Status: Completed

Could This Be Love?

Chapter Thirty-Three

Andy’s Point of View

As soon as Ashley’s lips met mine I jerked back like I had been shocked.

“Andy? What’s going on?” I heard Ashley whisper. I heard the hurt and confusion in his voice, but I didn’t respond. Instead, I untangled myself from Ashley’s arms and turned to look at Jinxx from underneath my fringe once my feet had touched the ground. I felt guilty and I again found myself wanting to cry. Jinxx had just broken up with me no more than a minute ago. I shouldn’t have been as happy as I was to see Ashley. I should have restrained myself and talked to Ashley after Jinxx left; not kiss him right in front of Jinxx.

Jinxx, who was previously looking at the ground, looked up slightly and noticed me looking at him. He raised his head slightly higher and gave me a small smile, even though I could see the silent tears running down his face. I tried to return his fake smile with one of my own, but I couldn’t. Jinxx’s smile faded slightly.

“We’ll talk later.” He mouthed with a slight smile. I was about to protest, which Jinxx obviously knew because he just shook his head as he walked towards us.

“I’m going to go meet the guys. See you later?” His voice cracked as he tried holding back tears. He cleared his throat and gave us a forced smile.

“Sure.” I said. Ashley nodded, clearly confused.

Once Jinxx was inside the doors Ashley turned to me.

“Andy, what the fuck is going on? Did Jinxx dump you? Wh-“

I cut him off with a shake of my head. “Ash, I’ll explain later, but yes. Jinxx did dump me. I do have one very important question to ask you right now though.”

Ashley took in a deep breath. “What?”

“Ashes. I was stupid for breaking up with you. I thought it was for the best and that I would be better off without you. I thought I could get over you, but I was wrong. I love you so fucking much Ashley. So fucking much, and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to stop. I don’t want to stop.” I paused for a breath. Ashley opened his mouth but didn’t say anything. “Ashes. Will you be my boyfriend again?”

Ashley’s Point of View

I took a deep breath that sounded almost like a gasp. I waited for Andy to burst out laughing and for Jinxx to come outside giggling, wrapping his arms around Andy. I was waiting for them to tell me this was a huge joke.
Because this is what this whole thing is. The cruel voice in my mind whispered harshly. Even though the Voice was obviously just in my head and didn’t actually have a body or face, I knew that if It did it would be sneering at me, and rolling its eyes at how stupid I was being for almost believing Andy was actually being genuine. I tried to reason with the Voice, to tell It that maybe Andy was actually asking me to be his boyfriend again, but that only made the Voice angry.

Jesus fuck, Ashley. I knew you were a stupid, pathetic little cunt but I never knew you were this stupid. Why the hell would want to get back together with you when he has Jinxx?

The Voice continued to insult me as tears filled my eyes. Willing to shut It up, or even quiet the fuck down for a bit, I cleared my throat.

“What happened with you and Jinxx?” I asked.

The smile that Andy had on his face slipped when I didn’t say the words he was obviously hoping, and expecting, to hear.

“I told I’d tell you later.” Andy replied after a moment filled with awkward silence.

I shook my head. “No, I need to know now. You can’t just ask me out like this without telling me what happened to you and the guy you originally dumped me for. Does he know we slept together, or what?”

My harsh words made Andy flinch and break eye contact with me. He looked down, and I mentally slapped myself. Now he was probably wondering why he asked me out again in the first place.

Well, he probably would be wondering that if he seriously asked you out in the first place. The Voice laughed.

I was beginning Andy would never answer when he finally looked up. Unshed tears made his blue eyes shine.

“He knows, but that’s not why he broke up with me. He broke up with me because I’m in love with you.”

I opened my mouth but didn’t know what to say. Even the Voice was silent for once. After a while Andy realised I wasn’t going to speak.

“He told me that even though he knows I love him, that he knows I love you just as much if not a little more.” Andy continued with a sigh. “He said he thinks I’ll start to resent him if he doesn’t let me get back together with you.”

“I-I don’t understand.”

“Ashley, don’t you see? Jinxx broke up with me so I could get back together with you.”

He’s lying. The Voice muttered when I didn’t say anything, but even It sounded unsure. Andy was a relatively good actor, but somehow I knew that the tears running down his face were real.

“Y-You’re not lying to me, are you?” I whispered.

Andy literally took a step back from me in surprise. “Why the hell would I be lying to you about this?”

I shrugged in response. “Why are you doing this Andy? I’m moving to fucking England soon. And don’t even say we could try doing long distance. We both know that fucking shit ends badly.”

