Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Two

Ashley Point-of-View

I woke with a groan, my alarm clock screaming at me to wake up. I rolled over, only opening one eye to look at the time; 7:00 am. I let another groan escape my lips as I slammed my hand down upon the snooze button and angrily rolled over. I didn't want to get up, but I knew I had to. I have never missed a day of school in my life.

"But that doesn't mean I have to want to go to school." I whispered to myself, staring at the white ceiling above me.

I stayed like that for about another five minutes before I forced myself to get up, moaning softly as my muscles screamed against it. I was still stiff and sore from football practice Friday, even though it was Monday. It was one hell of a practice, that's for sure. No one ever assumes I'm a football player because I don't look like your typical jock, but that doesn't mean I'm not accepted by them. I look like the Outcasts as we referred to them; the long black hair, leather, tight jeans, chains, and the fact that I wear makeup and listen to rock and metal. But I wasn't treated like an Outcast. I was feared, respected and accepted, while they were not. They were bullied, picked on, and the lowest of the low. Everyone knew it, even they knew it. My friends and fellow team members hated them and had a great time picking on them, especially my best friend Justin. I have never joined in on the beatings or torment, but I have never tried to stop it either.

"That makes me just as bad as Justin," I thought to myself, feeling slightly guilty as I headed towards the shower. I shook my head violetly as I started the shower, mently slapping myself.

"Just because you look like them doesn't mean you're automatically obligated to be their friends." I reminded myself. "It's not your fault you're popular and they're not."

Pretending to feel slightly better about myself, I stepped into the shower, letting the warm water wash over my body. I sighed, feeling the water start to relax my tense muscles, and began to shampoo my hair.

Fifteen minutes later I was sat upon my bed, wearing my favourite super tight, black ripped up skinnies and socks. I was staring blankly into my wardrobe; trying to decide what shirt I wanted to wear. To be honest, I didn't really have that hard of a choice to make, considering I really only had black shirts, but my brain wasn't working today and it was starting to frustrate me. Snarling at my indecisiveness I pushed myself off my bed, closed my eyes, and pulled out the first shirt my hand grabbed. Without looking in the mirror, I pulled it over my head and walked lazily into the bathroom to do my hair and makeup.
After grabbing my makeup bag and turning on my straighter, I finally looked in the mirror. Huh. I was wearing my favourite ripped up KISS tank top. Fine by me. After all, it showed off my muscles.

I chuckled at that thought and put a thin layer of black eye shadow over my eyelids, finishing off with a thick layer of liquid eyeliner on both my upper and lower lids. I used to use just regular pencil eyeliner, but I quickly realised that the liquid liner doesn't run as easily during football AND it was a lot darker.

By the time I had perfectly straightened my hair and double checked myself in the mirror, it was already 8:30. I only had 30 minutes to walk to school, which in reality didn't matter too much because school was only about 15 minutes away, but I'm a lazy person and I like taking my time. I slung my backpack over my shoulder, and walked downstairs to the kitchen. I grabbed an apple from the basket sitting on the counter and made my way to the front door to pulled on my black cowboy boots.

"Someone is in a hurry." I heard someone chuckle from the kitchen. I looked up, apple still stuck firmly in my mouth, and saw my dad leaning against the wall with an amused expression on his face. I smiled sheeplishly and took a bite of the apple, feeling the juices run down my chin.

"Morning dad."

"Running late?" He asked with a smirk.

"Nope," I replied cheerfully. "Not in reality anyway! Love you!" I called, walking out the front door.

I arrived at school five minutes before the bell signaling class rang out. I lazily walked to class, purposefully making sure that I was at least two minutes late for maths.

"You're late again Purdy." Mr. Mclean sighed, pretending to be fed up. I shrugged as a response and grinned. He gave me a small wink.

"Sit down."

I did as I was told, still smiling like an idiot. The only reason I purposefully made myself late for this class and for this class only was because I was on such good terms with Mr. Mclean. It's become a kind of running joke between us, and as long as I'm not more than five minutes late, he'll keep seeing it that way.

The rest of my morning classes passed uneventfully. It was lunch that I was really looking forward to. I grabbed my lunch, sat down at my usual table and started shoving food hungerly into my mouth. As much as I loved my classes, I loved lunch more. What can I say, I was a typical teenage guy. Sleep, food and music was all I really truely cared about. Well, that and girls.

"Hey baby," a voice purred in my ear. I froze, fork half way to my mouth. I sighed inwardly, placed my fork down, and turned around.

"Hey Kina." I said, forcing a smile as she plopped herself down into my lap. Kina was my girlfriend, well, on-again off-again girlfriend. Honestly, I didn't really like her, but I only put up with her because the sex was good and she was always willing to put out. Hey, did I mention that I was your typical teenage guy?

"How are you?" She asked, sounding a bit bored. I knew she didn't care about my answer, but I gave her one anyway.

"Better now that you're here." I whispered. If I was nice and sucked up a bit, maybe I would get sex tonight.

"Aweh," she chuckled. Suddenly, I felt her fingers walking up my thigh and to my crotch. My eyes widened and I felt my self harden under her touch. Someone was horny.

She softly laughed again, her breath in my ear. "You wanna go somewhere a bit private baby?"

Fuck yes I did. But I made it a rule to never have sex in school. Ever. As badass as I was, I wasn't that much of a badass.

"N-no, Kina, we talked about this." I groaned and silently cursed myself.

She laughed. Again. "You say one thing, but your body says another."

"Kina, stop." I demanded, grabbing her hand and lightly shoving her off me.

"Fuck. Whatever Purdy." She turned on her heel and huffed off.

Whatever. She would pout for a little bit but then come crawling right back. This happened almost every week. I looked down, and sighed. Since my pants were so tight, the bulge was very noticable. I pulled myself up and walked quickly to the bathroom.
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A/N: Wooh! Chapter two. As always, comment! Give me your feedback, positive OR negative! I can only improve my writing if I have feedback! See you in chapter three! (I will try and get better at posting more often ahha.) Cheers!