Andy, I missed you." He whispered into my shoulder. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

I breathed in his scent. “I missed you too,” I replied. We stood like that, arms wrapped tight around each other, for about two minutes.

"Come on," He said, pulling away. "We’re going to be late."

"Going to be late for what?" I asked as Ashley grabbed my hand and started to pull me down the pavement.

"Our date silly."

"I didn’t realise our date had a time limit." I said jokingly. Ashley didn’t respond, he just looked at me and winked.

We walked in a comfortable silence, our hands intertwined as we walked down the pavement. As we walked along, we got a few odd looks and rude comments, but we ignored it. We were too happy and lost in each other’s touch.

Finally, we were standing in front of a fancy looking restaurant. When I saw where we were, my jaw dropped. Ashley turned to look at me, giggled, and kissed me on the nose. He gently closed my jaw and pulled me inside.

When we got up to the front, the lady greeted us, smiling when she saw us holding hands. She was pretty in a plain way. Her blonde hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. Her lips were a nice shade of red, and she wore just a light layer of eyeliner and mascara.

"There should be a reservation under Ashley Purdy." Ashley said, smiling.

The girl looked down at her computer and smiled when she found what she was looking for.

"Right this way sirs." She said, grabbing two menus and leading us into the dinning area.

We walked in and my eyes widened. The ceiling was kind of low, but it just made it more welcoming, especially because the ceiling was covered in tiny circular lights. The seats were an off white and very comfortable looking. When I passed by, I could see why; the seats were covered in a soft cushion. The tops of the tables were a type of marble I’m assuming, which was lined by a dark wood. It looked inviting, and it was very fancy.

The lady sat us down and told us our server would be with us shortly. We said thank you and I turned to Ashley.

"Ashhhy, this place looks really expensive." I whined.

"It’s fine Andy, seriously. I have the money, and I really want to show you how much you mean to me." He said smiling, opening the menu.

"Taking me to McDonald’s would have made me happy." I muttered, suddenly worried.

I don’t eat. How can I sit here in a fancy restaurant pushing around my expensive food around my plate? Ashley would notice. Ashley would say something, realise that I have an eating disorder, and hate me forever. I sighed and looked at the menu, looking for something small and relatively cheap.

The cheapest dish was $15.00. My eyes widened, and Ashley noticed and giggled. He reached over and grabbed my hand.

"Andy baby, get whatever you want. Seriously, it doesn’t matter." He said with a smile. I felt my face heat up when he called me baby and I ducked my head down so that he wouldn’t see.

"Hey, no. Don’t hide your face. I love your blue eyes, plus you look really cute when you blush." Ashley said.

We continued making small talk when our waiter came up. He was a young man with short brown hair and grey eyes. He smiled at us, but when he saw our hands linked together, his smile faded.

"My name is Matt and I’ll be your server for tonight. Can I start you guys off with something to drink?"

"I’ll have a coke." I said flatly. I would have smiled at him, but I noticed that his smile was forced and there was a slight look of disgust in his eyes.

"Ice tea," Ashley said with a smile. Clearly he hadn’t noticed how Matt was treating us.

Matt took down our orders and walked away.

"Ash, didn’t you notice how that guy was looking at us?" I whispered.

To my surprise, he nodded. “But I don’t care. I’m just happy to be on a date with you. I don’t let closed-minded people like that get to me, and neither should you. You’re too cute to worry about what other people think.”

I smiled at him and looked back down at the menu.

"Have you decided what you want?" Ashley asked, trailing circles on my hand.

I nodded slightly. I figured that since Ashley had done this for our first official date, I would try and eat something. One time wouldn’t hurt, would it?

"I kinda want pasta." I said. Ashley smiled at me.

"I’ve been craving steak," He said.

I smiled and looked at the menu, scanning the various types of pasta they had. “Hmm, maybe I’ll have seafood penne.”

"Get whatever you want baby." Ashley said.

Just then, Matt came back with our drinks. “Have you decided what you wanted to eat?”

Ashley looked at me. “Have you ever had calamari?”

I shook my head.

"But you like Seafood, right?" He asked me.

"Yeah," I replied with a smile.

Ash smiled and turned back towards the waiter. “Can we get an order of calamari to start? And then I’ll have the steak.”

"What would you like as your side?" Matt asked without looking up from his notepad.

"Hmm, baked potato please."

"Alright," Matt replied, writing it down. He turned towards me and forced a smile. "And for you sir?"

"I’ll have the seafood penne." I replied.

"Alright," Matt replied yet again, writing it down and sticking his notepad into his front pocket. He grabbed our menus and walked away.

Ten minutes later, Matt brought us our calamari and filled our drinks.

"What is it?" I asked with a laugh, looking at the plate in front of us.

"Squid," Ashley responded, reaching to grab one and dip it in the sauce it came with. He laughed at my expression. "Just try it Andy, I promise you’ll like it."

I reached over slowly, and grabbed the smallest piece I could find. I dipped it into the sauce and stuck it in my mouth. Flavour exploded in my mouth as I chewed and I smiled up at Ashley who was watching me.

"It’s really good Ashy." I smiled. Ashley’s smile grew.

After dinner, Matt took away our plates and asked if we wanted dessert. Ashley looked at me.

"Oh, no. I’m so full." I said, putting a hand on my stomach. I wasn’t lying; the pasta was so good that I ate every last bite. I seriously thought I was going to be sick. I haven’t eaten that much in forever.

"So just the bill?" Matt asked.

Ashley and I nodded at the waiter and he smiled his forced fucking smile and walked away.

"Did you enjoy it, honestly?" Ashley asked, looking a little worried.

I grabbed his hand and smiled at him reassuringly. “Yes, it was really sweet of you to do this on our first date. I mean it Ashy, it means the world to me.”

After Ashley paid, we walked out holding hands.

"Home time?" I asked Ashley.

Ashley shook his head. “Not unless you have to be home, but it’s only seven thirty.” He said, checking his phone.

"No, as long as I’m home before ten it’ll be fine." I said, pulling out my phone to text my mum.

"Alright good, because I’m taking you ice skating!" Ashley said, getting really excited.

I laughed. “Ice skating in March?”

Ashley looked at me with mock sternness. “Andy. Stop being so close-minded you bitch. There’s an ice rink just down the road.”

I laughed and let him lead me down the pavement.

Ice skating was fun. I had only been once or twice, but that was when I was really little. Ashley was enjoying himself greatly; he had a fun time laughing at me whenever I fell.

Currently, he was walking me back to my house, but I could tell something was wrong. He had gone extremely quiet and he kept biting his nails, but whenever I asked him what was wrong he would smile and tell me that it was nothing. Finally, I just gave up and lost myself in the feeling of his hand around mine.

All too soon, we were in front of my house. He pulled my hand so that I was facing him and smiled, worry clear in his brown eyes.

"What is it Ashes?" I asked, using a new nickname I had came up with while at dinner.

"Andy baby, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, but I enjoy your company, and I really like you." Ashley said, looking deep in my eyes.

My heart thudded against my chest as Ashley took a deep breath to continue.

"Andy, will you be my boyfriend?"
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: Ugh. Thanks to whoever pointed out I missed chapter twelve. :P
As always if you enjoyed it (or didn’t) drop me a comment letting me know! Negative or positive feedback makes me a very happy writer. :)

See you next chapter! Cheers! xoxo