“I wasn’t going to say we could make this work after you moved.”

I looked at Andy suspiciously. The way he looked down and away from me made my chest tighten. I immediately started to doubt him again. “You’re keeping something from me.”

Andy didn’t say anything. He didn’t even move.

“Andy, if you want to get back together you can’t keep fucking secrets from me.”

Andy looked up. “Jinxx broke up with me so I could get back together with you, but he loves me and doesn’t want to lose me forever. I don’t want to lose him either, because as much as I love you, I love him too.”

The meaning of the words began to slowly sink in. “We would break up when I move and you’d get back together with him.” I said flatly.

Andy nodded slowly. I took a deep breath, weighing my options.

On one hand, I loved Andy with all my heart, and I wanted nothing more than to get back together with him. In fact I had dreamed of this moment ever since Andy had broke up with me the first time.

On the other hand, I didn’t know if I was actually okay with the idea of dating Andy for the little time I was here, only to end things with him again. I would be crushed when the inevitable end finally came, but he would just go back to Jinxx like nothing even happened. Was I really okay with that?

I glanced at Andy and watched him as he stared at the ground. He had his arms folded lightly across his chest and I noticed that the fingers on his right hand twitched slightly, an obvious sign that he was desperately craving a cigarette due to the emotions that were running high because of the nature of this conversation.

My eyes moved away from his hands to study his face, even though it was almost all covered by his long hair. Even after all this time, I never got over how perfect his hair contrasted with his pale and stupidly smooth fucking skin.

Andy felt my gaze and looked up, and like any other time he looked at me, his blue eyes made me forget how to breathe.

“What?” Andy asked.

“Nothing. I just…” I paused, not knowing what to say. “I was just thinking about how much I hate you and your flawless fucking skin.”

Andy looked taken aback for a moment, but then grinned. “My flawless skin?”

I felt myself beginning to blush. “Well, yes. You like, put a fuck ton of makeup on all the time and you never wash it off except in the shower and you never get a zit. Ever. I wash my face every night and every morning and despite all that effort my face still ends up looking like a pepperoni pizza sometimes.”

Andy burst out laughing. “Your face looks fine now.”

I felt my face heat up even more. “That’s because I got a bunch of new skin stuff that I’m trying out. It’s supposed to help oily skin or something. I don’t know.” I muttered.

Andy just laughed harder. “Oh Ashley, you’re so manly.”

I giggled. “Right?” As I watched Andy hold his stomach while he continued to laugh I knew that I was completely okay with Andy going back to Jinxx after I left. I loved him too much to say no to him. I wanted him to be happy and if that meant getting my heart broken again I was okay with that.

With my mind made up, I took a step forward and pulled Andy into my arms. He stopped giggling and hugged me back after a moment.

“Yes.” I whispered into his hair.


“Yes, Andrew Dennis Biersack, I will be your boyfriend again.”

The smile that lit up Andy’s face was one I knew I would never forget.

“I love you.” I whispered, smiling. Andy’s smile grew even larger.

“I love you too.”

We fell into silence, still smiling stupidly at each other. I was the first to break eye contact and my gaze fell to his hands, which were still shaking slightly.

I laughed a bit. “Should we go back inside and meet up with the guys or did you need to have a smoke first?”

Andy smiled sheepishly. “I really need a smoke first.”

I watched him pull out a smoke from his pack and shook my head slightly. “You really should cut down, babe. Or quit.”

Andy smiled slightly. “I’m working on it.”

“Mhm. How many did you have during your conversation with Jinxx?” I asked jokingly.

Andy’s smile faded and I instantly regretted bringing up Jinxx. Andy looked down before clearing his throat and looking back up with a painfully obvious fake smile. “A few. But in all fairness, Jinxx helped me finish one off.”

“What?” I laughed. “I didn’t know Jinxx smoked.”

Andy shook his head. “He doesn’t. But it was a stressful conversation.”


After a few seconds Andy smirked at me and exhaled some smoke. “Have you ever tried before?”

“What? Smoking?”

Andy nodded.

“No.” I said laughing. “And I don’t want to.”

“Oh come on, you can’t knock it until you try it.” Andy said laughing, holding the cigarette in my direction.

“Yes I can.” I laughed. “The smell is gross.”

“Just try it!”

“Stop trying to peer pressure me!”

“Just once and I’ll shut up about it.” Andy said, pouting. I sighed and after hesitating a moment, I reached over and took the smoke.

“Uh, what do I do?”

Andy laughed. “Just like, put it to your lips and breathe in.”

“Do I like, hold it or something?”

Andy shook his head. “Well, I mean you could, but…”

I brought the smoke to my lips and breathed in like Andy told me to. The smoke burned my throat all the way down and I ended up coughing.

“How do you fucking enjoy that?” I said in between my violent coughing fit.

Andy just laughed and took the smoke back. “You get used to it.” He said shrugging.

Finally I stopped coughing and watched Andy inhale, throwing back his head as he blew out the smoke.

“You look kind of sexy when you do it, but it’s still gross.”

“What can I say, I’m a sexy man.”

I laughed as my phone started to ring. I reached into my pocket to grab it and answered without checking the caller ID.


“Hey, where are you? Is Andy with you?” Jake asked.

“Yeah, we’re coming. Andy just needed to have a smoke first.”

“Kay. Meet us at the food court. CC wanted ice cream.”

“What the fuck? We literally just ate!”

Jake laughed. “I know, but the kid is a fat ass.”

“Right? Kay, we’re coming in now. See you in five.” I said, watching Andy drop his smoke before stepping on it.

I hung up the phone and slid it back into my jeans. “We’re meeting at the food court. CC wanted ice cream.”

Andy laughed and shook his head. “I swear to fucking god man. One of these days his eating habits are going to catch up to him and he’s going to be like, 300 fucking pounds.”

I laughed as Andy grabbed my hand and lead me to the entrance of the mall.


“Hello, friendship!” CC excitedly said as Andy and I got close to where everyone was standing. I smiled at him and he smiled back, happily licking away at his ice cream cone.

“So you guys are officially back together?” Jake asked when he noticed Andy’s hand in mine. He didn’t seem shocked or anything, meaning that Jinxx had told them before hand. My smile faded and I looked quickly at Jinxx.

“Uh, yeah.” I muttered. Jake smiled at me.

“So, I need to go find a gift for my grandpa. Shall we go?” Andy asked.

We all nodded and started walking, Andy and myself in the lead. I let go of his hand and slowed down so that I was walking next to Jinxx.

“Hey.” I muttered.

“Hey Ash, what’s up?”

“Uh. Nothing. Just… I-“ I paused, not knowing what to say. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He said, flashing me a smile. The smile itself looked completely genuine, meaning that he wasn’t mad at me, but the smile never reached his eyes.

“Why… Just, I don’t understand why you did what you did, like… Was it because he cheated on you w-with me?” I choked out.

Jinxx gave a forced, quiet laugh. “No. I love him too much. I’m pissed you guys did that but… No. I broke up with him because he loves you and needs to be with you. Surely he explained it all?”

I nodded. “So… Why don’t you hate me?”

“Because it’s not your fault. Like, yes it takes two people to cheat but I know it was probably Andy who came onto you first, and I know how persuasive the kid is, especially because of how much you love him. Plus I guess I kind of deserved it in a way.”

“How the hell did you deserve it?” I asked.

“Because I basically took him away from you, even though you’re one of my best friends and I knew how much you loved him. Like, I basically did the same thing to you as you did to me… But the difference is I did it on purpose.”

“I knew what I was doing when I slept with him.” I muttered.

Jinxx laughed. “Yes, I know you did. But at the same time you guys were both pretty drunk, am I right?”

“Well, yes. But being drunk is no excuse.”

“No, it’s not. But don’t worry about it, okay? I’m not mad at you or Andy. At all. In fact, I’m kind of happy you two are back together. It’s like old times.”

“You’re happy we’re back together?” I asked, extremely doubtful.

“Yes. You two are cute together. Plus, the main reason I broke it off with Andy was so you two could get back together. In fact, if you hadn’t of I would have been pissed.” Jinxx joked.

I smiled but didn’t say anything.

“Seriously Ashley, cheer up!” Jinxx laughed, lightly pushing me. “I’m not mad, and I’m fine. So stop feeling bad!”

I looked up at him and smiled. “Jinxx, you’re the greatest guy ever. Seriously, I’m lucky to have you as a friend.”

Jinxx smiled, and this time the smile actually reached his eyes. “Bitch, isn’t everyone?” He laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
A/N: HI! OH MY GOD THAT WAS A POINTLESS CHAPTER. And longish too. But. The plot is pretty much developed and honestly I wanted this to be the last chapter but that would have been unfair to you guys because there would have been like, no Andley. So DON’T WORRY. I’m not ending the story for at least a few more chapters. :)

As always, please leave me a comment letting me know how I’m doing. Positive, and negative, comments are welcomed with very big and very loving open arms.
If you notice any mistakes at all: PLEASE LET ME KNOW! :D

See you guys next chapter.

I love you!